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Cultural Forms

In studying culture. It is important to
determine its forms.

The diversity of culture is a source of creativity,

innovation, and renewal and to vital for the
continuity of human development.
2 Forms of Culture

• Tangible Culture Heritage- provides the

physical space for the non- physical
expressions of culture.
• Intangible Culture Heritage- non material
expression of culture.
According to UNESCO, Both Tangible and Intangible forms of culture are
considered “Cultural Heritage”. Cultural heritage also includes traditions or
living expression inherited from our ancestors and passed on to the next
- can be either characterized as traditional, contemporary and living,
inclusive, representative, and community based.
- provides a link from a mankind’s past through the present and into
the future.
- helps individuals have a sense of Identity and responsibility.
If intangible is not nurtured. It risks becoming lost forever, or
frozen as a practice belonging to the past.

Preserving intangible cultural heritage and passing it on to future

generations strengthens and keep it alive while simultaneously
allowing it to evolve and adapt.

It should be noted that some, if not all, forms of cultural heritage

developed along at the biological and cultural evolution of early
humans until the modern period.

Activity No.1 Multiple Choice.

1. What is the function of culture?
a) determine what is proper to eat
b) establish the appropriate clothes to wear
c) determine who will have approved sexual contact with whom
d) aa of the above
2. The idea that cultural elements can be understood in the culture in which they
are used is known as
a) cultural universal
b) cultural relativism
c) cultural trait
d) ethnocentrism
3. The tendency to view the norms and values of one’s culture as absolute and to use
them as a standard to judge the practices of other cultures is known as
a) cultural universal
b) cultural relativism
c) cultural trait
d) ethnocentrism
4. Which of the following is NOT example of intangible culture?
a) belief in atheism
b) belief in God
c) the commandment “ thou shall not kill”
d) crucifix
5. Which of these statements are ethnocentric?
a) I do not like jazz.
b) I believe in my religion.
c) My religion is the only religion which embodies the truth.
d) I do not like pork.

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