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Chaitali Chandrakant Bauskar

Project Content:

1) E-commerce - Marketplace V/S Ecommerce
2) Marketing - Green Marketing
3) Real Time Marketing –
4) I.T Project Management – Project Integration Management
5) E-Business – Big Data

1) Mr. Apurva Sircar
2) Mr. Gautam Borah
3) Mr. Sunit Pai

1) Cloud computing
2) Robots are now everywhere
3) Data security
4) Game changing tech trends
5) Cloud data security
6) Data protection
7) Cyber attacks
8) Cyber security
9) Digital transformation
10) Artificial intelligence
• An online market , usually B2B, in which buyers and sellers exchange goods or services;
the three types of E-marketplaces are :
- Private
- Public
- Consortia
• It is that website which allows sellers to register, login and sell their products.
• It is a platform for both the sellers and buyers, similar to what you see in a market

• E-Commerce website called (single vendor website) where a one store owner can
operate the website for selling goods .
• An E-commerce website could be a marketplace, single brand online store or multi brand
online store.
• In single brand or multi brand model, the inventory is owned by the website owner.
1) Potential for More Sales
- Have a huge online presence and get a ton of daily traffic.
- Give access to a large, yet targeted customer with an emphasis on handcrafted products
- Put your products in front of more potential customers.
2) Marketplace Infrastructure
- Developed to host a large variety of products with the ability to host, reach, and sell to a
massive amount of buyers everyday.
- Make it extremely easy on the seller side because the marketplace handle the entire
3) Credibility and Trust
- They have been serving customers for quite some time a proven system.
- It’s a safe bet for a customer to buy from a marketplace because it is familiar.

1) Marketplace Fees
- If you’re selling a low-margin product, it may not make sense to place your products
2) Getting Lost in the Crowd
- When selling, you have to be know that your products may get lost in the crowd and
you may not get the exposure that you expect.
3) No Branding
- These pages are just extensions of the marketplace
- It distances the buyer from the seller thus limiting the ability to display and
strengthen your brand.
4) No Customer Acquisition
- By having an online store, you can gather valuable customer information and
choose how to use it for ecommerce marketing purposes.
What is Green Marketing?
1) Green marketing is the marketing of environmentally friendly products and services.
2) It is becoming more popular as more people become concerned with environmental
issues and decide that they want to spend their money in a way that is kinder to the
3) Green marketing can involve a number of different things, such as :
- Creating an eco-friendly product
- Using eco-friendly packaging
- Adopting sustainable business practices
- Not making use of excessive packaging
- Able to be recycled and/or is produced from recycled materials
- Not containing toxic materials or ozone-depleting substances
- Focusing marketing efforts on messages that communicate a product’s green benefits.
4) More expensive, but it can also be profitable.
Green Marketing Methods

Beyond making an environmentally friendly product, business owners can do other things as
part of their green marketing efforts. The following can all be part of a green marketing
1) Using eco-friendly paper and inks for print marketing materials
2) Skipping the printed materials altogether and option for electronic marketing
3) Having a recycling program and responsible waste disposal practices
4) Using eco-friendly product packaging
5) Using efficient packing and shipping methods
6) Using eco-friendly power sources
7) Taking steps to offset environmental impact

