Ch37 Thyroid and Parathyroid Agents

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Focus On Nursing Pharmacology

Thyroid and Parathyroid


 Absence of the thyroid gland

 Lack of sufficient iodine in the diet to
produce the needed level of thyroid hormone
 Lack of sufficient functioning thyroid tissue
due to tumor or autoimmune disorders
 Lack of TSH due to pituitary disease
 Lack of TRH related to a tumor or disorder
of the hypothalamus
 Cretinism: lack of thyroid hormone
in the infant; if untreated, leads to
mental retardation

 Myxedema: severe lack of thyroid

hormone in adults
 Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted
physical and mental growth owing to untreated
congenital deficiency of thyroid hormone
(congenital hypothyroidism) usually owing to
maternal hypothyroidism.

 Excess levels of thyroid hormone

 Graves’ disease is thought to be an
autoimmune problem
 Treatment: surgical removal of the gland or
portions of the gland; treatment with
radiation to destroy parts or all of the gland;
or drug treatment to block the production of
thyroxine in the thyroid gland or to destroy
parts or all of the gland
Antithyroid Agents

 Thioamides

 Iodine Solutions
 2/3 of a teaspoon (60 drops)
was the standard dose for
thyroid disease. You can
start with 6 to 12 drops a day
in water for about one week
and you will notice
improvement. Then it is
advisable to consult with
your doctor. IODINE
DEFICIENCY - Take about
2, 3 or 4 drops in water daily
for about a month.
Calcitonin- Its main actions are to
increase bone calcium content and
decrease the blood calcium level when
it rises above normal. It also lowers the
blood phosphorus level when that rises
above normal. Calcitonin opposes the
effects of parathyroid hormone, which
acts to increase the blood level of
Parathyroid Dysfunction and
Related Disorders

 Hypoparathyroidism
 Hyperparathyroidism
 Paget’s Disease
 Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
 Paget's disease of bone interferes with
your body's normal recycling process, in
which new bone tissue gradually
replaces old bone tissue. Over time, the
disease can cause affected bones to
become fragile and misshapen. Paget's
disease of bone most commonly occurs
in the pelvis, skull, spine and legs.Aug 9,
Antihypercalcemic Agents

Note: patient must
stay upright for at
least 30 minutes after
taking the drug on an
empty stomach
 Oralbisphosphonates can cause
upset stomach and inflammation and
erosions of the esophagus, which is
the main problem of oral N-
containing preparations. This can be
prevented by remaining seated
upright for 30 to 60 minutes after
taking the medication

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