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The Philippines as a

Unique Nations
Geographically, the Philippines
is in Asia but by race and
culture, the Filipinos are a
harmonious blend of the East
and the West. Our western
heritage largely acquired from
Spain and the America.
Unique in the world. Of all
nations, the Filipinos are unique
not only in Asia but also in the
world due to the following
1. Religion
2. Political history
3. Cultural heritage
Filipinos are
predominantly Christian in the
Asian Region where other
nations are Islamic, Buddhist,
Shinto, Confucian polytheistic
and animistic in beliefs.
 Secondly, the Philippines is the first
Republic in the Asia being the the first
Asian nation to achieve
Independence by revolution and
establish a Republic led by General
Emilio Aguinaldo in 1898-1901. It was
the first Southeast Asian nation to
secure indepence by the voluntary
decolonization of a colonial power
after second world war in 1946. It led
the world in waging the people
power revolution to oust a dictator by
. It was the first Southeast Asian
nation to secure indepence by
the voluntary decolonization of a
colonial power after second
world war in 1946. It led the world
in waging the people power
revolution to oust a dictator by
peaceful and prayerful means in
And Finally Filipinos are unique for
culturally assimilating four
heritages- The indigenous Asian the
European the Latin and American
heritage. Our history is indeed
unique for the variety the intensity
and other duration of our historical,
cultural, and scientific relation with
other nations.
The factors in History.

1. land
2. People
3. The wisdom and
sovereignty of God, the lord
of history

 Philippines is one of the

richest countries of the
world. God has given our
archipelago all the ecology
needed to support a great
1. fertile soil capable of producing
large crops of rice, corn, coconut,
hemp, tobacco and other
agricultural products.
2. A good tropical climate which is
healthful to all men.
3. Rich natural resources such as
forests, energy resources mines
yielding gold and other mineral,
fisheries, and an abundant plant
and animal life.
Mr. A. Henry Savage Landor an
English traveler writer said that the
Philippines as a most enchanting
country a land full of weird surprises
of magnificent scenery and
hospitable people and assortment
of delightful people.
The name of the Philippines

The official name Filipinas was
given to the archipelago In 1543
by the ill-starred Spanish explorer
Ruy Lopez de Villalobos in honor
of Prince Felipe(Philip) of Asturias
who later became Philip II the
greatest king of Spain.
 Thisname for the archipelago first
appeared in a rare map published at
Venice in 1551 by Geovanni Battista
Ramussioan Italian geographer in the
most popular collections of early
travels and voyages at the time. The
Spanish Island Felipinas or Filipinas
was later anglicized to Philippine
Islands during the American Colonial
regime and then to REPUBLIC OF THE
PHILIPPINES after decolonization in
Philippines: The name of an
 Artemio Ricarte- The Katipunan general who wanted
to call us the Rizaline Republic after Jose Rizal.
Another name MAHARLIKA was proposed by former
President Ferdinand Marcos after his dream on
making the nations great.
- St Philip after whom King Philip was named was a
great Christian layman of the first century. He was one
of the seven or the group chosen to wait on tables
while the apostles(Peter,Paul, ec)
Preached the gospel full time.
Philip was called to go into the
desert and win one soul for the
lord. Thus, over the years, the
humble waiter Philip has been
known as PHILIP THE
EVANGELIST. And It is really after
him that the Philippines was
indirectly named.
Philippines: Pearl of the Orient Seas
 The most romantic name of the Philippines
is Pearl of the Orient which is widely used
in contemporary literature. Contrary to
popular belief this name is not of modern
vintage. It was originally applied by the
early Spanish colonizers, to Manila
because shortly after the founding of this
former Islamic kingdom of Raha Sulayman
into a Spanish city it became a rich
emporium of Asian trade.
The Philippine archipelago
sprawls a little above the equator
in southeast Asia between the
latitude and longitude
The Philippines is an archipelago
of 7,100 island with a total land
area of 115,707 square miles
(299,681square kilometers.) In
terms of land area the Philippines
is almost as large as Italy, larger
than New Zealand. Twice as big
as Greece and very much larger
than Britain.
The largest island in the
Philippines is Luzon (40,814 sq
miles) which is bigger than
hungary or Portugal. Mindanao,
the second largest island, ( 36,
906 sq miles) is bigger than

