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Organizational decision making process of

identifying and solving problems

1. Problem Identification
2. Problem Solution
 Programmed Decisions  Non programmed Decisions
repetitive and well defined novel and poorly defined.
Individuals naturally make programmed
decisions on a daily basis. - For which there are no proven
- a company may create a answers to use as a guide. In such a
standard routine for handling case, a manager must make a decision
technical issues, customer that is unique to the situation and
service problems or disciplinary
results in a tailored solution.
(visits a new restaurant, unfamiliar with the menu and the menu is in
(An employee’s duties may become routine with a language she does not understand).
repetition, like the process a mechanic uses to (In the business world, the makers of the earliest personal
troubleshoot problems with a customer’s car). computers had to make unprogrammed decisions regarding the type
of marketing to use to attract customers who possibly had never
Individual Decision Making

 Rational approach
ideal method for how managers should
make decisions

 Bounded rationality
how decisions are made under severe time and
resource constraints
Types of Organizational Decision Making

Management Incremental
Science Approach Decision Model

 Statistics to identify & measure

Carnegie Model Garbage Can Model variables
 quantitative data lacks tacit
Happens when someone
continues to dedicate
resources, including time and assumes that losses and gains are valued
money, to a failing course of differently, and thus individuals make
action. decisions based on perceived gains
• Bidding wars
• Reviving a dying project instead of perceived losses.

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