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Chapter 4

What should I do?

• The use of the word “should” be used in the form
of the phrase “future past tense”
• Future past tense used to describe things that
will happen or done in the past
• Sentence structure of future past tense is use the
verb 1
• Verbal sentence
Positive verbal sentence patterns used are : for
subject : I, we
Subject + should + V1

Example : I should be in Bangkok the next day.

• The word ‘should’ can means suggention and advice too.

Example : You should see the doctor
We should meet more often.
Understanding of ‘Should’

• ‘Should’ is a second form of ‘shall’

• ‘Should’ is one of modals in English
• The word ‘Should’ is similar with
‘supposed to’.
• Normally used to provide advice or
suggestion / counsel
• Also use to give an opinion or recommendation
Example: We should invest more in China.

• ‘Should’ is used to express personal opinions

and are often preceded by “I think”
Example : I think they should replace him

• We use ‘should’ to express that we actually agree

Example : They are paying you compensation? I
should think so
Chapter 5

Too Hot, Too Cold

• Using the word ‘too’ means talk about the
quantity or size of something. ‘Too’ indicates
that there is a problem with the quantity or size
of something.

• The word of ‘Enough’ is indicates that the

quantity or size of something is suitable or
appropriate. In this chapter we will learn how to
use ‘too’ and ‘enough’ appropriately.
• The word ‘too’ can means to connect the sentence
that present in the middle of a sentence, in front of
an adjective, has a negative meaning, and used to
combine two sentences into one. In this case ‘too’
shows and outrageous nature (excess).
Example: I am very sleepy. I can not study well.

• Using word ‘too’ before adjectives and adverbs as

well as without a noun.
Example : We can not see her again because she moved
too far away.
• Too can also be used in positive statements. For
example, ”you are too kind”, means you’re very
good. Or “you are too funny”, it means you are
very funny. For things that are positive, too
mean very or extremely.
• ‘Too’ can not be used before that adjective +
• Too also has a different structure. That ‘too’
followed by an adjective, than for someone /
something and infinitive. Too adjective + for
someone / something + infinitive.
• Use of ‘too’ and ‘enough’ with adjective, we need
to put too before an adjective where as if you use
enough. Placed after the adjevtive.
Chapter 6

Product on Discount!
• Advertisement in business is a form of
marketing communication used to encourage,
persuade an audience (viewers, readers or
listeners : sometimes a specific group) to take or
continue to take some action. Most commonly,
the desired result is to drive consumer behavior
with respect to a commercial offering. In this
chapter, we will learn many kinds of
advertisement and its function.
• The purpose of advertisement is to announce
about a case or a product to the public, or in
other words to introduce a product to the public
in order to buy and attracted to the product
being advertised.
• Advertising is a form of communication used to
encourage or persuade an audience (viewers,
readers or listeners) to continue or take some
new action. The purpose of advertising may be to
reassure employees or shareholders that a
company is viable or successful.
Chapter 7
It Was a Memorable Event
• Recount is used to tell past experiences. Recount
can be both written and spoken. We tell the past
experiences in the sequence of events.
• Recount text is one of the types of English text
which retells events or experiences in the past.
The purpose of recount text is to provide
information or to entertain the reader.
• Past tense is used to describe events that
occurred some time ago or in the past.
• Structure of past tense uses the verb 2.
• Past tense is usually accompanied by last week,
last year, last sunday), ago (a few minutes ago,
two years ago, three days ago), this morning.
Example : He went to the party last night
• Past continuous tense is often used with the past
tense, to express two events in the past.
Conjuctive use is ‘when’ and ‘while’. When is
usually followed by a past tense, whereas while
followed by past continuous tense. Example :
We were having dinner when you called me last
• Past perfect tense used to describe activites or
events that have occurred in the past.
Subject + had + verb3 + object

Example : I had cleaned the house before lunch

• Adverb is derived from the word “add” and
“verb” means to add meaning to the work.
Chapter 8
A Story to Remember
• A short story is brief work of literature, usually
written in narrative prose. A short story features
a small cast of named characters, and focuses on
a self-contained incident with the intent of
evoking a “single effect” or mood. So, short
stories make use of plot, resonance and other
dynamic components to a far lesser degree than
a novel.
Generic structure narrrative text :
• ORIENTATION : That section contains the
introduction or the introduction of a character in
the story as well as the time and place of
• COMPLICATION : That section contains a
description of the emergence of a crisis or
problems experienced by the characters in the
story that must be solved.
• RESOLUTION : Contains about how the
characters of the story to solve the existing
problems in the complication. Usually there is
more that one for on complication resolution.
• Using the action verb in the past tense form.
• Using specific nouns a personal pronoun, of
certain animals and objects in the story.
• Using adjectives which form the noun phrase.
• Using time connectives and conjuctions to sort
the events.
• Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to indicate
the locations of the incident or event.

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