International Marketing-Product Strategy

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 Management would prefer global standardization of the marketing mix,

but seldom easy
 Significant cost savings
Longer production runs
Standardized advertising, promotional materials, and sales training
Standardized corporate image
Standardized pricing strategies
 Easier control and coordination
 Reduction of preparation time

Standardization, Adaptation,
or Completely Different?
 Central focus of marketing mix
 The total product includes
◦ Physical product
◦ Brand name
◦ Accessories
◦ After-sales service
◦ Warranty
◦ Instructions for use
◦ Company image
◦ Package
 Industrial Products
◦ Many can be sold unchanged worldwide (ie. transistors)
◦ If changes are required, they may be cosmetic (ie. printing instructions
in another language)
◦ In developing countries problems with
 Overload equipment
 Maintenance
◦ Local legal requirements
 Consumer Products
◦ Generally, consumer products require greater adaptation than do
industrial products
◦ However, some can be sold unchanged to certain market segments
 Large automobiles, sporting equipment, and perfumes
◦ Greater dissimilarity as you go down the economic strata
 Services
◦ The marketing of services, is similar to the marketing of industrial
 Services are easier to market globally compared to consumer
 Laws and customs may force some changes

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