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Student Diversity


Each one of you will provide information about your:

1. Name-
2. Age-
3. Gender-
4. Nationality-
5. Province-
6. Language/dialects spoken-
7. Hobbies/interest-
8. Favorite subjects-
9. Subject you are best in-
10. Subject you find difficult-
11. Ambition-
In what ways are you and your classmates
In what ways are you and your classmates
How does a girl differ from a boy in behavior?
Are you glad you have similarities?
differences? Explain your answer.

How can teacher utilize these similarities and

differences in teaching you?
“ Everyone is unique”
Factors that
brings about
Factors that bring
about student
1. Socioeconomic status –
the millionaires’ lifestyle differs from
that of the middle income or lower
income group.
Factors that bring about
student diversity
2. Thinking/learning style- Some
of you learn better by seeing
something; others by just listening;
and still others by manipulating
Factors that bring about
student diversity

3. Exceptionalities- In class there

maybe one who has difficulty in
spoken language comprehension or
in seeing, hearing,etc.
How Students’ Diversity
Enriches the Learning
1. Student’s self-awareness
is enhanced by diversity.
How Students’ Diversity
Enriches the Learning
2. Student diversity
contributes to cognitive
“The classroom is
peculiarly the
‘marketplace’ of
-William J.
to speak about one thing,
the more eyes, different
eyes we can use to
observe one thing, the
more complete will our
concept of this thing, our
How Students’ Diversity
Enriches the Learning
3. Student diversity prepares
learners for their role as
responsible members of
“The capacity to imagine
situations or problems from
all perspectives and to
appreciate all aspects of
provide more than just
theory given by the
teacher in a lecture. With
student diversity, the
classroom becomes a
‘public place’ where
community can be
How Students’ Diversity
Enriches the Learning

4. Student diversity can

promote harmony.
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
1. Encourage learners to share
their personal history and
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
2. Integrate learning
experiences and activities
which promote students’
multicultural and cross-cultural
 You can encourage or even initiate co-
curricular experiences that are aimed at
promoting diversity awareness.
 Letstudents interview other students on
campus who are from diverse backgrounds
(foreign students or students from other
ethnic/racial groups.
 Invite
students to internet discussions groups or
e-mail; have students “visit” foreign countries
and “talk” to natives of those countries.
 Ask students if they have ever been the personal target
of prejudice or discrimination, and have them share
these experiences with other members of the class.
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
3. Aside from highlighting
diversity, identify patterns of
unity that transcend group
“Every human is, at the
same time, like all other
humans, like some
humans, and like no other
We are 95% of our genes
common and 5% of our
genes account for the
physical differences
These commonalities should not be
overlooked; otherwise, our repeated attempts
to promote diversity, may inadvertently
promote student divisiveness.
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
4. Communicate high
expectations to students from
all subgroups.
Strategies for “drawing
in” and involving students
a. Assigning them the role of
reporter in small-group
discussions, the one who
reports back the group’s ideas
to the class.
Strategies for “drawing
in” and involving students
b. Having them engaged in
paired discussions with another
classmate with the stipulation
that each partner must take
turns assuming the role of both
listener and speaker.
Strategies for “drawing
in” and involving students
c. Scheduling instructor-student
conferences with them outside
the classroom.
Learn the names of your
students, especially the foreign
names that you may have
difficulty pronouncing. This will
enable you to establish early
personal rapport with them
which can later serve as a
social/emotional foundation or
springboard for encouraging
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
5. Use varied instructional
methods to accommodate
student diversity in learning
• Diversify the
modalities through which
you deliver and present
• Diversify the instructional
formats or procedures you use
in class:
a. Use formats that are student-centered and
b. Use formats that are unstructured and
c. Use procedures that involve both independent
and interdependent learning.
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
6. Vary the examples you use to
illustrate concepts in order to
provide multiple contexts that are
relevant to students from diverse
• Have students complete
personal information cards
during the first week of
class and use this
information to select
examples or illustrations
that are relevant to their
personal interests and life
• Use ideas, comments and
questions that students
raise in class, or which they
choose to write about to
help you think of examples
and illustrations to use.
• Ask students to provide their
own examples of concepts
based on experiences drawn
from their personal lives.
• Have students apply
concepts by placing them in
a situation or context that is
relevant to their lives.
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
7. Adapt to the students’ diverse
backgrounds and learning styles by
allowing them personal choice and
decision-making opportunities
concerning what they will learn and
how they will learn it.
a. Promotes positive student
attitudes toward the subject
b. fosters more positive
interactions among students.
c. results in students working
more consistently with lesser
teacher intervention.
Some Tips on
Student Diversity

8. Diversify your methods of

assessing and evaluating student
a. Individually-delivered oral
b. Panel presentation
c. group projects
d. visual presentations
Some Tips on
Student Diversity
9. Purposely, form small-discussion
groups of students from diverse
backgrounds. You can form groups of
students with different learning
styles, different cultural
a. The instructor is removed from
center stage, thereby reducing
the likelihood that the teacher is
perceived as the ultimate or
absolute authority.
b. Students are exposed to the
perspectives of other students,
thus increasing their appreciation
of multiple viewpoints and
different approaches to learning.
There are various diversities inside the classroom
because everyone is different from each other. Both
the teachers and the learners should be aware of it
because it could help for easily learning of the
students and for them to have confidence in gaining
knowledge. It could also help them to socialize
despite of their differences with everyone inside
the classroom. It could be easier for students to
learn if they are enjoying while studying.

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