1) Some marketers try to capitalize on the growing number of green consumers by simply
taking a green marketing approach to products that might not otherwise be considered
2) They try to position their products as a better choice for the environment when they’re
really not.
An example of this is when a company uses the color green in their packaging, or the
word green somewhere in their messaging, when there isn’t anything particularly eco-
friendly about their product, nor it’s not more eco-friendly than competing products.
3) Greenwashing is not only misleading, but it can also be damaging to a company’s
4) If consumers want to be certain they are indeed buying a green product, they should look
for official certifications listed on the product packaging.
What is Real-Time Marketing ?
• Real-time marketing involved using data reported instantaneously so marketers can
make decisions based on information on what’s happening in that moment.
• Instead of creating a marketing plan in advance and executing it according to a fixed
schedule, real time marketing is creating a strategy focused on current, relevant trends
and immediate feedback from customers.
• The goal of real time marketing is to connect consumers with the product or service that
they need now, in the moment.
Why is Real-time Marketing important ?
• More effective
• With Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social sites, businesses can gather up-to-date
information on their target audience.
• They can convert that information into a marketing message to be shared.
What Matters in Real Time Marketing ?
How can marketers use real-time marketing successfully?
To be successful, marketers need to think about five aspects: the trigger, the audience, the
method and the outcome:
1) Triggers – what data, information or events present opportunities for real-time
Examples: social media trends; weather forecasts; product stock updates
2) Audience – what customer groups, fans or followers can be engaged with certain
Examples: customers who are waiting for a product to come back into stock;
customers in specific locations or regions; customers who are searching for
a specific keyword
3) Method – what’s the best way to communicate the message?
Examples: social media, email, SMS, web, PPC
4) Outcome – what do you want the message to do?
Examples: build brand awareness, drive revenue, generate engagement
Project Integration Management

