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Reporter: JHERALDYN T.
Our values as a Filipino comes from our historical, social, religious,
political, and cultural aspects that influence many Filipino to act and
behave in a certain positive and negative manner. By these influence many
values emerge and use as a day to day habit and by these habit it becomes our
culture. Our traits and behavior as a Filipino is a mix and the sum total of
different influence from many races who colonize and settle for many business
and systems in the Philippines. First we influenced by the Chinese, in terms
of values, we learned to respect the elderly, Filipino ties, commemorate the
death of our love ones, being thrifty and humble. Second are the Arab, we
learned to be a faithful friend and good in marketing. Third are the Hindus,
we learned the values of ‘bahala na” (come what may), martyrdom, etc. Third
are the Japanese fourth is the Spanish that colonize us for how many years
and influence us bigger by their culture and values which we are today, and
the last are Americans.
By these different kinds of culture, values, and behaviors, we Filipinos tried to adapt these traits
and absorb many of them and as time goes by we are using these behavior and character as our own
and by the means of repetition it becomes our habit and makes us who we are as a Filipino.

In terms of social perspectives, our values affects the society, and too often the society affects
our values as an individual. We Filipino are very sociable and very friendly to our coworkers and
other people who is part of our journey in our day to day living. In these report we are going to
discover what really means our values for us and how these affect our lives

1. Hospitability. It’s one of the most popular traits of

Filipinos. We are usually friendly and welcoming to our
guests. This Filipino attribute makes the Philippines one of
the most favorite destinations by tourists who want to enjoy
the beauty of our nature and the friendliness of our people,
not to mention we can also understand and speak English.
2. Adaptability and resilience. Despite of all the calamities
that struck our country, like the strong earthquake and
Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) that devastated the
central part of Visayas in 2013, Filipinos are persistent
enough to get back on their feet, even without the solid
help from the government. We can also adapt to any type
of environment and mingle with any kind of people all over
the world.
3. Resourcefulness and creativity. Filipinos are known for
ingenuity. We are creative in many ways, whether it’s in art,
music, science, technology and business. Some of our
smartest countrymen can come up with a brilliant idea
despite of poverty or lack of financial resources. We are also
good in recycling trash and turn them into ingenious
4. Faithfulness. The Filipinos are one of the most faithful
people in the world. Whatever our religion is, we remain
faithful and we don’t lose hope for a better tomorrow. Our
faithfulness and hopefulness keep us kind, positive,
peaceful and determined to achieve our goals no matter how
impossible they may seem.
5. Unity in “bayanihan” spirit. We are in close relationship with our
neighbors. In barangays and most subdivisions, the people in the
neighborhood know each other, talk each other, help each other, and
protect each other. Our communities are organized. We help each other to
make our fiestas, festivals and other events lively and colorful to make
sure that our visitors will have a great experience.
6. Thriftiness. There may be Filipinos who are living
beyond their means. But on the brighter side, there are
also many Filipinos who are frugal. We shop wisely to
save our money for future important uses. We are
conscious on the price tag, discounts and quality of the
products we buy to get the most out of our money.
Filipino parents also do sacrifices like skipping the stuff
they want to buy for themselves just to save their
money to buy things that can make their children
7. Politeness. Filipinos are courteous people. The children and young
Filipinos will always use the words “po” and “opo” to show respect to
someone who’s older or who’s in the higher position than them. We also
do the “mano po” gesture (bringing the back of the hand of an elder to
one’s forehead) as a sign of respect to our elders. Moreover, Filipino
workers will always address their customers with “sir” or “ma’am” to
show humility and honor to serve them.
8. Family-oriented. Filipinos are willing to make big sacrifices
just to make sure that their loved ones will have a good life.
Our parents will do anything just to give us a brighter future.
They are even willing to work in a foreign soil just to achieve
such goal. And in return, we study hard and even sacrifice our
personal love life just to fulfill the dreams of our parents for
us. Furthermore, many Filipino breadwinners work
extraordinarily hard just to earn money to support their family.
9.Bravery. There’s a hero’s blood running on our veins. We
have the most fearless heroes who only think of defending our
homeland. Remember Lapu-Lapu, Andress Bonifacio and Jose
Rizal. Moreover, our soldiers are probably the bravest in the
world. General Douglas MacArthur was even quoted saying
“Give me ten thousand Filipino soldiers and I will conquer the

