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First Aid

◊ The immediate, temporary care given to an

ill or injured person until professional medical
care can be provided.

◊ Check the surrounding environment. ◊

Your safety is the 1st priority!
C’s of Emergency Care

Check – Call - Care

◊ Check the victim for life-threatening
conditions. Only move the victim if he/she is
in direct physical danger.
◊ Call 911. Leave the scene if necessary.
◊ Care for the victim. Ask permission to help.
Unconsciousness implies consent.
Good Samaritan Laws

◊ Statutes (laws) that protect rescuers from

being sued for giving emergency care
◊ You may not provide care beyond your level
of training
◊ You must be acting in the best interest of
the victim
Universal Precautions

◊ Steps taken to prevent the spread of

disease through blood and other bodily
◊ Chemical resistant gloves (usually latex)
◊ Wash hands immediately after providing
First Aid
◊ Use mouth piece or rescue mask when
providing rescue breathing/CPR.
Universal Precautions

Types of Wounds

Abrasion: (scrape) Injury to the top layer of

skin. Chief concern is bacterial infection.
Clean and protect.
Types of Wounds

Laceration: (cut) caused by sharp objects

slicing through skin. Severe lacerations
may require stitches and a tetanus booster.
Types of Wounds

Punctures: A small but deep hole caused by

a sharp narrow object. High risk of
infection. Usually does not cause heavy
Types of Wounds

Avulsions: Occurs when skin or tissue is

partly or completely torn away. If possible
wrap the severed body part in a sterile, cold,
moist towel to preserve the tissue.
Controlling Bleeding
◊ Raise wound above the level of the heart.

◊ Cover with sterile gauze or cloth.

◊ Use direct pressure to stop the bleeding

◊ Once bleeding stops secure gauze with a

bandage. Seek medical attention if
Types of Burns

◊ First degree burns: Involves the

outermost layer of skin (epidermis).
◊ Redness, Swelling and Pain
◊ About 1 week
healing time
Types of Burns

◊Second degree burns: Involves epidermis

and underlying layers of skin (dermis).
Skin becomes very red, swollen, and
develops blisters
Types of Burns
◊Thirddegree burns: Involve all layers of
skin. The skin may be charred black or
appear white & dry. The burn may damage
nerve cells so the victim may not
experience pain.
First Aid for 1st & Minor 2nd Degree

◊ Cool the burned area by holding under

cold running water for 5 minutes. Wrap in
cold wet cloths. Do not use ice!
◊ Cover the burn loosely with sterile gauze.
◊ 3rd degree burns require immediate
medical attention – Call 911
Chain of Survival

◊A sequence of actions that maximize the

victim’s chances of survival
◊ Survey the scene
◊ Check the victim for
◊ Call 911 (if needed)
◊ Provide necessary Care
(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

◊A first aid procedure that combines rescue

breathing and chest compressions to
supply oxygen to the body.

◊ Defibrillator: A device that delivers an

electrical shock to the heart to restore
normal its normal rhythm. (Automated
External Defibrillator - AED)
Chain of Survival
CPR for Adults
◊Survey the scene
◊Check for Consciousness (Are you OK!)
◊Call 911
◊Chest Compressions
CPR for Adults
CPR for Adults
CPR for Adults
◊Perform 30 chest compressions first
◊Followed by 2 breaths of air– repeat this process
until more advance medical help arrives.
Stayin Alive
CPR for Infants and Children
(under 8 years old)

◊Give shallower breaths
◊Give compressions with heel of one
hand on the sternum.
◊2 breaths:30 compression
CPR for Infants and Children
(under 8 years old)

◊Take pulse on brachial artery
◊Give shallower breaths (puff of air)
◊Give compressions with middle &
ring finger
◊30 Compression: 2 breaths
Dr. Oz on Heart Attacks
Anatomy of a Heart Attack
Angioplasty & Stenting
First Aid for Choking

◊ Conscious adult
◊ Stand behind victim, wrap arms around
their waist.
◊ Make a fist with one hand and grasp it
with your other hand.
◊ Quick upward thrust. “J” shape movement
◊ Repeat until object is dislodged.
First Aid for Choking