1) Project integration management is one of the ten project management knowledge

areas and is the element that coordinates all aspects of a project.
2) Project integration management touches all five phases of a project:
• Initiating
• Planning
• Executing
• Monitoring and controlling
• Closing
3) When properly performed, project integration management ensures smoothly run and
integrated project processes.
4) A knowledge area is a group of knowledge, processes, and deliverables required in a
certain specialty. Processes are the actions and steps taken to achieve a certain result.
Processes of Project Integration Management
In project integration management, there are seven processes:
1) Develop Project Charter
2) Develop Preliminary Scope Statement
3) Develop Project Management Plan
4) Direct and Manage Project Work
5) Monitor and Control Project Work
6) Perform Integrated Change Control
7) Close Project or Phase
What is Big Data?
1) Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and
unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis.
2) It’s not the amount of data that’s important.
3) It’s what organizations do with the data that matters.
4) Big data can be analyzed for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business
The now-mainstream definition of big data as the three Vs:
A. Volume : Organizations collect data from a variety of sources, including business
transactions, social media and information from sensor or machine-to-machine data.
B. Velocity : Data streams in at an unprecedented speed and must be dealt with in a timely
manner. RFID tags, sensors and smart metering are driving the need to deal with torrents
of data in near-real time.
C. Variety : Data comes in all types of formats – from structured, numeric data in traditional
databases to unstructured text documents, email, video, audio, stock ticker data and
financial transactions.
Why Is Big Data Important?
• The importance of big data doesn’t revolve around how much data you have, but what
you do with it. You can take data from any source and analyze it to find answers that
enable :
1) Cost Reductions
2) Time Reductions
3) New Product Development And Optimized Offerings
4) Smart Decision Making
• When you combine big data with high-powered analytics, you can accomplish
business-related tasks such as:
1) Determining root causes of failures, issues and defects in near-real time.
2) Generating coupons at the point of sale based on the customer’s buying habits.
3) Recalculating entire risk portfolios in minutes.
4) Detecting fraudulent behavior before it affects your organization.
Who uses big data?
•Banking And Securities •HealthCare
•Insurance •Media and Entertainment
•Transportation •Government
•Education •Retail
•Energy and Utilities
1) Mr. Apurva Sircar have a Thirteen years of learning how to make brands more relevant
and attractive to consumers, by using faculties of both the left brain and the right brain.
2) Demonstrated ability at leading and managing the marketing function in diverse
industries, across durables, FMCG, frequent use financial service and long term financial
3) Recognised as an objective driven professional, result oriented, smart and diligent
manager, a dependable leader, a professional with high standards of ethics, and a person
with praiseworthy people skills.
4) He has a passion for inculcating and maintaining positive environment around me. I am
a proponent of happiness, whether at workplace or anywhere else.
5) Managing Expectations, Business-cycle and designs are also one of key factors.
6) While he was working for Heinzs Consumers Research was biggest learning for Mr.
Apurva, he was Handling “Ketchup” which has actually seen bad days when it was
launched because it was launched at premium price band and as we know ketchup is not
stable meal for India house hold.
7) Entire perception of Heinzs being an expensive brand remain within the brand.
8) He played key role in Managing Perception and other than that understanding consumers
insight and translating them into actionable business output.
9) While working for KOTAK he was handling :
Acted as a Custodian of the brand - Kotak Credit Cards and ensured development of all
consumer communication through:
- Emails
- Mobile
- Direct mailers
- POS elements
- Understanding the TG of the partner and developing communication and products and
managing marketing spends for Kotak Credit Cards
- Involved in conceptualizing and executing ground events; tracking consumer choice and
- Ensured Agency co-ordination – Creative, Media, Research and Event Agencies.
10) Credit Cards launched in April 2008 at the same time unfortunately our economy was
affected and lots of cost cutting happened and this was the worst year for every credit
card industry.
11) After moving to BIRLA LIFE INSURANCE, he worked on brand for 3 and half years at
Birla biggest learning was category which was not exciting for the customer, a category
seen as push product so how do you get people influence so as to buy something which
very important for their life that was the biggest learning.
12) “Its been exciting journey what I started with and where I am now I am doing nothing
what I was doing at that point of time, as landscape has changed consumers have changed
and it was huge learning experiment” he stated.
13) After moving from management school the first shock he got was he realized that
whatever we study in those 2 years of management none of it is applied , But it dose
not make you study irrelevant .
14) Its easier to solve case study where risk is not involved whereas in real life scenario
there is more risk involved.
15) He learned how to manage people its not negatively i.e Manipulating people but its
about managing expectation that would help overall organization to achieve its goals .
16) The two big learning he had at that point of time was “ People skill” and “Difference
between real world and what you studied in your management school ”.
17) He was also guest faculty at IMS , as he loves public speaking
18) In future he would be looking for Head of Marketing Role in unconventional industry,
new industry where he can make the norms and it will be exciting place to be.
19) Present he is also leading an internal transformation project whereby they have
identified the positioning for IDBI Federal and now are creating an organisation wide
realignment to the positioning.
20) The project entails driving and measuring internal transformation, leading to external
1) Author of the book Monetising Innovation (Bloomsbury, 2016)
2) Masters from University of Oxford (Distinction)
3) Govt. nominated mentor to start-ups
4) Member of State Evaluation Board for start-ups
5) Assignments in domains of Strategy, Innovation, Customer Ops and Business
6) Experience in Strategic Advisory and Operation Roles
7) Hands on experience of leading multi geography operation and cross functional team
8) Result oriented and strong influencing, pursuance and collaborative skill
9) Setting up the Customer operation and experience strategy for regional operation
10) Manage Customer experience across life cycle from Activation till Retention
11) Setting and deploying Business transformation Strategy across the organization
12) Business Results as - Cost Reduction, Revenue Enhancement, Customer Experience and
13) Setting and managing Quality Strategy and Direction of the organization across all
Customer Service Channels - Inbound /Outbound Contacts, Retail, Back Office,
Activation, Systems, C&C, Retention etc.
14) Driving and integrating process improvement initiatives across the country ensuring
business result and building culture
15) Deployment of COPC and Six Sigma – Design, Deploy, Sustain across processes
16) Driving outbound Process Performance
17) He said while recruiting right person to the job , first you should get the job content
right, these are two factors i)What is the technical requirement of the job and at same
time ii) what are the personal trade of the job.
18) To motivate the employees you should show them the cause for which they are working
1) He had never planned to be in this industry as we studying Science in Ruia College
his father has wanted to make him a doctor.
2) After, started Catering course in Dadar catering college and he was offered job by
TAJ hotels as Product Manager in food and beverage.
3) He said “Management is handling of staff(men or Women),there are multiple college
to teach but fundamental comes from handling of human beings and if have it than
nobody needs to each you.
4) He believed in self employment, he had several international offers to work in
Hilton’s etc but he choose Mumbai, later he started a restaurant eventual y he ended
up making 8 restaurants in Mumbai.
5) As he was been very successful in restaurants people use to ask his adivse and he use
to give it free and later he realized free advice is not valued and Sunit Pai consultancy
came into existence
6) He is provide consulting on turn key basis for Hotels, Restaurant, Bakeries, and all
types of Food businesses which includes setting up new business, Unlocking the value
of exisitng Brand, Brand development, business plan, sales and marketing strategy
developments, Franchising.
7) Created the restaurant from concept to execution and managed business.
8) He was Chef In Charge of Restaurant Rangoli.
9) He Managed Kitchen of Fourt Auguada Beach Resort.
10) He was also short Listed by Taj for training at CIA.
11) Few years later he started cake shop chain in Mumbai.
12) “Dream and dream big ,if you work for it you can achieve it. The process is very
simple set a goal put a time frame if do not in that time frame than leave it and start
Plan B” he stated.
13) He made his 1st restaurant at the age of 25,He added “God is always kind if your are
willing to work for it”.
 Google is strengthening its cloud platform offering and training in India at a time when Amazon and
Microsoft are increasing their focus on Indian firms.
 Google announced its Google Cloud India region in Mumbai, which will enable Indian enterprises
to take advantage of :
 High Speeds
 Low Latency
 Performance Benefits
 Oyvind Roti, head of solutions for Japan and Asia Pacific Region at Google Cloud said that:
 We are helping our customers in their journey towards the cloud.
 We have a strong partnership programme and that is what drives the growth for us here in India.
 Our technology enables them to leverage the benefit of ML and AI capabilities.
 The public cloud services market in India is projected as :

