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G r o u p 2
D a r r y l D e l g a d o

-an introductory piece of music, most commonly

an orchestral opening to an act of an opera, the
first movement of a suite, or a piece preceding a
f u g u e .
synonyms: over ture, introductor y movement,
i n t r o d u c t i o n , o p e n i n g
" a n o r c h e s t r a l p r e l u d e "

Why does it seem acceptable in the Philippine

Society for husbands to have affairs with other
Is it acceptable for women? why or why
not? What do you think or feel about this?

Should this attitude be

changed? why or why
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a
married man and someone other than his
wife or between a married woman and
som eon e ot h er th an h er hu sba nd .
Cohibitation of persons not legally married.
A man died singing, he sung 3 songs before he took his last breath, he
collapsed on a chair at the Municipal Hall. It was 3 in the afternoon,the sun
was high and very hot and tuba warmed the peoples blood more.It was
someone's 9th deadth anniversary being celebrated and another man's life
i n t h a t p a r t y e n d e d w i t h a h i g h n o t e .
Nenita the wife at that time was at home picking herbal leaves for medicinal
b r e w .
Earlier that day Nenita was lying on the sofa to take a nap so she could embrace
Willy Revillame on her dreams.after she sent her granson to city and continued
o n c o o k i n g .
At the sala nenita opened the window but the air was dry and outside was very
quiet. Everyone was at the Hall to attend the juez a tribute to his 9th death
anniversary, but everyone bore a grudge againts the deam man but still
a t te n d e d t o k n o w w h a t t h e c h i l d re n s of t h e j u e z h a s p re pa i re d .
Tuba - also called as palm wine is an alcoholic beverage created from the sap of various species of palm tree
such as the palmyra, date palms, and coconut palms. It is known by various names in different regions and is
common in various parts of Asia, Africa the Caribbean and South America
As soon as Nenita was certain that her grandson had left
she positioned herself to the electric fan in front of her,
sat on the sofa then turned the Tv on to watch her
favorite segment, the next thing she knew was Willy was
pulling her to the from the stands into his arms and
soothing her with the words of condolences, then giving
her some cash and a kiss to her cheek.

Nenita forced herself to wake up from that

dream, and found herself standing at the
center of the sala, her heart was beating
wildly, her armpits became soked wet and
her hair wasa messy, she thought she felt her
husbands presence even if he was at the Hall
that time,s quickly turned the tv off and
made her way to the kitchen.
Nenita criticize herself for taking a nap,
and there was an urgent order of ten
dozens of suman she had to deliver to
the juez daughter the next day, for the
daughter will leave after right after the
Nenita spent all night until it was early
a n n i v e r s a r y .
morning boiling the stick rice, mixing it
with anise, caramel and coconut milk,
until her hands trembled, after that she
had to prepare breakfast and a special
tea concotion for ger grandson who
spent all night drinking. the boy got Nenita then remembered to make a
barely to the house drunk as a fish. medical tea for her husband needed to
take with his dinnerm and she had yet to
complete the 5 different kidns ofleaves to
pick. Ampalaya, Banaba, Bayabas,Dumero,
Herba Buena, she heared the husband
singing, the voice was faint but more than
perceptible and certainly unmistakable to
h e r .
That voice was all she could hear after she
stepped through the door and started to
pick the leaves, Everything else around her
was quiet and still, and it seemed like all
the birds and the frogs even the dogs and
the entire town had gone silent.

She never heared him to sing like that in

a very long time, ever since the sugar
and alcohol in his blood urned the side
of his heart and almost got to its core
and it got him illed. since then he would
get out from his breath when he sang.
And he forgot the lyrics so easily,
especially the Itallian Classics and the
Tagalog Kundiman where he was very
w e l l k n o w n e d f o r .
Nenita did not understand why his husbands brithers and sisters
fussed when he stopped singing, She could not even understand
half of the songs he sanged.It was Spanished, Itallian, Tagalog and
rarely sings Bisaya which she could understood and loved, She and
her husband cant talk when the topic was musicbut luckily her
grandson and his husband get along very well and the two of them
talk and sing while strumming the guitar at the kitchen.

Nenita used to feel slighted whenever his brother-in-law talks

about the regrets and exagerrated feelings about his brother who
squandered his money and all the wrong directions of his life,
including marrying Nenita but was never said directly, They
remided their brother of his future about the if's and who could
have he married,but Nenita did not mind all of that a long time a
go, She even fogives all of them. They were all dead and Nenita
pra ys fo r t h e ir s o u ls b ut w a s nt s o rr y t ha t t h e y di e d
Nenita knew that her husband was happy and
contended, she never heard him complain, he had
nothing to complain about, She took him back
every time his affairs with other women turn sour.
She took care of him when he started getting sick
when the part of his heart that was supposed to
beat stared merely murmuring and whistling.
Thankfully, her friend was a herbalist and had the
right concoction for that kind of illness. Even the
doctors was delighted to her husbands progress.

Nenita even took him back even if he

started with an affair with the judge's
mistress in manila. Her in-laws gave him
oney for his medications, nenita never
confirmed this, and never asked, she just
took him back, and nursed him back to
health. But after that she noticed he
spent more time at the toilet and if asked
me will just murmured so she let him be.
She could have prepared him with the
other brew that her friend herbalista
told her. the one that would make his
balls shrink, give im hallucinations and
make his blood boil until his veins
popped but she didn't of course.

She contiued to buy the packet of dried

purple leaves from mt. Banahaw, but she
didin't know where is Mt. Banahaw is, she
only knows its in the north. She did know
that she would not use the herbs. She
Listened more closely to her husband's
singing. She closes her eyes and hold her
breath , t way she listened to her
husbands hearts's irregular beating.
The husband was singing a popular spanish song, about kissing someone for the
last time, Nenita remembered being told by her husband that it was all about a man
saying to his loved “Kiss me more, Kiss me more. She found this song as enjoyable
and recognizable, the next thing she knew she was swaying in slow,heavy
movements to the music of her husbands voice.

She starts to image that she was a young woman, dancing with this beautiful
dark man who eventually became her husband, And she heard him choked,
heave, a breath before he sang: Perderte. Long pause , Perderte Another pause,
Despues, and then there was applause in which Nenita joined and was
laughing at her silliness,, After that there was quiet again.
She continued to gater leaves and went back inside the house. because iw was
starting to very intolerably, hot outside.Certain enough to boil an old man's
b l o o d a n d p o p h i s v e i n s s h e t h o u g h t .

Guide 1. What is a prelude?

Questions why is taht the title of 2. What does Nenita feel
t h e s t o r y ? for her husband? What
do you think she feels
3. What Does her t h a t w a y ?
h e r ba l i s t a f r i e n d f e e l
about Nenita's husband?
4.Who was the man
that died in the first
5. How do you think he died?
p a r a g r a p h ?
What clues in the text helped
you to reach that conclusion?

Questions 8. the story ends with the
6. What is the importance of the feeling of heat. What are
dried purple leaves? Do you think the many meanings of the
that these were used in the tory? s t o r y ?

9. Why is it ironic
7. Who killed the man?
that the widow
Expla in yo ur a ns wer?
was married to
j u d g e ?
10. Do you think, what happened, that some
kind of justice was served? why or why not?

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