The Philippines is rugged land of mountains
and plains, bays, and lakes rivers, and
waterfalls valleys and volcanoes. Its irregular
coastline stretches 10,850 statute miles, twice
as long as the coastline of the United States.
The highest mountain is Mount Apo (9,600 feet
high) in Mindanao. The lowest spot in the world
is the (Philippine deep) situated off the Pacific
coast of the archipelago
Between Samar and Leyte is the
picturesque San Juanico Strait
-The narrowest strait in the world. Manila
Bay with the historic Coregidor Island
standing guard at its entrance , is one of
the finest harbor in the Asia world.
Central Plain in Luzon- Largest plain- it
is famously known as the Rice Granary
of the Philippines.
The Cagayan Valley in Luzon- Asias
greatest tobacco –producing region.
It is drained by the Cagayan river.
Longest river in the Philippines.
Laguna DE Bay- largest lake in the
Philippine climate is tropically
warm, but healthful. It is one of the
most healthful tropical climates in
the world. There are two distinct
seasons, the dry and the wet. The
dry season last from March to
June while the wet season is from
July to October.
Terrible typhoons ( strong winds and heavy
rains) lash the island of the Philippines
annually. Especially those close to the
pacific ocean.
These typhoons are already a seasonal
way of life for many Filipinos. Bringing
floods signal that can close down schools
and offices.
Due to deforestation and illegal logging
practices even mild typhoons can now
cause flash floods and tragic losses such
as typhoons Uring in ormoc Leyte on
November 5 1991.
Earthquakes and Volcanoes

The Philippines is so called the RING OF FIRE

of the Pacific which means the country is
rocked from time to time by earthquakes,
seismic tremors and volcanic eruptions
The most famous volcano of the Philipines
used to be Mount mayon in the bicol
region of southern Luzon. With its nearly
perfect cone.
who grew up after the Second World
War easily recall that their country was
deemed a model Asia republic and other
people are highly admired by other Asian.
Filipinos established the first bank in Asia,
the first universities and colleges, the first
newspapers, public health system and
other innovations.
During the Third Republic era( 1946-72). The
Philippines had a freest press in Asia the
best school and colleges, and the most
progressive business environment in the
According to H. Otley Beyer, the classic
anthropologist of the colonial era, the
proportion of racial mixture in the Filipinos
is as follows: Negrito 10% Indonesia 30%;
Malay 40%; Chinese 10% Indian 8%
European and American 3% and Arab
In Spanish times, Filipino was first used
to define a Spaniards who was born in
the islands as opposed to an INDIO (a
non Spaniards) or a mestizo(product
of a mixed marriage) or a castila
(who came from Spain or new world)
The vast majority of Filipinos consist of
Tagalog, Visayans, Ilocanos, Bicolanos,
Pampaguenos, Pangasinense,
Ibanags(Cagayanos) and Zambals,.
They are the descendants of the islanders
who were conquered by Spain and later by
America and were consequently more
Christianized and Westernized than other
Also forming part of the Filipino nation are the
non-Christian minorities, such as the Muslims
of Mindanao and Sulu(whom the Spanish
invaders called Moros)and the
Ifugaos,Igorots,Bontoks, Apayao, Benguets,
and Kalingas and mountain province,the
Mangyans of Mindoro; the Tagbanuas of
Palawan; the Bagobos . These Filipinos were
not fully conquered by either Spain or
The Philippine Population

The total population of the Philippines at

present is over 60 million. It is the 16th most-
populated country in the world. And has
experience a population explosion problem
since after the second world war.
Another important feature of the
population is the migration of many
talented and hard-working Filipinos to other
countries to seek a better life.
BRAIN DRAIN- The lost of many of
its professionals skilled and many
skilled workers
Filipinosare known for their talents in
A nation of many languages
languages. This is exemplified by Dr.
Jose Rizal national hero who knew
twenty two languages
According to the findings of the
Summer Institute of Linguistics of the
University of North Dakota. There are 55
languages and 142 dialects in the
Only English and Spanish nation in
The Filipinos are also the only nation
in Asia who speak English and
Spanish and have literature written in
these two foreign languages.
Filipinos take pride in being the third
largest English speaking nation in the
Filipino Character Traits
Filipinos are inveterately extravagant- They love
colorful fiestas, expensive clothes and gay
parties. No day ever passes in the Philippines
without a costly fiestas for every barangay town
and city in the archipelago has apatron saints
whose annual feast day is celebrated with
great extravaganza.
are fatalistic in their outlook in life.
They tend to believe that whatever happens
good or bad is due to fate(tadhana). So they
accept with stoical resignation whatever
happens to them and face the future with
the expressions of Bahala na, the equivalent
of Spanish Que sera sera( What will be will
Finally, The Filipinos tend to lack of discipline
and perseverance. They seem to have no
stamina for long and arduous task. They
begin their work with great enthusiasm but
like a cogon fire which burns brightly in a
brief time and flickers out such enthusiasm
Most admirable of the character traits of the
Filipinos is their Hospitality.
Cooperative and value the virtue of helping
each other and other people.
Rank among the bravest people on
Romantic and artistic and talented
Adaptability, endurance and
Have a deep spiritual yearning and
gift of faith.
Asias only Christian nation
The Philippines is the only Christian nation in
Asia. Over 90% of Filipinos are Christian and
the rest are Muslim, Iglesia ni Cristo or other
beliefs which do not acknowledge Jesus as
God. Of the Filipinos, 85% are Roman
Catholic (due to Spanish influence)and the
rest are non Catholic sects( Aglipayans or
member of the Philippine, Baptist, and
evangelical denominations) .

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