49.2% SaaS
• The companies which are entering the cloud platform are using ML and AI capacity.
• Home-grown messaging app Hike Messenger is one of the customers of Google
Cloud platform and has over 100 million registered users.
• Some other key customers of Google Cloud are L&T Finance, Karur Vysya Bank,
Titan, ShareChat,, Quikr, Delhivery and Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital.
• We focus mainly on the partner-based model and have partnered with many global and
Indian independent software vendors to offer our solutions, added Roti.
• Google has also added a new service called Cloud Spanner at its Mumbai region.
• According to Google, Cloud Spanner helps in database administration and
management and makes application development more efficient.
• Customers benefit are :
- cost savings, with lower latency
- a consistent, unified, global view
• Benefit of Cloud Adoption:
- Improvement of Productivity & Profitability
- Improved customer Advocacy and Loyalty
- Better access to Markets
- More secure Business
- Increased Efficiency in Operations
- Greater Social and Personal Development
 Robots are now everywhere, except in the productivity statistics.
 Economists, politicians and business leaders are all singing the praise of computers,
artificial intelligence and robots.
 Robert Solow said that, “You can see the computer age everywhere but in the
productivity statistics.”
 For instance, the number of industrial robots is increasing rapidly, but shipment stats, a
good indicator of investments, are showing only minor improvements.
 “To be honest, most of the improvements in value-added growth seem to be purely
• Investment growth has been strongly concentrated in a few areas, while labor productivity
-the key driver of profits and wages - hasn't grown much at all.
• So next time you hear economists talk about the productivity boost the robots are going to
give us, make them show you the statistics. And then call me, because I want to know as
well,” Josefsson said in a video published by, a Swedish economic news website.
• Another cause for concern is that the contribution from Information and Communication
Technology-assets to GDP-growth and – even worse -- total factor productivity (i.e. from
innovation), is falling behind
 Distributed ledger technologies (DLT), commonly referred to as block chain
technology, are likely to disrupt many industries.
 Machine-to-machine transactions entail risks as well as an opportunity to create a
digital blue ocean.
 How DLT can facilitate the Internet-of-Things (IoT) revolution:
- IOTA is a non-profit foundation
- IOTA’s founders have developed the Tangle, an open-source communication and
transaction protocol for the IoT.
- Five years ago, the IOTA founders recognised that there were several intrinsic
limitations to conventional public block chains.
- By contrast, conventional mining-based block chain technology protocols are very
energy-consuming and require high storage capacity.
How it works ?

