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What is a Web site?

• A Web site is a
communication tool that
allows people to share
• For your business, it can
serve as an electronic
brochure that is available 24
hours a day 7 days a week!
What can a Web site do for ME?

• A Web site can lead to…

• More customers

• Increased awareness of your business

• Both inside and outside of the local community!

• More credibility
• For today’s younger generation, having a Web site means a
business is “legitimate.”

• A reduction in marketing / advertising costs

What type of information goes
on a Web site?
• Contact Information (phone
number, email)
• Business hours
• Background information about your
• Product / Service Information
• Any information that may be
valuable to your customer
• This enhances your image by helping your
clients to better understand your business
and to allow potential customers to make
a more informed decision.

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