History Timeline

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Prepared: dcheqsy
During the pre-colonial period,
the most notable discovery of
the ancient alphabet called
alibata or baybayin was used.
There was also the umalohokan
or the town crier whose major
role was to go around the
barangay and announce
important information that
concerns the citizenry. This was
the ancient counterpart of
today's broadcaster.
Books, magazines, and newspapers
were brought to the Philippines by
the ancient colonizers, mostly printed
in a language that not everybody in
the archipelago could speak. In 1811,
the first newspaper in the country,
Del Superior Govierno, was
Hand tools and power-
driven machines are
starting to develop in this
age. The printing press
spread within several
decades to over two
hundred cities in a dozen an estimated 150 to 200 million copies.
European countries. In the The operation of a press became
16th century, with presses synonymous with the enterprise of
spreading further afield, printing, and lent its name to a new
their output rose tenfold to branch of media, "the press".
La Solidaridad, the most
popular nationalistic
newspaper in 1889, was
American colonialization (1898–
1946) left a mark on the press and
shaped its style: a flourid lingua, a
neutral attitude, paired with the
contribution of opinionated and
popular columnists. Asia’s first radio
stations were found back then –
possible as the Philippine broadcast
media was not owned or tightly
controlled by the government as it
was all over the rest of the
In 1890, the first
telephone system of
the country began its
operations, and the
whole archipelago
enjoyed this system of
information and
The Cinematographie film camera
and projector invented by the
Lumiere brothers came through
the Spanish soldier named Carlo Naquera. Naquera showed
several Spanish-language films to selected audiences in 1987. In
the American Colonial, imported films from America were shown
in the early theaters in Manila during the early 1900s. That they
believe the Film is a universal and powerful medium of
information and communication dissemination.
In 1898, The Manila Times, one of the long-running
newspapers in the country, was established.
American businessman
Henry Herman first
operated a small radio
station in 1922 to serve as
a product demonstration
media for his business
called the Electrical
Supply Company.
When the American comics
arrived in the 1940s, it
became a combined art
form that many Filipinos
loved as it was somehow a
cross between paintings,
films, and literary stories
During martial law in 1972, then-
president Ferdinand Marcos's
first moves were to suppress
press freedom which forced the
brightest journalists
underground and even jailing
some of them. Some
newspapers were allowed to
reopen but their slant was always
pro-dictatorship and pro-
Broadcast or storage media that
take advantage of electronic
technology. They may include
television, radio, Internet, fax,
CD-ROMs, DVD, and any other
medium that requires electricity
or digital encoding of
information. The term
'electronic media' is often used
in contrast with print media
In 1990, the Manila
Bulletin which was
also one of the
newspapers in the
Philippines was
Benjie Tan, who was working for
ComNet, a company that supplied Cisco
routers to the Philnet project, established
the Philippine's first connection to the
Internet at a PLDT network center in
Makati City. Shortly thereafter, he posted
a short message to the Usenet
newsgroup soc.culture.filipino to alert
Filipinos overseas that a link had been
made. As of March 29, 1994 at 1:15 am
Philippine time, unfortunately 2 days late
due to slight technical difficulties, the
Philippines is now connected.
During the Information Age,
the digital industry creates a
knowledge-based society surrounded
by a high-tech global economy that
spans over its influence on how the
manufacturing throughout and the
service sector operate in an efficient
and convenient way. Therefore this
evolution of technology in daily life
and social organization has led to the fact that the modernization
of information and communication processes has become the
driving force of social evolution.
• https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/history-of-philippine-media-
• https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/the-evolution-of-media-in-the-

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