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• Master of Planning.

• TP 8102 - Housing and built Environment

• Unit I - Human Settlements
Human Settlement.

• Let us try to understand the words in it.

• What is human?
• Human means - belonging to man
Man is a human being.

• being means - existence of any living organism

including man or woman
Settlement means - act of settling.

Settling means - placing in comfort.

Settle = to place in comfort.

• Set = to place or to fix.

• Therefore Human Settlement means -
placing things belonging to man in comfort.
• How to place things in comfort ?
to place things in comfort you have to plan.
Plan = To intend.

•Planning = intended to do some

Thus Planning means - intension of placing
things belonging to man in comfort.

In other words

intension of placing man in comfort.

In other words

intension of creating a place for man to live in

Origin of settlement.

Before going into origin

we should know some thing about man
and his existence.
existence of a man or any living organism
depends on many things.

• What are they?

 Air

 Water

 Food

 All the above three are needed for all living

creatures including human beings.

 Off late mankind considers food is for taste.

 Next comes......
 Shelter

 Shelter is to protect from what ?

Shelter is to protect man from

nature – ie, Sun and Rain

• apart from wild animals.

1. Early Mankind
 Wanderer or Barbarian

 Wanderer does not need a permanent


 He goes place to place in search of


 vegetarian
2. Settler or civilised man

Settler needs a permanent shelter.

knew how to protect himself from attack

by wild animals and the art of making

used crude weapon to kill animal and

started eating its meat.

Civilisation –

Civilisation means - status of being civilised.

Civilised means - beyond barbarism.

• Civilised man means non barbarian

 What are the three things that are essential to
a man?

 Air, Water, Food

 Air and water is available in plenty in the nature.

 Food he has to PRODUCE OR cultivate,

 So what is the preferred location?

• River valley

• By this time man knew how to make food and


• Only thing what he needed was water .

• So he preferred a location for his shelter nearer

to water or the water course.
 Nile valley civilisation EGYPT

 Indus valley civilisation INDIA

 Yellow river valley civilisation CHINA

Civilisation and its period.

Human colonization encompasses a span of

at least half-a-million years and

is divided into two broad periods,

namely the prehistoric (before the emergence of

writing) and
• the historic (after writing).
The prehistoric period is divided into
stone age and matel age.

The stone age further divided into three periods

Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods.

• As the name suggests, the technology in these

periods was primarily based on stone.
The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods
represented a nomadic, hunting-gathering
way of life and
was essentially on hilly, rocky and forested
regions, which had ample wild plant
and animal food resources.

• The Neolithic period represented a settled, food-

producing way of life.
600.000 –10.000 BC.

It covers the longest period of human existence.

Human beings were hunters and gatherers, and
survived in small groups.

Their style of living was nomadic.

• Control over fire was gained through the end of

the age.
AGE) 10.000- 8.000 BC

• It is considered that primitive farming was also

first done in this period.

• Potteries and small tools first appeared, bows

and arrows were used.

Transformation of human from hunter and

gatherer into manufacturer started in this age.
8000 –5500BC
• Animals were first herded and domesticated, as
a result farming and animal husbandry became
the profession.

• man founded permanent settlements, which

resulted in development of “village”.

• Sharper, stiffer more stable tools from stone

were made in this period.
1. Early Settlements.

• The introduction of agriculture saw it shifting to

the alluvial plains which had fertile soil and
perennial availability of water.

• As a consequence of the expansion of

agriculture and loss of forests and wildlife,
stone age hunter-gatherers were forced to
assimilate themselves into larger agriculture -
based societies.


5500- 3000BC
• This copper age covers the longest period of
metal ages.

• The first metal used were copper, gold and

silver. Household goods and commodities were
mainly made of copper.

• Settlements became larger as a result of

development in farming.
2. BRONZE AGE: 3000- 1200BC

• Bronze alloy was obtained by melting copper

and tin together and was casted into bronze

• Stiffer and more enduring tools and commodities

were produced from bronze.

Idea of a state first emerged in this period.

• commerce developed as result of invention of

3.IRON AGE: 1200- 400BC

• Iron is the latest discovered and used metal by

human beings.
• It resulted in development of industries.

• Manufacturing, weapons technology and trade

developed in this period.

• As iron is still in use and no other metal has

replaced it, the iron age is considered as
modern age.
Human settlements as expression of

Expression means act of representing....

Wanderer became settler

• therefore his settlement

represents civilisation.

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