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A seminar on

Scale-up Considerations Related To

Blending Of Solid Oral Dosage Forms

By Ameeroddin Mohammad

Neuheit Pharma Technologies Private Ltd.

Creative solution to human sufferings

• What is mixing?

• Types of mixing

• Principles involved

• What is tip speed?

• Scale up considerations

• Summary
August 21, 2019 Blending & Mixing 2

• Material may be
– Free flowing

– Cohesive

August 21, 2019 Blending & Mixing 3


• Try-it-and-see approach

August 21, 2019 Blending & Mixing 4

What is blender’s critical speed?

It is the speed where

the tangential
acceleration caused BLENDER
by the rotation equals
the acceleration.

August 21, 2019 Blending & Mixing 5

Blending & Mixing

 What rotation rates should be used?

 Should filling levels be the same?

 How long should the blender be operated?

 Are variations to the blender geometry

between scales acceptable?

August 21, 2019 Blending & Mixing 6

What is TIP SPEED?

August 21, 2019 Blending & Mixing 7

What is Froude number?

Fr =[2R]/g

 is the rotation rate,
R is the vessel radius, and
g is the acceleration due to gravity

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• May occur
– Within the bender during mixing

– After the discharge

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