Agrochemical Poisoning

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Agrochemical Poisoning

Dr. Janaki Warushahennadi

Senior lecturer
Faculty of medicine

8/19/2019 Dr. Janaki Warushahennadi 1

Why we should learn about Agro chemical
poisoning? It is a common casualty in
• Sri Lanka is an agricultural country
• Agrochemicals are widely used
• No proper rules and regulations to sell, storage,
and usage – accidental poisoning

• Suicidal rate is high.

• people try to choose the most available and
cheapest method for self killing

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Classification of Agro chemicals
• Insecticides
• Weedicides
• Rodenticides
• Fungicides
• Mollucides

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Circumstances of poisoning

• Deliberate self poisoning/suicidal

• Accidental – agrochemical handlers

• Homicidal

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How a person can get poisoned?
(Routes of entry)
• Per os

• Inhalation

• Per cutaneous


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Medico Legal duty of a doctor in a case
of poisoning
• Patients with poisoning - ( if the circumstances
are suspicious, or homicidal) – notify the
police – the police will issue MLEF

• All deaths due to poisoning – inquest – post

mortem – course of death

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Different groups of Agro chemicals
• Insecticides
• Weedicides
• Rodenticides
• Fungicides
• Mollucides

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Different groups of Insecticides
• Organophosphates
• Carbamates
• Organochlorines
• pyrathroides

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Organophosphate poisoning

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• Ex. Run bug, Folidol, Parathion

• Basis of many insecticides

• It is a colorless fluid which is oily and has a
kerosine smell
• Accounts for 1/3 of hospital admission with
poisoning in Sri Lanka
• OP is used as a chemical war – Syria,Japan
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Action of organophosphate on human
• Irreversibly inhibit enzyme acetyl
cholinesterase in nerve endings

• Accumulate acetylcholine which is a

neurotransmitter both CNS, peripheral nerve

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Action of acetylcholine at nerve ending

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Clinical features
• Are due to effect caused by excess

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• What are the clinical features of OP

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Signs and symptoms of OP poisoning
• Starts soon after the ingestion

• Non specific signs

general weakness
Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps

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Specific clinical features
• Specific clinical features due to the action of
particular poison on the body

• Are due to effect caused by excess


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Acetylcholine receptors are present

• Postganglionic parasympathetic nerve


• neuro- muscular junctions,

• central nervous system

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Clinical features - Post-ganglionic
parasympathetic stimulation

• Begin to sweat, salivation, diarrhea,

• Increase bronchial secretion, Cough,

wheezing, pulmonary oedema, cyanosis

• Pupils- small, pin point. – blurred vision

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Clinical feature - Action at neuro-
muscular junction

• Muscle twitching, in coordination, weakness,


• Bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmia

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Clinical feature - Action on CNS
• Disorientation, Confusion
• Depression of cranial nerve system
• Convulsion
• Coma
• Depression of respiratory system

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Mechanism of death
• Respiratory depression

• Cardiac arrhythmia

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Clinical features OP
• Inhalation – cough, wheezing, bronchitis,

• Eye contact – irritation, pain, lacremation,

blurred vision

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Late onset of clinical effects –
intermediate syndrome

• Appears 1 – 4 days after the ingestion in some

patients following OP exposure
• clinical feature – difficulty in breathing due to
Paralysis of respiratory system
• Exact mechanism is not known
• Require mechanical ventilation

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Late complications on survivors
• Peripheral neuropathy
numbness of limbs

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Management of a patient following OP

• Prevent further poisoning - Induce vomiting,

Clean the body, change cloths

• Maintain ABC - clear airway, suck out

secretion, give Oxygen, ventilation, IV cannula,

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Management of a patient following OP

• Specific management
• Antidote – Atropine. Atropine antaganize the
parasympathmimetic and the central effects
of Ach.

