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Media and Information Literacy

Literacy - Ability to read, write and understand.
Information Literacy
- Ability to find, evaluate and use what you’ve
Media Literacy
- Ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create
what you’ve found/evaluated/used in a variety of
Technology Literacy
- Ability to use digital technology to
access/analyze/evaluate/create the information
you have read/written.
- Not equal to the Internet
Forms of Media
- Online / Internet
- Ads or Advertisements
- Newspapers or TV / Radio News
- Magazines
- Music / Videos
- Video games
5 Stages from Traditional to New Media
- Stone Age
- Pre-historic Age
- Industrial Age
- Electronic Age
- New (Information) Age
Stone Age Mediums Industrial Age Mediums
- Sticks - Gutenberg Press
- Stones - Johannes Gutenberg
- Rocks - Steam Engine Press
- Cave Paintings - Friedrich Koenig
- Daily Newspaper
Pre-historic Age Mediums - 1st by Johann Carolus
- Egyptian Alphabet - Gazzetta di Mantova
- Diamond Sutra - Since 1664
- Angariae
Electronic Age Mediums Information Age Mediums
- Computer - Internet
- Storage devices
- Blogs
- Floppy disk
- USB - Video Blog
- Audio players - Microblog (Twitter, etc)
- Walkman - Photoblog (IG, etc)
- CD Player - Facebook
- MP3 Player
- iPod - E-mail
- Printer - Digital Storage
- Dot Matrix (dropbox, google drive,
- Inkjet etc.)
- Laser - ETC
Component Models of Information Literacy
- Follett's Pathways to Knowledge by Pappas &
- The Big6 by Eisenberg & Berkowitz
- Information Seeking by Kuhlthau
- Information Process by New South Wales
- Information Skills by Irving
- Research Process by Pitts & Stripling
- Research Cycle by McKenzie
- Info Zone by Unknown
The Big6 Model
- is a six-stage model to help anyone solve
problems or make decisions by using
- Developed by information literacy educators Mike
Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz.
The Big6 Skills
- Task Definition
- Information Seeking Strategies
- Location + Access
- Use of Information
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
A-Z for Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism
- Access - Journal - Technology
- Bias - Keyword - Understanding
- Critical - Librarian - Visiting the
Thinking Library
- Magazine
- Website
- Database - Note-taking evaluation
- Educator - Outline - eXcellent
- Fact-finding - Project resources
- Google - Question - Your own
- Habits
- Research
- Zero Tolerance
- Internet - Sources for plagiarism
Lethal Issues in Media & Information
- Copyright
- Fair Use
- Plagiarism

Ethical Issues in Media & Information

- Internet Etiquette / Netiquette

Societal Issues in Media & Information

- Digital Divide
- Addiction
- Bullying
- Virtual Self
- It is the legal means of protecting your work
Content that can be protected by Copyright
- Books
- Songs
- Poems
- Plays
- Films
- Art Works
- Websites
- Other online content
Fair Use
- Section 107 of the Copyright law that allows the
usage of Copyrighted work.
4 Factors of Fair Use
1. Purpose and Character of Your Use
2. Nature of the Copyrighted Work
3. Amount and Substantiality of the Portion Used
4. The Effect of Your Use Upon the Potential
Market for the Copyrighted Work
Copyright Liability
- Also known as Copyright infringement, is the use
of works protected by copyright law without
- Act of copying information from the internet and
using it as your own.
Avoiding Plagiarism
- Paraphrase or rephrase
- Cite sources
- Cite yourself
- Referencing

Paraphrase or rephrase
- Makes you more independent by learning how to
not always rely on the internet.
4 Steps to Paraphrasing
- Your understanding
- Main content and idea
- What you know
- Any other comment(s)

Based on my understanding, paraphrasing or

rephrasing is the best way to avoid plagiarism. I
also learn how to express myself in a proper
manner and at the same time it prepares me for
the future since I know I’ll be able to use this skill
all the time.
Rephrase me…

G-Shock is a brand of watches manufactured by

Casio, known for its resistance to shocks (e.g. hard
knocks and strong vibrations). Its full form is
Gravitational Shock. They are designed primarily for
sports, military and outdoor adventure oriented
activity; nearly all G-Shocks have some kind of
stopwatch feature, countdown timer, light and
water resistance.
Rephrase me…

Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown, food

preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted
and ground, often flavored, as with vanilla. It is
made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, or
used as a flavoring ingredient in other sweet foods.
- Internet Etiquette is how you’re supposed to act or
interact in the world wide web.
- Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- Respect Human Feelings
- Keep your conversation to the point
- Understand the use of emoticons
- Watch your language
- NEVER leak anyone’s private information
- Avoid being rude, racist, intolerant and
- Don’t plagiarize
- Keep personal information personal
- Avoid overuse of emoticons
Digital Divide
- Is the gap between parts of the world where
access to technology is very different.
Digital Divide Issues
- Socioeconomic Problems
- Racial Problems
- Geographical Problems

Digital Rights
- The rights of people regarding what they can do
with their computer.
Internet Addiction
- Otherwise known as computer addiction, online
addiction, or Internet addiction disorder (IAD)
Impulse-control problems
- Cybersex Addiction
- Cyber-Relationship Addiction
- Net Compulsions (gambling, online
auctions/shopping, etc)
- Information Overload
- Computer Addiction (games or obsessive
computer programming)
Emotional Effects
- Personal, family, academic, financial, and
occupational problems
- Spend less time with real people – become
socially awkward
- You get low-self esteem

Physical Effects
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Dry eyes or strained vision
- Back aches and neck aches; severe headaches
- Sleep disturbances
- Pronounced weight gain or weight loss
Breaking addiction
- Spend less time online and more time outside
- Limit your usage to an hourly basis. Give yourself
a limit that you will follow.
- Strengthen your support group – let your friends
and family know what you’re going through so
they can help you.
- Treat the internet as a tool instead of a way of
- Unwanted, aggressive behavior among school
aged children that involves a real or perceived
power imbalance.
- Making threats
- Spreading rumors
- Attacking someone physically or verbally
- Excluding someone from a group on purpose

- Is bullying that takes place using electronic
Virtual Self
- Online Identity, Online Alias, Electronic Alter Ego,
Ramp up your Virtual Self
- LinkedIn
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Wordpress/Blogspot/etc.
- Your own website (optional)
Good Reputation
- Do not break copyright and fair use policies
- Do not plagiarize
- Practice proper netiquette
“Technology has everything to do with literacy. And being
able to use the latest electronic technologies has
everything to do with being literate.”
- Jeff Wilhelm
“If our students are not reading and composing with
various electronic technologies, then they are illiterate.
They are not just unprepared for the future; they are
illiterate right now, in our current time and context.”
- J. David Bolter

"No matter what the source, information is only

powerful if students know what to do with it."
- Kathleen Tyner
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.”
- Warren Buffett

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