Short Animation Clip About Volunteering

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Short animation

clip about
◦ The short clip showed ◦ Today, everyone is busy
how volunteering might with their life (or
appear simple and little pretending to be busy
just like what
but is actually a life
happened on the short
changing activity. clip), and because of
Volunteering is all about that, it is difficult to
helping poor people or arrange some time or
How can the approach needy
the needy ones. It is an
video help and altruistic action in which strangers, but we
affect the we serve other people
should remember that
there are enormous
viewers? for free. benefits of
volunteering for us, the
society and our family.

Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a

friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do
volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a
feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone
in need.
-- Gillian Anderson
We should practice volunteering in our daily lives, like
opening the doors for other people, donating old clothes,
and so on, doing those does not required huge amount of
time or lots of efforts. I hope that the clip made us realize
the we should make volunteering a habit, because it is an
experience that stays with us forever. The fulfillment that
comes with helping another human being, the satisfaction
from knowing you’ve made a difference, and the good old
fun factor, are just a few reasons once is never enough.

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