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The Atomic Models

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J. J. Thompson
The Plum Pudding Model
● The electrons (-) were thought to be
like the plums in a plum pudding
and the rest of the space is
positively (+) charged
● J. J. Thompson was credited for the
discovery of the electron (-)

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Ernest Rutherford
The Nuclear Model
● He did the Gold Foil Experiment
where some negatively charged
rays passed through and some
● Discovery of the nucleus (positively
charged and occupies a small
space in the atom)
● The atom is mostly empty space

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Niels Bohr
The Astronomical Model
● Electrons were like rotating in orbits around
the nucleus, like planets around the sun.
● The orbits were named K (2 e-),L (8 e-), M
(18 e-) and N (32 e-).
● Electrons are never in-between orbits
● Energy gain = electrons move to outer
● Energy loss= electrons move to an inner

The Wave
According to this model, an electron acts as both a wave and a particle.
This is part of Quantum Physics and scientists such as Louis de Broglie,
Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg contributed to
this idea.
The Wave Model
● Electrons have no definite path, the
location is undetermined. The probable
location is based on how much energy
the electron has.
● The electron travel like a wave, not a
straight path

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