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Transitional Space

“Transitional space is the space of play and

creativity —where our culture is created,
where love can grow, where teaching and
learning take place, where art is made,and
where culture is created.”

-Donald Winnicott
English Psychoanalyst
Why Transitional Space?

After researching a lot about interactive installations in public

space, I found myself interested in the relation between the
viewers and the space. Lots of the projects I love were actually
located in a transitional space, where people normally won’t stay.
It’s the place where people walk by everyday, but never take a
second look. I started to wonder what I can do with this space.
Why Transitional Space?

By bringing in some interactive installations, people could get a

glimpse of the future and appreciate more about the space. They
could bring delight to people and also ignite dialogue between the
space and the viewer. I’m interested in the temporality of the
interactive art and want to dissect the interactivity and the
philosophy behind of them.
Phase 1:Identification

I need to define the type of transitional space I’m interested

to investigate, so I went on a tour around the city and took
lots of pictures...

Types of transition:
1. Transition between 2 destination.
2. Transition between exterior and interior
3. Transition between nature to buildings
1. Transition between 2 destination
2. Transition between exterior and interior
3. Transition between nature to buildings
1. Transition between 2 destination
2. Transition between exterior andinterior
3. Transition between nature to buildings
1. Transition between 2 destination
2. Transition between exterior and interior
3. Transition between nature andbuildings
Phase 2:Observation

I want to learn people’s behavior in these kinds of space, so

I took some videos to document and see if there are
interesting findings…

Thesis R&D
Interventions, Probes
& Prototypes
Phase 3:Intervention

I want to know what makes people interact in a transitional

space. What triggers people to stop andengage?

I put two papers in the studio at 9:00 am, 10/1. One with 20 circles and one
with 20 squares. No further explanations. See what happens…
Phase 3:Intervention

I want to know what makes people interact in a transitional

space. What triggers people to stop andengage?

I put two papers in the studio at 9:00 am, 10/1. One with 20 circles and one
with 20 squares. No further explanations. See what happens…

10/2 Tue

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