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Isderived from the
Hebrew word torah
which means studying,
learning, searching.
2 Forms of Early Tourism
1. Travel for business
such as trading
2. Religious travel
Medieval Period
Travel declined.
Travel derived from the word
travail, became burdensome,
dangerous, and demanding
during this time.
Renaissance and
Elizabeth Eras
 16 Century under Elizabeth I- Travel for education

was intoduced.
 While apparently educational, the appeal became
social especially the upper class.
 As young men sought intellectual improvement in
the continent, the sick sought a remedy for their
illness in “spas”or medicinal baths.
 Spa- derived from the root Wallon word espa
meaning “fountain”.
Industrial Revolution
 Modern tourism development
 Spas and seaside resorts
 Large city hotels
 Automobile
 Roads and railways
 Lake and river boats
 Air travel
Modern Period
In 19 century

 Introductionof railway- created not only

more business by producing reliable and
cheap transportation.
 Tourism was transformed from a small
business catering.
 Itbecame organized in the later years of
the 19th century.
 Travel organizers emerged
 Thomas Cook- first and famous travel
 Other companies in Britain
- Dean and Dawson in 1871
- PolytechnicTouring Association in 1872
- Frames in 1881
- American Express by Henry
Wells and William Fargo

and guide books
became popular.
In 20th Century
Pleasure travel continued to expand
World War I brought about many
changes, which influenced the
volume of tourism.
Interest in foreign travel was further
The railways as a means of travel
declined with the introduction of
the motor car.
World War II also led to
increased interest in travel.
Progress of aircraft technology.

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