Principles of Management

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Principles of Management

What is Management ?
• The process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling
activities in a systematic way in order to achieve a common goal
• According to Henri Fayol “Management is to forecast, to plan, to
organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
Features of management
• Management is Goal-Oriented: The success of any management
activity is assessed by its achievement of the predetermined goals.
• Management is a Group Activity: Management is very much less
concerned with individual’s efforts. It is more concerned with groups.
• Management is Continuous: Management is an ongoing process. It
involves continuous handling of problems and issues. It is concerned
with identifying the problem and taking appropriate steps to solve it
What is a Manager

• - is one who plans, organizes, leads and controls other

individuals in the process of pursuing organizational goals.
• the manager is responsible for accomplishing the objectives
of his particular unit, which could be a whole organization
Honesty Positive mind-set Strategic thinking

Leader Confidence Very good

Supportive flexible Vision
Creativity Emotional Intelligence Innovates

Respect Commitment Empathy

Delegation ambitious Accountability
Adaptability of High-self awareness Accept blame
Results-oriented Intuition Time management
According Henri Fayol a good manager
possesses the following qualities:

1.Physical (good health and communication skills).

2.Mental (ability to understand and learn and having quality
of adaptability).
3.Moral (fairness and integrity in dealing with others).
4.Educational (general knowledge and familiarity of business
related matters and others)
5.Technical (expert in his field).
6.Experience (dealing with routine and unexpected situations
7.Business quality (acquaintance of accounting principles
and be able to determine the sources and uses of funds)
Functions of Management

• Planning –is related to decision-making . It refers to the

formulation of objectives , programs, policies ,procedures,
rules and regulation in order to achieve the goals of the
• Organizing: Ensuring that tasks have been assigned and a
structure of organizational relationships created to facilitate
meeting organizational goals.
• Leading: A management function which involves influencing
others to engage in the work behaviors necessary to reach
organizational goals
• Controlling: Ensuring that the actions of organizational members
are consistent with the organization’s values and standards. The
process of measuring and correcting the activities of subordinates
and the company itself to assure conformity to plans
Management as a discipline

• it refers to that branch of knowledge which is connected

to study of principles & practices of basic administration.
It specifies certain code of conduct to be followed by the
manager & also various methods for managing resources
• Know what the law says about employee discipline.
• Establish clear rules for employees and managers
• Retraining and suspension
• Verbal warning, written warning, final warning, probation
include close supervision
• Termination
Management as a Science as an Art
• Management is a science because it is a systematic body
of knowledge . It gathers and analyzes facts and
formulates general law.
• Management is an art : managing requires certain skills
which are personal possessions of managers
Management is both art and science
• Science provides the knowledge & art deals with the
application of knowledge and skills.
• Managers have to know and do things effectively and
Managerial Skill

Feb 11,2019
• “to manage” hails from “maneggiare” an Italian word that was derived
from Latin.
• The organizational activity in order to reach given objectives but also it
is important for a manager to distribute tasks to his subordinates and to
control their work-process.
• Managers are utilizing all their available resources by applying their
effective management skills to achieve success . (planning,
organizing, leading, controlling , coordinating)
• Planning - plays a pivotal role in business management It helps to visualize the
future problems and keeps management ready with possible solutions.
• Organizing -It is a function in which the synchronization and combination of
human, physical and financial resources takes place.
• Leading -deals with guiding and instructing people to do the work in the right
• Coordinating - It also avoids misdirection and wastages and brings unity of
action in the Organization.
• Controlling – is the process of measuring and correcting activities of an
Essential Management Skill

1.Decision – making -the process of deciding about something important,

especially in a group of people or in an organization.
According to Trewatha & Newport: Decision-making involves the selection of a
course of action from among two or more possible alternatives in order to
arrive at a solution for a given problem”
• 2.Problem solving - Finding the answers to difficult questions that are
sometimes a source of great perplexity. Managers who have the ability to
systematically think through the facts, diagnose the situation, and find an
accurate and workable solution .
• 3.Time management -refers to managing time effectively so that the right
time is allocated to the right activity. It can have a huge effect on your
performance and productivity in the workplace . Managers need to be able
to assess their workers’ productivity and make sure they are getting the
most out of their employees.
• Soft skills - are the personal attributes, personality traits, inherent
social cues, and communication abilities needed for success on the
job. It includes communication, creative thinking, work ethic,
teamwork, decision making, positivity, time management, problem-
solving, critical thinking, and conflict resolution. “Interpersonal skills”
Hard skills-are teachable abilities or skill sets that are easy to quantify
• It can be learn through education, training programs, certifications,
and on-the-job training . Ex: Proficiency in a foreign language , A
degree or certificate , Typing speed
Soft skills
1. Communication Management skills – communication is useful for
giving information, guidance and instructions. Managers should be
good communicators.
2. Leadership Management Skills
ability to delegate, inspire and communicate effectively
are an essential component in positioning executives to make
thoughtful decisions about their organization's mission and goals.
• 3. Team building –enables better communication, better
relationships and ultimately increases productivity. The success of
most organizations depends on the ability of individuals to build
effective teams.
• 4. Conflict Management Skill- plays a very important role in
preventing conflicts among individuals. An employee who has such
skills causes less conflict for other people to manage, creating a
smoother work environment overall. Conflict must be avoided as it
destroys the peace, lowers the productivity
• Administration is a process of administering an organization by a group of
people. Management is a things of a business organization and
organized way of managing people.
• Management can be seen in the profit making organization like business
enterprises. the Administration is found in government and hospitals,
religious organizations
• A group of persons, who are employees of the organization is collectively
known as management. Administration represents the owners of the
Key personal Characteristic for managerial success

Adaptability Communication Independence

Creativity Decisiveness Judgement

Commitment Future Orientation Teamwork
• Adaptability –able to adjust quickly , deal with all changes
• Commitment- who see a issue ,make their own and follow it
through to completion
• Decisiveness –ability to make quick forceful decision based on
good analysis
• Future orientation- ability to make connection between current
events and future trends . Always looking ahead
• Independence- they do not wait to be chosen or to be told at next
step. (strong sense of independent)
• Judgement- ability to make good decision ,solid understanding from
beginning to end
• Teamwork –individual who know how to organize support grow and
participate on teams .
• Communication- ability to translate and transfer information to
• Creativity – ability to see a situation with new set of eyes,
Creativity is a way of living life that embraces originality and makes unique
connections between seemingly disparate ideas. act of turning new and
imaginative idea into reality .

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