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• Gautam
• Khayati
• Namita
• Pulkit
• Saurabh
• Sumit


“A punishment or fate that someone deserves”

Various Dimensions of Case

 How Should Flynn Fuller approach its interaction with CEO ?

 Perspective on Jeff Peterson role .

 Perspective on CEO Maloney role.

 Role of Client-Bill .

 Common pitfalls in account management

Actors at Play :

∙ Jeff Patterson

 Management Consultant with 25 years of experience .

 Spin off recommendation of internet company from Retail

banking was a failure .

 Rely on single client and has not been able to grow his
business to other division .

 Both the consulting business Industry and client is in

Jeff Patterson  Change of Guard at Globank and he is having panic attack

Actors at Play :

 Headed GloBank’s retail banking.

 10 year friendship with Jeff . Asked for personal favors from

Jeff . Friends with benefit

 Gave 80 Million $ business to Flynn Fuller last year .

 Another 1.5 Million $ in pipeline ,which was put on hold by

Maloney (CEO of Globank ).

 Fear for his own job and counting on Flynn fuller to justify
value delivered of previous consulting assignment
Bill Holand

Actors at Play :

∙ Maloney – Globank Incoming CEO

 Have pulled out other firms from loss and brought to

turn around the loss making Globank business

 Efficient Manager and has hit the ground running

 Still a cipher both within internal and external circle

 have his task cut clearly with 6 to 12 month target for

turn around

 Strong Focus on Cost reduction and want to review 14

Maloney million $ spend on consultancy

 Asked for 1 hour review of every consultant

 Maloney reveals that the bank
has lost hundreds of millions
of dollars in bad loans and that
more bad news is to come.
 The CFO mentions that $14 “ Truth be told, this
million has been spent on was the first time in
consultants, and Maloney
promptly wants to know why his career that he’d
 He orders justification of Each
consulting firm gets one hour been asked to
 Bill apprise Jeff who were
caught unguarded and “justify his
assembles his team for

War Room Set up

Past Future vision

success Personality Show our
for the Show ROI
of financial Profile : focus ways or
on 80 Million
consulting services on working to
Relationship @ spend
work industry differentiate

Alexandra Manning Mark Tannenbaum John Castle Jane McCreary Jim Whalen
Principal Consultant Project Manager Business dev PA service development PA marketing directo
War Room Set up

Show past Future Vision Personality WOW Show ROI on 80

success • Valuable input Profile & differentiation Million $ spend
• Many Relationship • If you are • Difficult to put
• Do they have
recommendatio time ? • New CEO is different so what numbers on
n ignored hard task ? many
• Do they have master recommendatio
• Some used as a right kind of • New CEO may
rubber stamp • Dictates not like it n
skills ?
• Only some of resulted • Focus on • May expose
the project are oriented Outcome rather their previous
regarded as approach than approach work
Brainstorming @ Flyn Fuller

1 2 3 4
Preliminary Analysis Visualizing
High Level Plan Past success
( Lock the Pain points ) Future Visions

 Explore informal  High level Time plan  List down all projects
 Use authentic with recommendation
communication line business research which contains
qualified earning
 What are the major for emerging trends  Time potential issue
opportunity/Threats  Create a set of problem and
business faces ?  Resources
scenarios for highly hindsight comments
 What prevents the probable trends  Cost with emphasizing the
business from  Impact on business  Major deliverables fact that Glo Bank
capitalizing on has received its full
models for scenarios  Focus on
opportunity dealing $80 million of value
 Outline sneak outcome/milestone
with issues 
preview of strategy based consulting
 What are the fees
possible solutions  Set of ideas for
improving results
How should Flynn Fuller resell its value to GloBank ?

 Flyn Fuller gets one hour to make their case

 Need to approach the moment as if pitching for new assignment
 Divide the one hour in four parts with not more than 10 slides

 Part 1 – Industry outlook and Problem -15

 Part 2 – Fly Fuller Approach , Brief overview-15
 Part 3 - Credential and differentiator from other firms-15
 Part 4 – Past projects ROI
 Part 5- Questions -10

Some other perspectives…..

 Is Bill doing his job, Can he rely entirely on consultant ? : For GloBank employee he is an
internal consultant. He was supposed bring his knowledge into the organization and to keep
up with industry changes on the bank’s behalf .

 Bill should explain and justify why nobody on his own staff, including himself, could come up
with these ideas on their own

 Role of CEO : Maloney did his home work and had a hard look at the business development .
He was righteous in asking for justification the value consultant is adding . But before hearing
from consultant he could have listed from Bill

Some other perspectives…..

 Jeff set on laurels, did not pay much attention to business development
 Happy with Single referral ,Actively generate referrals inside large
client organizations to penetrate multiple levels.
 Should have expanded business beyond Retail Banking

 Jeff & Team not sure about ROI of various recommendations

Periodically report - formally - on tangible end results accomplished and

value received. Document these on paper for handoff to and discussion

Jeff Patterson with the client .

Protect and Expand

your business
Some other perspectives…..

 Focus on Future- when called to make a business case , Be brief about

past it has already been paid for . Spend more time on defining the
near-term value to be had.

 Be organized so that you do not scramble to respond at last minute .

Have a contingency plan ?

Jeff Patterson

Any questions ? ?


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