Planning and Producing Media Materials

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 In learning and training environments, media are

the means of communicating and transferring a
learning concept or objective to another
 Media are the replicable “means”, forms, or
vehicles by which instruction is formatted, stored,
and delivered to the learner (Schwen, 1977).

 According to Arsyad (2003), in teaching and

learning activities using the media said the
teaching was replaced by terms such as tool of
view heard, teaching materials, communication of
view heard, educational teaching aids of view,
educational technology, teaching aids, and
explanatory media.

 But some of the terms of the educational media

have limitations therein include:
 educational media has a physical sense that is
known as the hardware,
 educational media that have non-physical sense,
known as software,

 But some of the terms of the educational media

have limitations therein include:
 emphasis on the visual and educational media
 educational media have understanding aids in the
learning process both inside and outside the
classroom, educational media used in the context
of communication and interaction between
teachers and students in the learning process.

 This the classification of machines or equipment

used in the instructional process.

 It is upon these gadgets that the software is


 This classification consists of all materials used

with the machine.

 They are the real carrier of knowledge or

Print Media

 books
 journals
 magazines
 newspapers
 workbook
 textbooks
Non-print Media

 Projected media – they require light source from


 Non-projected media – they do not require light

Electronic Media

 Audio media – this form a media carry sounds


 Visual Media – These are the ones that can be


 Audio-visual Media – these are instructional

material which provide students audio and visual
Characteristics of Media Education
According to Gerlach & Ely (1971), there are three characteristics of the media
which is a clue why the media is used and what can be done by the media that
teachers may not be able to do so.
Feature fixative (Fixative Property)

 These characteristics are developing the ability of

media to record, store, preserve, and reconstruct
an event or object.
 With the characteristics of this fixative, the
media allows a recording events or objects that
occur in a certain time to be transported without
knowing the time.
Manipulative traits (Manipulative
 Transformation of an event or object was possible
because the media has a manipulative traits.
 The incident, which took several days, can be
presented to students within two or three minutes
with the media-making techniques of teaching
time-lapse recording.
Distributive characteristics (Distributive
 This characteristic allows an object or event to be
transported through space, these events are
presented simultaneously to many students to
experience the same relative stimulus of events.
 Once the information recorded in any media
format, information can be reproduced several
times and ready to be used simultaneously in
different places or used repeatedly in one place.
Distributive characteristics (Distributive
 This characteristic allows an object or event to be
transported through space, these events are
presented simultaneously to many students to
experience the same relative stimulus of events.
 Once the information recorded in any media
format, information can be reproduced several
times and ready to be used simultaneously in
different places or used repeatedly in one place.
Selection of Media Materials
Selection of Media Materials

 Do the materials contribute meaningful content to

the topic under study?

 Do the materials help you achieve the instructional


 Is the material appropriate for the age, intelligence,

and experience of the learners?

 Is the physical condition of the material satisfactory?

Selection of Media Materials

 Is there a teacher's guide to provide a briefing for

effective use?

 Can the materials in question help to make

students better thinkers and develop their critical

 Is the material worth the time, expense and

effort involved?

 Media are selected based on instructional goals

have been established which generally refers to
one or a combination of two or three domains of
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

 Different media, such as films and graphic

symbols and codes that require different, and
therefore require different mental skills and to
understand them.
 In order to assist the learning process effectively,
the media must be aligned and fit with the task of
learning and mental abilities of students.
Practical, Flexible and Enduring

 If not available time, funding or other resources

to produce, does not need imposed.
 Media is expensive and time consuming to
produce it is not guaranteed as the best medium.
Skilled Teachers

 Whatever the media, teachers must be able to

use them in the learning process.
 Values and benefits so the media is determined by
the teacher who uses it.

 Effective media for large groups may not be as

effective if used in small groups or individuals.
 There is an excellent medium for this type of
large groups, groups of medium, small groups and

 Ifyou were given a chance to invent one

media technology that will help you
teaching in the 21st century easier, what
would it be and why?

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