1. The open-source IOTA Tangle protocol enhances data security, integrity and privacy for
machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, without any fees.
2. In addition, where value transfer is needed to support a business model or data
monetisation, IOTA provides an optional real time zero-fee transaction feature.
For Example:
Let’s take a concrete example: smart mobility. With no driver onboard, the self-driving
vehicles will need to be able to pay for smart charging, parking, toll gates or other smart-
city utilities.
3. These M2M interactions must happen in real time, provide high security and respect the
privacy of users.
4. As data storage grows increasingly decentralised, data integrity – the ability to ensure that
data have not been tampered with – will become critical.
5. To make these transactions possible, IOTA created a digital currency called the IOTA
6. With your transaction, you attest directly that two transactions, and indirectly that a
subsection of the Tangle’s block chain, are valid and conform to the protocol’s rules.
7. As such, consensus in IOTA is no longer decoupled from the transaction-making process:
It’s an intrinsic part of it and enables IOTA to scale without charging transaction fees.
 Game changing tech trends shaping fantasy sports in India.
 100% Cloud presence – Startups are increasingly focusing on their product more than the
infrastructure they need to run it, by leveraging the public clouds offered by cloud service
providers like Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and Google (GCP).
 There are some security concerns around public clouds, all these providers are working
very hard to provide state-of-the-art security frameworks to secure user data and the
product itself.
Several providers and technologies are listing out below:
1) Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
2) PWA – Progressive Web Apps
3) Blockchain
4) Augmented Reality
5) Data Analytics
6) Open Source
7) Microservices Architecture/ Intelligent Apps
Service Providers Services

Artificial Intelligence/Machine A multi-disciplinary domain with a balance of skills from

academia to industry, AI augments performance.
Reliable (Fast load times and offline experience), Fast (smooth
PWA – Progressive Web Apps
experience),Engaging (Home Screen experience & push
notification capabilities).
Incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can
Blockchain be programmed to record not just financial transactions but
virtually everything of value.

Augmented Reality Interactive experience to users by overlaying digital

information on top of real-world environments

Data Analytics Understanding a user base better than your competitor can
provide you a huge competitive advantage

Open Source The confidence to emerging startups to use these technologies

in their production systems.

Microservices Architecture/ Functionality in the app like loyalty programs, multiple

payment options, virtual currency etc.
Intelligent Apps Apps provide a graceful degraded performance to its users
instead of not working completely.
 It is expected that security has to be designed for the cloud right from the time the infra
and apps are moved/implemented.
 Solutions to meet data security challenges need a 360-degree approach
- Covering issues of governance
- Risk management
- Data security
- User and identity and access management,
- Infrastructure and foundation security
- Platform and software security
- Smooth integration of all of these security components
 According to Samir Shah, Associate Partner – Cyber Security, EY, three aspects are
crucial when it comes to providing a credible cloud platform.
Below are aspects of Cloud Data Security :

1) A secure cloud ecosystem with appropriate controls to protect the confidentiality,

availability and integrity of the systems and data is extremely imperative for a cloud
service provider.
2) A trusted cloud ecosystem must be designed to stand the test of time. It should provide
high availability and resilience to adverse events.
3) The third aspect is to have an audit-ready cloud ecosystem that has continuous compliance
and is certified to meet specific industry regulations and legislation.

