Understanding Culture Society and Politics

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Group 1 presentation

 The bond of blood marriage which
binds people together in group.
 According to the dictionary of
Anthropology, kinship system includes
socially recognized relationships based
on supposed as well as actual
genealogical ties. These relationships
are results of social interaction and
recognized society.
 Affinal Kinship
Relationship based upon marriage
or cohabitation between collaterals (
people are treated as the same
 Consanguineous Kinship
Connection between people that are
traced by blood.
Kinship is a reckoned in a number of a
different ways around the world,
resulting in a variety of types of
decent patterns and kin groups.
Unilineal Descent
 The traces decent only through a single
line of ancestors, male or female. Both
males and females are members of a
unilineal family, but descent links are only
recognized through relatives of one
gender. The two basic forms of unilineal
descent are referred to as patrilineal and
Patrilineal Descent
Both males and females belong to their father’s
kin group but not their mother’s. However, only
males pass on their family identity to their
children. A woman’s children are of her husband’s
patrilineal line.
Matrilineal Decent
The form of unilineal descent that follows a
female line. When using this pattern, individuals
are relatives if they can trace descent through
females to the same female ancestor. While both
male and female children are members of their
mother's matrilineal decent group, only daughter
can pass on the family line to their offspring.
Bilineal Descent
When both patrilineal and matrilineal decent
are combined.
MARRIAGE– is an institution that admits
men and women to family life. Edward
Westermarck defined marriage as the more
or less durable connection between male
and female lasting beyond the mere act of
propagation till after birth of offspring.
Lowie defined is a relatively permanent
bond between permissible mates.
Malinowski defined marriage as contract
for the production and maintenance of
According to Lundberg Marriage
consists of the rules and regulations that
define the rights, duties and privileges
of husband and wife with to respect to
each other.
Is the practice of having only one spouse at one
time. In some cases, monogamy means having
only one spouse for an entire life span. Out of
the different types of marriages, monogamy is
the only one that is legal in the United States and
in the most industrial nation.
 Social Monogamy- Two persons/creatures that
live together, have sex with one another, and
cooperate in acquiring basic resources such as
food, clothes, and money.
 Sexual Monogamy- Two person/creatures that
remain sexually exclusive with one another and
have no outside sex partners
 Genetic Monogamy- Two partners that only
have offspring with one another.
 Marital Monogamy- Marriages of only two
 Serial Monogamy- A series of relationships.
One person has only one partner at a time, and
then moves on to another partner after severing
the relationship with the first.
Is a Greek word meaning “ The practice of
multiple Marriage”. It is marriage pattern in
which and individual is married to more
than one person at a time.
Ex: Tiwi (North Australia)
 Polygyny is the practice of one man
having more than one wife or sexual
partner at time.
Ex: Mormonism
Polyandry involves one woman
having multiple husbands, within
polyandry there are many variations
on the marriage style.
 fraternal polyandry (Ex: Tibet and
 secondary marriage (Ex: Northern
Nigeria and Northern Cameroon.
Thank you for listening

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