11. Discretion and dignity. Perhaps many of our
politicians don’t have a delicadeza. But our people,
especially the Filipinas, still observe delicadeza. Despite
of the growing number of Filipinos who are giving up
their delicadeza, there are still many Filipinos who
always think twice before they make a decision that can
affect their dignity and honor. Thanks to their parents
who raised them up with high moral standards.
12. Gratefulness. Aside from being hospitable, Filipinos are also thankful. We
don’t forget anyone who helped us, whether he (she) is a Filipino or not. We
even build monuments to show our utmost respect and gratitude to our heroes
and other foreign personalities who helped the Filipino people. We show
our warmest gratitude to the international communities who helped us rebuild
our lives after Haiyan and other disasters struck us.
13. Honesty and commitment. Perhaps “palabra de
honor” is not evident among our politicians, but it’s
still evident among the common Filipinos. When
we make a promise, we try our best to fulfill that
promise even if it will undermine ourselves. For us,
to fulfill a promise to others is a great self-
fulfillment. We are also candor. What we see in
you, we will tell you frankly.
14. Helpfulness. Finally, even if the Philippines is not a
big and rich country, we still grant aids to other
countries in need. We also send our brave soldiers to
protect other nations from threats and to preserve
world peace.
1. Crab mentality
There are some of us Filipinos who got a bitter view at
competition—that if we cannot win, then no one will. Instead of
helping each other to be successful, we even make ways to pull
them down like discourage them from taking great opportunities,
or destroying their image. This is because we want to be the only
one at the top. If only we would see the achievements of our
neighbors or colleagues as an inspiration to reach our own goals
instead of considering them as threats. We should realize that the
success of each Filipino will contribute to the improvement of the
country, and this can help all of us to be successful as well.
2. Procrastination or “Mañana Habit “
This is another habit which keeps the development of our country
slow. Look at the government projects which have been left undone
for years. If only they were completed immediately, then many
Filipinos would have already benefited from them. This is also true
with many of us. Instead of working on a task while there is much
time, we wait for the deadline because we feel lazy to start on them,
or we want to use the time in other things. Of course, the outcome
of our completed work would not be of high quality because they
were rushed.
3.”Bahala na” or “come what may” habit
This is another habit that destroys the image of Filipinos.
Instead of doing something to make things happen, we tend to
just leave the outcome to whatever that could happen—come
what may—we say. For instance, instead of studying for exams,
some students may spend more time in computer games and
gimmicks, while leaving their chance of passing the midterms
to luck. We could attribute this habit to faith, reasoning out
that God will help us become successful. However, as the
Christian saying goes, “faith without work is dead”. If we have
some goals, then we need to work in order to achieve them.
4. Hypocrisy (being a double-faced person)
As a country which claims to value morality, most of us try to live up to
the standards set by the traditional society. However, as no one is
perfect, many of us are not actually able to sustain these standards. The
fear of being an outcast has forced a lot of people to live a double
standard life. To hide our failure in following a norm, we tend to be
condemning to those who are caught red handed. A perfect example
could be the criticisms faced by those who become pregnant outside
marriage. The sad fact behind this scenario is that some of these critics
could have actually engaged in premarital sex too—only that no proof is
5. Ningas cogon
In Spanish, “ningas cogon” means a burning cogon grass. This flaming
grass quickly burns out—and this best describes one of the worst
Filipino traits. Most of us are very good at this. We are excellent at
starting projects or idea execution. Nevertheless, after a few hours or
days, we lose the excitement, and we become too lazy to finish what we
have started.
6. Filipino time (tardiness)
Instead of being something to be proud of, ‘Filipino
time’ brings a negative impression to our people. The
Filipino time is usually associated with tardiness.
When the invitation says the program will start at 7pm,
it is expected to begin at 9pm. When the date is set at
3pm, the partner will arrive at 5 o’ clock. This has
not only caused conflicts in relationships, it also
discourages others including foreigners from getting
involved in supposedly productive activities as too
much time can be wasted on waiting.
7. Gossiping
Filipinos are fond of talking about others’ business. It is
not true that only women are into gossiping. Even men can
also be nosy on other people’s lives. Sadly, this does not
bring any good to the subjects. Secrets are brought out;
failures and flaws are emphasized; and relationships are
destroyed. Worse, as gossips are passed around, they tend
to be twisted until the final story becomes too far from
the original—thus, causing more damage.
8. Blaming others (irresponsibility)
We, Filipinos, can sometimes be too self-righteous. When mistakes happen,
we do not want to take the blame, so instead we point at others. This
shows how we can be irresponsible for our actions. This attitude destroys
team work, and reliability becomes an issue. This habit is also popular
among our public officials. I know you know what happened during the
Yolanda crisis. The rescue and rehabilitation operations in the Yolanda
affected areas became slow, courtesy of the blaming habits of our
politicians in position.