• As part of Accenture’s continued focus on adapting to emerging technologies like the

Cloud, and developing expertise and innovating in these areas, the past several years have
seen a steep upward trajectory with regards to both depth of cloud specific skill and
sophistication of cloud security services shaped and available for clients to consume.
• Accenture sees cloud as an extension of the enterprise, with the need to maintain the same
minimum level of security control in the cloud as is available within the enterprise, while
also accounting for the risks that are specific to the virtual extended enterprise.
• Security has been one of the biggest obstacles to cloud adoption, and have striven to both
leverage the significant improvements in native, incremental and optimal security
solutions offered by cloud service providers and add to it with deep security perspective,
years of consulting and delivery experience.
 As data becomes a sought-after commodity, with some business leaders calling it as the
new oil, a survey has found nearly half of Indian companies to be lacking on the critical
parameter of data protection.
 Apart from that, companies also seem to be lacking on proper storage of sensitive data,
the survey by digital security firm Gemalto has said.
 48% of IT professionals in India believe their organisations are failing to carry out all
procedures in line with data protection laws.
 It added that only 48% companies know where all of their sensitive data is stored.
 Even as companies make a beeline for accumulating data, the survey said 45% of the
organisations cannot analyse or categorise all the consumer data they store.
• If businesses can’t analyse all of the data they collect, they can’t understand the value of
it and that means they won’t know how to apply the appropriate security controls to that
data, Gemalto’s chief technology officer for data protection, Jason Hart, said.
• Over 1,000 IT decision makers and 10,500 consumers were surveyed worldwide as part
of the survey, it said.
• Hart said unsecure data is a “goldmine for hackers” and can be sold online on the ‘dark
web’, manipulated for financial gain or for damaging reputations.
• The survey said 54% respondents believe unauthorised users can access their corporate
networks, even as a majority 46% said that perimeter security is effective at keeping
unauthorised users out.

46% 54% Network
 Globally, organisations face as many as 30 cyber security breaches per year, indicating
the need for more investment in innovative technologies to improve cyber resilience, says
a report.
 According to a new study by Accenture, the average number of focused cyber attacks per
organisation has more than doubled this year, compared to the previous 12 months.
 For the 2018 State of Cyber Resilience study, Accenture surveyed 4,600 enterprise
security practitioners representing companies with annual revenues of USD 1 billion or
more in 15 countries.
 There were 232 cyber attacks through January 2018 as against 106 through January 2017.
 the report said, adding that organisations across the globe are upping their game and now
preventing 87% of all focused attacks compared to 70% in 2017.
 However, with 13% of focused attacks being successful, organisations are still facing an
average of 30 successful security breaches per year globally, which cause damage or
result in the loss of high-value assets.
 Despite making significant progress, only two out of five organisations are currently
investing in breakthrough technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI)
and automation, indicating there is even more ground to be gained by increasing
investment in cyber resilient solutions.
• Organisations are, however, realising the benefits derived from investing in emerging
• A large majority of respondents (83%) agreed that new technologies such as
- artificial intelligence
- machine or deep learning
- user behaviour analytics and
- blockchain
are essential to securing the future of organisations.
• “While the findings of this study demonstrate that organisations are performing better at
mitigating the impact of cyber attacks, they still have more work to do,” said Kelly
Bissell, managing director of Accenture Security.
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 If businesses want to protect themselves from cyber threats, they must stay one step
ahead of the ever-evolving world of cybercrime.
The importance of creating a cyber security culture :
 Technology is changing the way people work, instead of imposing arbitrary restrictions
on new devices and risk forcing employees to work around the IT department. It would
make sense to think how you can cope with change.
 A modern security culture should adapt to this and liberate workers to work the way they
 People wanting to work from home or use employee-owned devices within a business
(BYOD). Traditional security measures often prove ineffective in protecting data on
these endpoints.
 A strong security culture must also define how security influences the products and
services that the business provides.
Plan for “Bring your own device” (BYOD)
 On the point of the proliferation of remote workers and people working on their own
devices, beyond education, other security measures need to be put in place.
 People responsible for security need to ensure they have a layered approach which
incorporates a number of elements such as device authentication, data encryption and the
ability to remotely wipe data if a device is lost or stolen.
Protecting endpoints :

 Beyond keeping up with the rise in BYOD, it is important that we don’t focus solely on
new endpoints, as more traditional endpoints are constantly opening up to new risks.
 Gartner’s Customer Choice Awards from 2017 will give you a good introduction to the
endpoint security vendor space. Gartner also offers links which will allow you to make

Backup data to reduce damage from ransomware attacks :

 Trying to stop attacks on your data is one thing, another key thing to do is reevaluate your
backup management.
 It is also worth asking if your backup is safe, as cyber attackers can target these as well.

