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Possessive Adjective

and Possessive
Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Adjective digunakan untuk menerangkan siapa yang 
memiliki/mempunyai suatu benda. Menurut fungsinya, adjective 
digunakan untuk menerangkan noun (kata benda) dan letak 
dari possessive adjective berada sebelum noun (kata benda).

Possessive Adjective + Noun


My dog is big.
Her cat is brown.
Their sister works downtown.
Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronoun (kata ganti kepunyaan) digunakan untuk 
merujuk/menggantikan kata kepemilikan/kepunyaan suatu 

Noun + Possessive Pronoun


The dog is mine.
The brown cat is hers.
The car is ours.
Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun:
EX: That car is not his. It's mine. (possessive pronoun)
OR That's my car. (possessive adjective)

1. She's not his friend, she's (my/mine).

2. Robert didn't drink his own coffee. He drank (his/his).

3. That is one of (hers/her) friends.

4. His neighborhood is safe, while (my/mine) neighborhood isn't.

5. His neighborhood is safe, while (my/mine) isn't.

6. Did (your/yours) mother call?

7. I don't know (them/their) very well.

8. I don't know (them/their) daughter very well.

9. I talked to (my/me) grandmother for three hours last night.

10. I think I got my notes mixed up with (your/yours).

Choose the correct word for each space.
1. ________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow _______?
a. Mine, yours
b. Your, mine
c. My, yours
d. Yours, mine
2. She has eaten her lunch already, but I'm saving ________ until later.
a. hers
b. her
c. my
d. Mine
3. Is ________ grammar book expensive?
a. your
b. yours
c. your's
d. you
4. These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but
________ has only 275.
a. Yours, mine
b. Your, my
c. Yours, my
d. Your, mine
5. You can't have any chocolate! It's ________!
a. your
b. its
c. her
d. Mine
6. ________ computer is a Mac, but ________ is a PC.
a. Your, mine
b. Yours, mine
c. Your, my
d. Yours, my
7. We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________.
a. ours, their
b. our, their
c. ours, theirs
d. our, theirs
8. Jody has lost ________ book.
a. mine
b. her
c. hers
d. Theirs
9. This bird has broken ________ wing.
a. it's
b. its'
c. hers
d. Its
10. My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working.
a. your
b. our
c. his
d. Their
Part A. - Possessive Adjectives
Directions: Use the correct possessive adjective. The subject in each
sentence will help you with your decision.

1. I have a computer on my desk.

2. You have a computer on your desk.
3. He likes to play with his dog.
4. We don't know their neighbors very well.
5. The cat doesn't like his food.
6. The students left their classroom very quickly.
7. You all have their own ideas about politics.
8. I really want to see my friends this weekend.
9. They spend their money on junk.
10. Robert is very happy with his new job.
11. Mary thinks her apartment is too small.
12. Where are you going on your vacation?
13. The city has their own fire department.
14. You and I are having lunch with our teacher.
15. Did you finish your work on time?
16. Jim and Sal love their new house.
17. Can I have my car back, please?
18. John can't fix his sink.
19. Does Martha have her keys?
20. We should bring our coats to the game.
Part B. - Possessive Pronouns
Directions: Write the correct possessive pronoun in the blank space following each
sentence or question.
Example: This pen is her pen. hers

1. This classroom is my classroom. this classroom is mine

2. Are these books your books? are these book is yours?
3. He has his own car and I have my own car. he has his own car and i have mine too
4. Her English is good, and his English is good too.
His. her english is good same as his too
5. I think this money is her money. i think this money is hers
6. Your children are smart, and so are our children. your children are smart like ours
7. Our work is finished; their work isn‘t theirs. the work isnt finished is their
8. Those tickets are his tickets. ____all those ticket is his_______
9. Your garden looks great, but my garden doesn't. _a garden doesn’t look good is
10. Her song was good, and I liked your song, too. ____her song was good , i
like__yours too___
Part C. Fill out the chart below with the correct
possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.

Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

I my mine
You your yours
He his his
She her hers
It its its
We our ours
They their theirs

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