• Pralidoxime(PAM) – Breaks the irreversible

binding of acetylecholinesterase.
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Management of OP poisoning
• symptomatic management
if pneumonia - antibiotis,
gastritis - antacides

• Supportive management
Psychiatric referral, psychological support,
neurological support

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Death due to OP poisoning

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Post mortem findings – no specific

• Kerosine smell from body, cloths

• White, fine froth around mouth and nose,

respiratory tract

• Gross pulmonary oedema – white froth oozing

from the cut surfaces of the lungs

• Poison in the stomach

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Sample collection in OP poisoning
• Patients (homicides, suspicious) – 5 ml of
blood (After obtaining the consent from

• Deaths – 10 ml of blood , stomach contents

• Decomposed body – stomach contents, 500 g

of liver, skeletal muscle
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Decomposed body

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Carbamate poisoning

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Carbamate poisoning
• Insecticide – EX. Baygon, baycarb
• Action same as OP
• Reversibly inhibits acetylcholiesterase
• Clinical features same as OP

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Different groups of Agro chemicals
• Insecticides
• Weedicides
• Rodenticides
• Fungicides
• Mollucides

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Weedicides – Parquet poisoning

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• Gramoxone – 20% of paraquot,

• Weedol

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Why parquet is ideal weedicide
• It kills all the green plants on contact (inhibits

• It is a very safe agrochemical

• Gets inactivated on contact with soil
(treatment is Fullers earth)

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Toxicity of parquet
• Parquet is very toxic substance

• Lethal dose is around 20 – 40 ml.

• Parquet is the second commonest

agrochemical poisoning in Sri Lanka

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Paraquat in bowel

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Parquet in bottle

• Distinct colour

• Distint bad smell

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Circumstances of poisoning

Self ingestion – per os

 children- can drink accidentally,
 Adult- inhalation,
 Theough skin usually occupational.

 Homicidal- with food, can inject IM, IV.

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Metabolism of paraquet
• Absorption – only 5 % is absorbed through bowel

• Unabsorbed portion is excreted with stools.

• Tissue distribution- maximum blood level in 6


• Parquet has the affinity to tissues with high Oxygen

• Actively absorbed to lungs and stored in lungs.
• Damage – mainly to lung tissues

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• After 24 –48 hours – not found in blood.

• Excretion- Release from lungs in 1- 2 weeks

and excreted unchanged with urine.
• Can be found only in urine for about 2

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Action on tissues

• Local effect - Paraquat cause local

corrosive effect

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Ulceration of the tongue – paraquat

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Action after absorption – after
• Exact mechanism is not known.

• Parquet combines with tissue NADPH

• Forming super oxide radicals which

• Cause cell membrane destruction and cell

death – mainly on lung tissues

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Damage on lung tissues
• Early - Destructive phase (upto 7 days)

• Delayed – proliferative phase 1 – 2 weeks

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Clinical features
• Non specific features

• GIT irritation – nausea, vomiting, abd. cramps

Discomfort, diarrhea, sweating

• Due to the corrosive effect - Soreness of the

mouth – dysphagia, burning sensation in GIT

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Early Systemic effects - due to direct
toxicity in large doses
• Brain - Tremors , convulsions
• Kidneys – Acute Renal failure (acute tubular
• Liver – liver failure(centri lobular necrosis)
• Lungs – pulmonary haemorrhge, oedema,
(damage of epithelium, intersticium)ARDS

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Early Systemic effects
• patient may die within few days due to multi
organ failure

• Autopsy features???

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Ulceration of the tongue – paraquat

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Distended lungs

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Cut surface of lung shows congestion

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Fatty liver
Autopsy features in destructive phase
• Ulceration in the lips, tongue or buccal
• Ictarus
• Erosion and ulcerations in the upper GIT
• Enlarged fatty liver
• Swollen kidney
• Pulmonary congestion and oedema
• presence of greenish fluid in GIT

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Delayed phase – proliferative phase

• Appears after 7 – 14 days

• Clinical sign – dyspnoea

• Pathology – diffuse intra-alveolar fibrosis

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Autopsy features
• Ulceration of the mouth, tongue, buccal
• Icterus

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Internal autopsy findings
• Liver- enlarged, fatty, necrsis

• Kidney – swollen, pale cortex, congested


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Delayed lung changes
• Features of lung • Heavy, rubbery, areas of
fibrosis fibrosis
• Honey comb lung

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Local contact
• Ulcerations due to corrosive effect

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Treatment of a victim following
paraquat poisoning
• Prevent further poisoning

• Maintain ABC

• Give Fullers earth to drink

• Should not give Oxygen

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Collection of samples
• In early stage……………..

• Late stage…………………..

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