Emerging tech for cyber security :

 The bad news is that threats will continue to evolve, the good news is so will the ways we
combat them.
 Being inquisitive and open will serve you well in this case, as being able to adopt the
latest and best-of-breed innovations will be the only way to survive.
 I am particularly fascinated about the possibilities blockchain may offer to fix the skills
gap in cyber security, by way of creating a decentralised marketplace where hackers can
make money building anti-malware engines instead of causing harm.
 Digital transformation in the country is expected to contribute about USD 154 billion to
India's GDP by 2021, tech giant Microsoft said.
 The study by Microsoft and IDC, titled Unlocking the economic impact of digital
transformation in the Asia Pacific", said there has been a dramatic acceleration in the pace
of digital transformation across India and Asia-Pacific economies.
 "In 2017, about 4% of India's GDP was derived from digital products and services created
directly through the use of digital technologies like mobility, cloud, internet of things
(IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI)," Microsoft India President Anant Maheshwari told
reporters here.
 He added that within the next four years, it is estimated that nearly 60% of India's GDP
will have a strong connection to the digital transformation trends.
• "India is clearly on the digital transformation fast track. Organisations are increasingly
deploying emerging technologies such as AI, and that will accelerate digital
transformation-led growth even further," he said.
• "Business leaders expect to see more than 40% improvements in key areas by 2020, with
the biggest jump expected in productivity, customer advocacy as well as profit margin,"
Maheshwari said.
1. AI is in dire need of diversity :
The first question asked from the audience was, "Do you see an alternative narrative
here--one that is more optimistic?"
YES, I chimed in quoting Yann LeCun, head of AI research at Facebook and professor
at NYU: "Intelligence is not correlated with the desire to dominate. Testosterone is!" I
added that we need diversity in technology--gender diversity, ethnic diversity, and
diversity of backgrounds and experiences.
Perhaps if we did that, the rhetoric around AI would be more about compassion and
collaboration, and less about taking over the world. The audience applauded.

2. Technology is neutral--we, as a society, decide whether we use it for good or bad :

That has been true throughout history. AI has so much potential for good. As thought
leaders in the AI space, we need to advocate for these use cases and educate the world
about the potentials for abuse so that the public is involved in a transparent discussion
about these use cases.
In a sense that's what is so powerful about this documentary. It will not only educate the
public but will spark a conversation with the public that is so desperately needed.
3. We need to ensure that AI is equitable, accountable, transparent and inclusive :
The real problem is not the existential threat of AI. Instead, it is in the development of
ethical AI systems. Unfortunately today, many are accidentally building bias into AI
systems that perpetuate the racial, gender, and ethnic biases existing in society today. In
addition, it is not clear who is accountable for AI's behavior as it is applied across
industries. Take the recent tragic accident where a self-driving Uber vehicle killed a
pedestrian. It so happens that in that case, there was a safety driver in the car.

4. It's a partnership, not a war :

Autonomous driving vehicles. While we are developing these systems, these systems will
fail as they keep getting better. The role of the human co-pilot or safety driver is critical.
For example, there are already cameras facing the driver in many vehicles, that monitor if
a human driver is paying attention or distracted.

5. AI needs Emotional intelligence :

AI today has a high IQ but a low EQ, or emotional intelligence.
That's why we're seeing a rise in relational and conversational technologies like Amazon
Alexa and chatbots.
It's inevitable that we will continue to spend more and more time with technology and
devices, and while many (rightly) believe that this is degrading our humanity and ability to
connect with one another, I see an opportunity. With Emotion AI, we can inject humanity
back into our connections, enabling not only our devices to better understand us, but
fostering a stronger connection between us as individuals

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