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Systems Planning
Erwin Ong
• Waze
• Uber
• AI
• Any many other more…
System Development
• Business information systems are developed by people who are
technically qualified, business-oriented, and highly motivated.
Successful developers also must be good communicators with
strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
Who Develops Information Systems?
A company either developed its own information systems, called
in-house applications, or purchased systems called software
packages from outside vendors.
Today, the choice is much more complex. Options include
Internet-based application services, outsourcing, custom solutions
from IT consultants, and enterprise-wide software strategies.

What the system How the system will

needs to do be constructed
How car is made?

A system is a set of related components that

produces specific results.
A mission-critical system is one that is vital to a
company’s operations.
Information System Components
Understand the Business
IT professionals must understand a company’s operations to design successful
systems. Each business situation is different. For example, a retail store, a medical
practice, and a hotel chain all have unique information systems requirements.
Systems analysts use a process called business process modeling to represent
company operations and information needs. Business process modeling requires
a business profile and a series of models that document business processes.

Kind of company
(product, service,
Business Profile Business Process
Please give example of internet-dependent or dot-com business
that you use in your daily life.
Impact of the Internet
• Internet-based commerce is called e-commerce (electronic
commerce) or I-commerce (Internet commerce).
• Internet-based systems involve various hardware and software
designs, but a typical model is a series of Web pages that
provides a user interface, which communicates with database
management software and a Web-based data server.

Watch this video:
E-commerce two main sectors:
Give an example of B2C and B2B
Business Information Systems
Business Information Systems
• Enterprise Computing
Business Information Systems
• Enterprise Computing
• Transaction Processing
Business Information Systems
• Enterprise Computing
• Transaction Processing
• Business Support Systems
Business Information Systems
• Enterprise Computing
• Transaction Processing
• Business Support Systems
• Knowledge Management Systems
Business Information Systems
• Enterprise Computing
• Transaction Processing
• Business Support Systems
• Knowledge Management Systems
• User Productivity Systems
What Information Do Users Need?
Let us discuss an example
System Development Tools
• Modelling
System Development Tools
• Modelling
• Prototyping
System Development Tools
• Modelling
• Prototyping
System Development Methods
Optional video in the class. Just watch at home.
System Development Methods
• Structured
• Object-Oriented
• Agile/Adaptive Method
• Joint Application Development/Rapid Application Development

Please study further page 21 until page 27 of your book.

Waterfall Model
Object Oriented Programming
Understanding IT Department
The System Analyst
The System Analyst



Class Picture! 

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