◊ Unconscious adult:
◊ Lower victim to the ground and try to clear
◊ Reach into mouth and sweep object out
with one finger.
◊ If object can not be dislodged, begin CPR.
Chest compressions may dislodge object.
Xiphoid Process
First Aid for Choking
◊ If you are Alone:
◊ Perform abdominal thrust on yourself.
◊ Position abdomen over rigid structure (countertop, back
of chair).
◊ Press against the object to thrust your abdomen upward
and inward.
First Aid for Shock
◊A life threatening condition which the heart is not
delivering and adequate supply of blood to the

◊ Symptoms include: cold, clammy skin that may

appear pale or grayish. Weak, rapid pulse and
altered breathing. Dilated pupils. Weakness,
confusion, or loss of consciousness.
First Aid for Shock
◊ Call911
◊ Lie the victim down and raise feet 12
inches. Keep warm.
◊ Loosen constricting clothing, and keep
calm. Roll victim to side if they begin to
◊ Do not give victim anything to eat or drink.
Do not move victim if you suspect an injury
to the head, neck, or spine.
Muscle & Joint Injuries
Muscle & Joint Injuries

◊ Strain: A tear in the muscle or tendon .

◊ Sprain: An injury to the ligaments around

a joint.

◊ Symptoms include pain, stiffness,

swelling, limited mobility, and bruising
around the area.
Muscle & Joint Injuries

◊Protect-wrap with bandage or splint

◊Rest-rest injured area for at least 1 day.

◊Ice-to reduce swelling and pain. 10-15

minutes, three times a day.

◊Compress-wrap firmly with a bandage.

◊Elevate-raise above the heart.

Fractures & Dislocations
◊Fracture: A break in a bone

Tibial Fracture &

Fibular Fracture

Humeral Fracture
Fractures & Dislocations
Fractures & Dislocations
◊Dislocations: a separation of a bone from its normal position in a joint.

Dislocated elbow
Fractures & Dislocations
◊Symptoms of fractures and dislocations include pain, stiffness,
swelling, limited mobility, and bruising around the area.
First Aid for Fractures & Dislocations

◊Call 911. Keep victim still & calm

◊If skin is broken rinse to prevent infection.
◊Cover with sterile dressing.
◊Immobilize area.
◊Apply ice.
◊If injury doesn’t affect head, neck, legs, or
spine…Treat for Shock.

◊Unconsciousness is the condition of

not being alert or aware of
◊ Risk of choking.
◊ Call 911.
◊Use “Recovery Position” if victim is
breathing and you do not suspect
head, neck, or spine injury.
◊Occurs when not enough blood is
flowing to the brain.
◊ Try to prevent victim from falling.
◊ Lay victim on the floor and elevate
legs. Loosen tight or constricting
◊ If the person vomits, roll him/her into
the “Recovery Position”
Recovery Position
◊ If victim doesn’t regain
consciousness within few
minutes…Call 911
◊ If the victim regains consciousness
keep the person lying still for at least
10-15 minutes.
◊ A jarring injury to the brain that can cause
unconsciousness. (Bruise on the brain)
◊ Symptoms include: memory loss, confusion, and
pupils that are non-reactive to light. If
present…Call 911
Animal Bites
◊ Possible transmission of viral
disease (Rabies).
◊ A vaccine can prevent
Rabies if given within
two days of
◊Treat as an open wound
◊ Caused by injury or by irritation of
the lining of the nose

◊ Use protective barrier when caring

for someone else.
◊ Sit down and pinch the end of nose
with thumb and finger.
◊ Lean forward and breath through
mouth. Apply ice to the bridge of
◊ Poison: A substance that causes
injury, illness, or death when it enters
the body.
◊ Call the National Poison Control
Hotline : 1-800-222-1222

◊Venom: A poisonous secretion injected by

some type of snakes.
◊Rattlesnakes, Copperheads, Cobras,
Coral snakes, and water moccasins.
First Aid for Snakebites

◊ Call 911
◊ Keep victim still. Keep affected area
below the level of the heart.
◊ Remove constricting items as swelling
may occur.
◊ Use snakebite suction kit if available.
First Aid for Snakebites

◊ DO NOT: apply tourniquet, use cold

compresses, cut into area with blade, suck
venom out with mouth, or give any
medication without consent of a physician.
Insect & Spider bites or Stings
Insect & Spider bites or Stings

◊ If allergic…Call 911
◊ Remove stinger by scraping with firm, straight
edged object.
◊ Pinch or use tweezers if necessary.
◊ Wash with soap and water
◊ Apply ice. 10-15 mins. Once an hour for first 6
Insect & Spider Bites / Stings

◊ Anti-histamines may be helpful.

