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Management Information Systems

Housekeeping for the Course
• Communication:
– Class Meetings (As per timetable)
– Email
– Class WhatsApp Group : For Last minute
emergencies or changes.
– Office Hours: Mon/Wed 12:00- 1:30 PM
or by appointment.
Housekeeping for the Course
• Grading:
10% Assignments & Quizzes
10% Class Participation & Attendance (80%)
10% Readings
20% Group Presentations(2)
25% Midterm Exam
25% Final Exam
• Professional Standards (All submissions should
go through Turnitin)
Academic Integrity--”Do your own work”
Behavioral Integrity -- “Do unto others . . . “
• Assignments
– 0% if late
– Do not ask for any marks after the submission

• Plagiarism
– ZERO on first attempt
– Submission to the Department on second attempt
Reading Assignments
• The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by
Stephen Covey
• How to Win Friends and Influence People by
Dale Carnegie
• Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
• 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah
Research Project
• Areas of Research:
– Mobile Technology -Technology Convergence
– Cloud Computing -Augmented/Virtual Reality
– Big Data -Robotics
– Blockchain -IoT
– AI -Nanotechnology
• Requirements:
– Literature Review Report
– Presentations
Case Studies
• Situation – What is the company doing? Under
what circumstances? With what results?
• Strategy – What’s the current business and
technology strategy?
• Issues and Options – What are the critical issues
and associated options?
• Analysis – Analyze each option
• Recommendations – What will you recommend?
Be specific and demonstrate the benefits.
Important Dates
Book 1 Reading February 27

Research Assignment/Presentation March 11, 13, 15 and 18

Book 2 Reading March 29

Midterm Exam April 5

Book 3 Reading April 29

Book 4 Reading May 20

Case Study Presentations May 24, 27, 29, 31

Final As per University

Course Contents
• Introduction to Management Information
• Global E-business and Collaboration
• MIS and Business strategy
• IT Infrastructure HW & SW
• Communication Networks
• Databases and Information Management
Course Contents
• E-business
• Value Creation with IS
• IS Security
• Building and Managing IS
• IS trends and ethical issues
Reading Texts

• Essentials of MIS by Kenneth & Jane Laudon

12th Edition.
• Management Information Systems for the
information age by Stephen Haag 9th Edition.
Data, Information & knowledge

Facts and Statistics in raw form
No Meaning
45, 23, 67, 82, 71
Blue, Red, White
Left, right, straight, down, up
Data, Information & knowledge
Meaningful and useful interpretation of data
that can be used in making decisions.
Age of applicants: 45, 23, 67, 82, 71
Color of cars: Blue, Red, White
Hidden Gift: Left, right, straight, down, up
Societies mainly depend on the information
Data Process Information
Data, Information & knowledge
A fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual
information, expert insight and grounded intuition
that provides an environment and framework for
evaluating and incorporating new experiences and
information. According to Wiki.
Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person
through experience or education.
The application of data and information – answers
the how questions
• Knowledge rightly applied.
• Evaluated understanding
• Essence of philosophical probing
• Critically questions, particularly from a human perspective of morals and
A Sequential Process of Knowing
We know more than we can tell.”
(Michael Polanyi, 1966)

• How do we recognize faces?

• Leadership, aesthetic sense, body language, intuition
Explicit Knowledge
Formal and systematic:
Easily communicated & shared in product specifications, scientific
formula or as computer programs.

Management of explicit knowledge:

Management of processes and information

Service an AC
Tacit Knowledge
Highly personal:
Hard to formalize;
Difficult (but not impossible) to articulate;
Often in the form of know how.

Management of tacit knowledge is the

management of people:
How do you extract and disseminate tacit knowledge.
Tacit Knowledge
• Tacit knowledge is a particular challenge for
knowledge management
• Firms would like to prevent knowledge loss
due to employee turnover
• Tacit knowledge almost always goes with the
– Leadership
– Aesthetic Sense
– Intuition
Knowledge As An Attribute of
• An expert in a specialized area masters the
• The unique performance of a knowledgeable
expert is clearly noticeable in decision-making
• Knowledgeable experts are more selective in
the information they acquire
• Expertise = Experience + Understanding
Deductive and Inductive reasoning

• Deductive reasoning: exact reasoning. It

deals with exact facts and exact conclusions.
• Inductive reasoning: reasoning from a set of
facts or individual cases to a general
Deductive Reasoning
We know that all high performers are highly
proficient in their jobs.
If Obaid is a high performer, we then conclude
that he is highly proficient in his job

All human are mortal. Harold is a human.

Therefore, Harold is mortal.
Inductive reasoning
Jennifer leaves for school at 7:00 a.m. Jennifer is always
on time. Jennifer assumes, then, that she will always be
on time if she leaves at 7:00 a.m.

The chair in the living room is red. The chair in the dining
room is red. The chair in the bedroom is red. All chairs in
the house are red.

All basketball players in your University are tall, so all

basketball players must be tall.
Inductive reasoning
Why Do People Need Information?

