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In the media

News stories
air traffic controllers ink
baseball bat pay off debts
hijack soft toys
marriage register
giant cheque
News stories
Who ...?
a. tried to rob a bus? a teenager, Emilio Sanchez, and his two friends
b. threatened to commit suicide?
a youth called Billy Camlia
c. caused panic at Chicago airport?
Pete Twigger, a passenger
d. was raising money for charity? Bono, the U2 star
e. was fined €130 by a judge? Raul Hortena
f. rescued his ex-wife from a burning house?
Shaun Kenna, a Brisbane firefighter
News stories
Who ...?
g. was presented with a giant cheque?
Phin Suy, a gardener and Cambodian immigrant
h. has a spokesman? Bono
i. thought there was a hijacker on board a
plane? air traffic controllers
j. caused 165,000 accidents last year? carpets
k. cause 700 injuries every year? envelopes
News stories
a. Shaun Kenna, a Brisbane firefighter, rescued
his ex-wife from a burning house.
b. A Melbourne woman was rescued from a
burning house by her ex-husband.
c. A Chilean teenager tried to rob a bus with his
mother on board.
News stories
d. Bono’s hat was put on a first-class seat for the
flight to Italy.
e. Every year, thousands of accidents are caused
by ordinary items.
f. A lot of money will be raised for charity at
the concert tonight.
g. Raul Hortena has been fined €130.
1. Active and passive
a. Shaun Kenna, a Brisbane firefighter, rescued
his ex-wife from a burning house.
b. A Melbourne woman was rescued from a
burning house by her ex-husband.
2. Forming the passive
be + the past participle
Find examples of:
• present simple passive
• present perfect passive
• past simple passive
• future passive

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