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A school that molds the mind

of an innocent one,a kind of

school that feeds the
hungerness in knowlege of
every students,a school that
gives hope to the hopeless and
needy.Our school NEGROS
Greeny leaf,fresh air
that blows your hair up
to your ears.An
environment where
everyone will enjoy and
Trees that sways by the
wind.Protecting your
skin from heat of the sun
and gives shelter to the
birds that is freely flying
in the air.
The most favorite
spot of every student
especially players on
every sport is the
Lawn where you can
play what you want
with its fine yard and
wide space that can
occupy different
kinds of activities.
You will enjoy walking at
hallway with your friends and
classmate.This way has its
endpoint like your relationship.
This is the kind of house that most of
the student hate to see.The Guard's
house it may be irritating for a student
to be check up from morning till dawn
about its Id's and complete uniform but
sometimes in enetering a relationship
you must first check all the details
about him or her to prevent your self
from pain.
Right beside this view is the
junior high school building
where student share
laughters,sadness and memories
this is where frienship
begins.Relationship do begins in
Every school has its own house
of healing,the Clinic this is
where Negros Mission
Academy heals all kinds of
ootache and also the common
ache Heartache.
The favorite place
of escapers, the
Canteen, where
they spent a lot of
time in this place
rather than
attending classes
and listening to
their teacher.
You see that boy?
he choose to buy
food than beg for
love to the girl he
want.Lovelife? no
thanks Popcorn will
How to make him or
her fall inlove with you?
Go to the laboratory
and make a love
potion.Experiment and
discover new things in
Negros Mission
Academy Science and
Laboratory Building.
It is one of the unique building i have
seen in all the senior high building.On
the top of this building can be seen
the boy's dormitory.This construction
is on the process thats why we senior
students use the rooms below this
building.There is no othr choices
where to have our class except on
that rooms just like you you've been
experice on being an option by the
person you love just to satisfied his or
her needs.
• Negros Mission Academy is a
Christian School where students are
being taught and mold
lly and especially in spiritual
life.NMA serves as an instrument to
develope every student to have a
character like Jesus Christ.Our
school consist of different student
with different character.
The head of all teachers,the
grandfather of all
students,the principal of our
institution Sir. Israel Entima
the person behind those
success and progress of
Negros Mission Academy.

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