9. Inconsideration (being thoughtless of others)
This habit could be a result of having too many things on
mind—have to find money for kids’ tuition, need to look for
a better job, stress over a drunkard or unfaithful spouse,
and other problems. We become insensitive to the needs of
other people because we need to focus on ourselves first.
However, this country could be an easier place to live in if
we were thoughtful enough to show kindness to one another.
These problems will be easier to deal with if we will help
each other get over them.
10. Ignoring or not following simple rules and instructions
Laws and regulations are created to make communities
harmonious. However, how can we achieve that peaceful
neighborhood if we cannot even follow the simplest rules like
crossing on the pedestrian lane and not loitering around? It
is not enough that we demand change in our government.
We should also strive to start change in ourselves by being
disciplined citizens even in the smallest ways.
11. Attention grabbing (being an ‘epal’)
It is natural for Filipinos to attract attention by standing out as we
are a fun and people loving race. Nevertheless, it is a different thing
to be an “epal” or “kapalmuks”—simply, being an attention grabber.
Sometimes, in our desperate need to be the center of attention, we do
things that are already embarrassing like butting in conversations as a
know-it-all or by being scandalous. This habit is also common to our
politicians. Instead of prioritizing their duty to give the best service
to the people, they rather prioritize their thick faces to grab
attention that will bring them more chance of winning in the next
election. But thanks to our vigilant netizens, this kind of politicians
earn more shame than fame.
12. Being onion-skinned or too sensitive
Another habit or attitude that we need to change is our being too
prideful which usually results to being oversensitive. If we think
highly of ourselves, then we have the tendency to put a wall
around us and that signboard on our forehead saying, “I must be
respected.” Therefore, when someone makes a joke or a not so
positive comment about us, we feel like we are not respected and
we get offended. If all people in the country do not know how to
accept constructive criticism, then we can never expect unity.
13. Living beyond their means (social climbing)
One of the reasons why a lot of Filipinos live in poverty is
because of overspending. Since most people want to live an
elite lifestyle, many resort to social climbing or living beyond
their means. Sometimes, some of us think that as long as we
wear designer clothes and shoes, and we send our children to
the most expensive schools, it is alright to be swimming in
credits and loans.
14. Passivity (lack of leadership)
Filipinos’ lack of initiative for change is also one reason why
our country does not progress. We keep on complaining
against the government and other societal issues. However,
we do not do anything about them. One of our excuses is the
lack of faith that our small actions can bring change.
However, the worse reason for this could be our lack of care
for what is happening around us. Common Filipinos also lack
courage and confidence. If you can notice it, in classrooms,
churches, or conference rooms, most of us don’t like to sit in
the front seat.
 What is a nationalist? a nationalist, is a person who believes in the
superiority of their country over others. Being a Filipino, we have the
trait of being nationalistic in our blood. We gained this trait during the
time colonizers came to take over.

 Being nationalistic is one way to show love for your country but there
are many very simple things that everyone could do to show love for the
1. Respect the Philippine flag and value the Filipino identity
Being Filipinos, we should respect our Philippine flag and its
purpose. The history and value of this flag are connected to the
freedom we have today. Encourage our fellowmen to participate
and respect our flag and its anthem and even our different
symbols. They provide us our identity as Flipinos or citizens of
the beautiful Republic of the Philippines.

2. Be a productive citizen
Be industrious and make ourselves productive, not only for ourselves
but for our country as well. Serve the people, serve our nation
3. Be aware of the issues in our country
We must be aware and updated on the significant issues
happening in the country. Extend help to the needy fellowmen,
especially the victims of disasters like typhoons, flooding, and the
4. Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement
Filipinos is globally competitive in many aspects. They are proud to be a
Filipino and for the honors they bring to our country. They unite every
Filipino for their achievements. We can be proud of Filipinos like Manny
Pacquiao, the Azkals Football Team, the Gilas Pilipinas Basketball Team,
and many more.
5. Patronize and support our own products
The Philippines has rich resources to create quality goods and
products. The manpower services we provide are also globally
competitive. Our economy will improve more if we ourselves
patronize our own products which characterize our creativity,
resourcefulness, and industry.
6. Preserve the Filipino culture
Philippines is rich in various colorful cultural elements. They are
our identity. Be proud and preserve the culture we have for they
are our treasure. We have to keep them for the future generation.

7. Respect everyone and value our traditions

Filipinos are very courteous and respectful. Even in modern times, many
Filipinos show and value their noble norms and traditions. So we
Filipinos must continue to exercise these good traditions like respecting
our elders and others, by using “po at opo”, being hospitable, and being
8. Speak out our own language
Using our own language is manifesting and preserving our national
identity. It is our unique means of communicating and interacting with
our fellowmen. Our language is an important tool to achieve further
unity and national development.
9. Remember and commemorate our heroes’ sacrifices for our country
There were many Filipinos who died for our democracy, freedom, and
independence. Some fought using their pens and tongues, while some
used the power of their arms and weapons. Each had their own way of
showing their love and respect to our country. In today’s generation, let
us value and treasured our heroes sacrifices and devotion for our

10. Love our family, our neighbors, and our compatriots

Love and help one another. That way, we are showing the world that we
are proud to be Filipinos. Stand united! Do something to help each other
and for the greater good for mother country. Love everyone and love our
country as we love ourselves.

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