The Uptake of Information:
Emergence of the global economy

• Competition
• 24x7
• Global village
• Travel
• Media
The Uptake of Information:
Transformation of industrial
• Knowledge- and information-based economies in
developed world
• Knowledge: a central productive and strategic asset
• High margin and tougher to replicate
• Marked by time-based competition, shorter product
life, and turbulent environment
• Allows some poorer economies to leapfrog in status
(e.g., Finland, India and Pakistan)
Growth of Information Economy
The Uptake of Information:
Transformation of the modern

IT accommodates management in orgs that are:

• Flattening
• Decentralizing
• Flexible
• Location independent
• And striving for:
–Low transaction and coordination costs;
empowerment; collaborative work and teamwork
The Uptake of Information:
Transformation of the modern
Dimensions of information
• System: A set of components that work
together to achieve a common goal
• Subsystem: One part of a system where the
products of more than one system are
combined to reach an ultimate goal
• Closed system: Stand-alone system that has no
contact with other systems
• Open system: System that interfaces with
other systems
Questions to ask

• Where does the system obtain its data?

• What does the system do with the data?
• What problems does the system solve?
• What differences does the system make?
What is Information Technology/Systems
What is Information Technology?
• Any form of technology used by people to handle
– Hardware (PC, UNIX server)
– Software (e-mail, Internet, Windows, Word)
– Consumer devices (mobiles, train times)

What are Information Systems?

• An information system is an organized combination of
people, hardware, software, communications Networks
and data resources that collects, transforms, and
disseminates information in an organization.
– File systems, databases, e-mail servers / clients
– e-commerce
– SAP, student records
Management Information Systems
• The study of information systems focusing on
their use in business and management.
• Used for organizing and transmitting data into
information that can be used for decision
• Breaks down time and location barriers
• Global information access
• Anytime, anywhere with wireless
Management Information Systems
• MIS involves three
primary resources:
Technology, Information,
and People.
• The MIS helps in
Strategic Planning and
Elements of MIS
4.Databases and application
6.Telecommunications and

People use
Information technology to work with

Backup data
Restart job
Virus scan

People Databases
MIS should be:
• Common database: This is the basic feature of
MIS to achieve the objective of using MIS in
business organizations.
• Computerized: MIS can be used without a
computer. But the use of computers increases the
effectiveness and the efficiency of the system.
• User friendly/Flexibility: An MIS should be
• Information as a resource: Information is the
major ingredient of any MIS.
Important objectives of MIS
• Must support the strategic direction of
• Must allow access to a broad group of users
• Must enhance organizational learning
• Must do in a cost-effective manner
Outputs Of MIS
• Scheduled reports which
are produced periodically,
or on a Schedule (daily,
weekly, monthly).

• Key-indicator report
which summarizes the
previous day’s critical
activities and also it is
typically available at the
beginning of each day.
Scheduled Report Example
Key Indicator Report Example
Outputs Of MIS
• Demand report which
gives certain information
at a manager’s request.

• Exception report which

is automatically produced
when a situation is
unusual or requires
management action.
Demand Report Example
Exception Report Example
Drill-Down Reports
Let’s use drill down
reports and find out
why earnings are up
so much.

I can’t understand it. Our

earnings are up 25% for
the quarter.

• These reports provide increasingly detailed

information about a situation.
MIS Impact on Business Operations
Types of Information Systems
• Transaction processing
– Serve operational managers and
– Perform and record daily routine
transactions necessary to
conduct business
• Examples: sales order entry,
payroll, shipping
– Allow managers to monitor
status of operations and relations
with external environment
– Serve predefined, structured
goals and decision making
Types of Information Systems
• Business intelligence systems
– Management information systems: Routine/current
– Decision support systems: non-routine decision
– Executive support systems: Requiring judgment,
evaluation, and insight

• Business intelligence
– Data and software tools for organizing and analyzing
– Used to help managers and users make improved
Business R&D
trans- MIS Basic Reports
HR Drill Down Reports
Transaction MIS Exception Reports
Data Demand Reports
Marketing Scheduled Reports

External MIS
Other ...
How MIS Obtain Their Data

MIS receive data from an organization’s TPS systems and create

outputs that management can use to make strategic decisions
The Gap Between Business Personnel
and IT Personnel

• Business personnel possess expertise in

functional areas such as marketing,
accounting, and sales.
• IT personnel have the technological expertise
• This typically causes a communications gap
between the business personnel and IT
Improving Communication
• Business personnel must seek to increase
their understanding of IT

• IT personnel must seek to increase their

understanding of the business

• It is usually the responsibility of the CIO to

ensure effective communication between
business personnel and IT personnel
Benefits of MIS
• It improves personal efficiency.
• It expedites problem solving(speed up the
progress of problems solving in an
• It facilitates interpersonal communication
• It promotes learning or training.
• It increases organizational control.
Benefits of MIS
• It creates a competitive advantage over
• It encourages exploration and discovery on the
part of the decision maker.
• It reveals new approaches to thinking about the
problem space.
• It helps automate the Managerial processes.
Social Learning Assignment
• Create a twitter account
• Follow all your class
• Each person has to:
– Post an IT news article
– Comment on at least 1 news article
– #fccu #mis @shoaibsnazir

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