Metamaterials Presentation 4

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Jesus Valentín
Margie Guerrero
INME 6107 Sec: 010
• History
• What are Metamaterials?
• Physical Principles
• Tensor Analysis
• Devices and Applications
• Numerical Examples (Problems)
• Winston E. Kock developed materials that had similar
characteristics to Metamaterials in the late 1940s.
• Materials, which exhibited reversed physical characteristics
were first described theoretically by Victor Veselago in 1967.
• A little over 30 years later, in the year 2000, Smith et al.
reported the experimental demonstration of functioning
electromagnetic Metamaterials by horizontally stacking,
periodically, split-ring resonators and thin wire structures.
• Later, a method was provided in 2002 to realize negative index
metamaterials using artificial lumped-element loaded
transmission lines in micro strip technology.
What are Metamaterials?
• Despite there is not an official definition, it could be defined
as artificial materials engineered to have properties that may
not be found in nature.
Properties of Metamaterials
• They are assemblies of multiple
individual elements fashioned from
conventional microscopic materials
such as metals or plastics, but the
materials are usually arranged in
periodic patterns.
• Their precise shape, geometry, size,
orientation and arrangement can
affect the waves of light or sound in
an unconventional manner, creating
material properties which are
unachievable with conventional
Metamaterials Negative
Classification Index
Metamaterials Anisotropic
Physical Principles
• Considered a kind of electromagnetic materials. Most of
them divide into resonant and non-resonant metamaterials.

– Resonant: Its period is approximately equal to (λ/10). The

oscillating currents emulate atomic resonance

– Non-Resonant: There is no oscillation or scattering

present. Its period could be less than λ
Light-Matter Interaction

Snell’s law

sin 1 v1 n2
 
sin  2 v2 n1

Total Internal Reflection

 n2 
c  sin   1

 n1 
Left-Handed Metamaterials (Negative
Refractive Index
n  n1  in2  (e1m1  e 2 m2 )  i (e1m 2  e 2 m1 )
where m
e<0 e>0
e  e1  ie 2
m>0 m>0
m  m1  im2
metals , ionic
crystals most dielectrics
no natural negative m
materials materials
e<0 e>0
m<0 m<0
Left-handed metamaterials
Tensor Analysis
• There are 2 main analysis made in order to understand the
physics behind Metamaterials. The First Method is the
Lorentz Covariance, in which are analyzed in two tensors:
– Electromagnetic Field Tensor (F)
– Dual Electromagnetic Field Tensor (G)
• The Second Method are the Maxwell’s Equations for
– Vaccum Equations
– Electromagnetic Waves
– Speed of Light (c)
Tensor Analysis
• Electromagnetic Field Tensor (F)

E: Electric Field, B: Magnetic Field, c:speed of light, xyz: Directions

Tensor Analysis
• Dual Electromagnetic Field Tensor

E: Electric Field, B: Magnetic Field, c:speed of light, xyz: Directions

Tensor Analysis
• Maxwell’s Equations

E: Electric Field; B: Magnetic Field; H:Magnetizing Field, D: Displacing Field; J: Current Density
Tensor Analysis
• Constitutive Relations

P: Polarization Field; M: Magnetization Field; ξ, ζ, β, γ, ε, χ: Tensors

Transformation Optics
In conventional optics, light travels in a straight line until it hits
the boundary between two transparent materials, at which point
it abruptly changes direction. Metamaterials can force light to
travel along a curved path.
Transformation Optics
What transformation optics seeks to achieve is to take a ray of
light and distort its trajectory in whatever way we please. We
could do this by distorting space itself using extremely massive
objects, but thanks to Einstein’s insight this is not necessary.
Simply changing the refractive index will have the same effect as
far as light is concerned.
• Antennas
• Superlens
• Cloaking Devises
Metamaterial for microwaves, "swissroll" configuration, first
camouflage experiment, microwaves

A photo of the “metamaterial”

cloak, Released to Reuters on
October 19, 2006,which deflects
microwave beams so they flow
around a "hidden" object inside
with little distortion, making it
appear almost as if nothing were
there at all.
• Cloaking Devises
Design Algorithm
Example 1
• Data: d= 10 λ, Δx= λ/10.
• Find Δn and n for the given parameters in the
super lens
• Δx= -(2π*d/ln|Δn| )
• |Δn| = exp(- 2π*100)= 10^-273
• n= -1+ Δn = -1
Example 2
• Data: d= λ, Δx= λ/10.
• Find Δn and n for the given parameters in the
super lens
• Δx= -(2π*d/ln|Δn| )
• |Δn| = exp(- 2π*10)= 5e-28
• n= -1+ Δn = -1.00000…..
Example 3
• Data: d= λ/2, Δx= λ/10.
• Find Δn and n for the given parameters in the
super lens
• Δx= -(2π*d/ln|Δn| )
• |Δn| = exp(- 2π*5)= 2e-14
• n= 1+ Δn* = 1.00000000000002
• * For d lower than λ, refraction is positive
Example 4
• Data: d= λ/10, Δx= λ/10.
• Find Δn and n for the given parameters in the
super lens
• Δx= -(2π*d/ln|Δn| )
• |Δn| = exp(- 2π)= 0.002
• n= 1+ Δn = 1.002
• * For d lower than λ, refraction is positive
• Metamaterials has been in the spot only for a
few years, but their findinds and
improvements are gone beyond expectations.
• Diverse futuristic applications has been
developed in the last years, with expectancies
of more discoveries in the next years.
• Metamaterial Electromagnetic Cloak at Microwave
Frequencies, D. Schurig et al., Science 314, 977 (2006)
• A Chiral Route to Negative Refraction, J. B. Pendry, Science
306, 1353 (2004)
• Metamaterials and Negative Refractive Index, D. R. Smith et
al., Science 305, 788 (2004)
• Metamaterials and the Control of Electromagnetic Fields , J. B.
Pendry, Optical Society of America (2007)

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