◊ Severe reactions include: weakness,

swelling of the face and neck, and difficulty
breathing. If these signs are present… call
Poisonous Plants

◊ Wash area immediately with soap &

◊ Wash contaminated clothing.
◊ Pre-washes can be helpful
◊ Antihistamines can be helpful (oral or
Poisonous Ivy
Poison Sumac
Poison Oak
In conditions of prolonged cold exposure, your
body sends signals to the blood vessels in your
arms and legs telling them to constrict (narrow). By
slowing blood flow to the skin, your body is able to
send more blood to the vital organs, supplying
them with critical nutrients.

Frostbite occurs when tissues freeze. This

condition happens when you are exposed to
temperatures below the freezing point of skin.

The nose, cheeks, ears, fingers, and toes (your

extremities) are most commonly affected.
Frostbite is caused by 2 different means: cell
death at the time of exposure and further cell
deterioration and death because of a lack of

In the first, ice crystals form in the space outside

of the cells. Water is lost from the cell’s interior,
and dehydration promotes the destruction of the
In the second, the damaged lining of the blood vessels is
the main culprit. As blood flow returns to the extremities
upon rewarming, it finds that the blood vessels
themselves are injured.

What to do…

 98 - 95 degrees - Sensation of chilliness, skin numbness; minor

impairment in muscular performance, especially in use of hands;
shivering begins.
 95 - 93 degrees - More obvious muscle in coordination and
weakness; slow stumbling pace; mild confusion and apathy. Skin pale
and cold to touch.
 93 - 90 degrees - Gross muscular in coordination with frequent
stumbling and falling and inability to use hands; mental sluggishness
with slow thought and speech; retrograde amnesia.
 90 - 86 degrees - Cessation of shivering; severe muscular in
coordination with stiffness and inability to walk or stand; incoherence,
confusion, irrationality.
 86 - 82 degrees - Severe muscular rigidity; patient barely arousable;
dilatation of pupils; weak heartbeat and pulse. Skin ice cold.
 82- 78 degrees and below - Unconsciousness; death due to
cessation of heart action

How long can a person
survive in cold water?

Expected Time Before Exhaustion or Expected Time of

Water Temperature
Unconsciousness Survival

(°F) (°C)

32.5° 0.3° < 15 minutes 45 minutes

32.5–40° 0.3–4.4° 15 – 30 minutes 30 – 90 minutes

40–50° 3.3–10° 30 – 60 minutes 1 – 3 hours

50–60° 10–15.6° 1 – 2 hours 1 – 6 hours

60–70° 15.6–21.1° 2 – 7 hours 2 – 40 hours

70–80° 21.1–26.7° 3 – 12 hours 3 hours – indefinite

> 80° > 26.7° Indefinite Indefinite

Heat Exhaustion/Stroke
♦Physical stress placed on the body by
♦Symptoms: heavy sweating, cold, clammy
skin, confusion/dizziness, nausea, weak, rapid
♦Treat by removing person from heat source.
Use a fan or cold water to bring body
temperature back to normal.
What to do…
Heat Stroke
A dangerous condition in which the body
loses its ability to cool itself through
or Higher

What to do..
Safety at Home
The accident chain: a sequence of events that
leads to injury.

 Unsafe situation
 Unsafe habit
 Unsafe action
 The accident
 The consequences
Safety at Home
 Preventing Fires

Common causes: candles, smoking, faulty

electrical wiring, kitchen fires.
Don’t leave candles and cooking food
unattended. Clean stove.
Follow operating instructions for space heaters
Don’t smoke in the house
Safety at Home
Fire extinguishers:
Safety at Home
Smoke Alarms :
Safety at Home
 Preventing Fires
Safety at Home
Overloading system
Inspect electrical cords
Keep cords free of debris (furniture, rugs,
Don’t nail or staple cords down
Don’t use electrical devises near water
Cover unused electrical outlets
Safety at Home
Safety at Home
Keep stairways clear of clutter and well
Fasten area rugs
Window guards
Keep electrical cords out of walkways
Safety at Home
 Preventing the 5 Most Fatal Home Accidents

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