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Using These Slides

These PowerPoint slides have been designed for use by students and instructors using the
Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity textbook by Conrad Kottak. These files
contain short outlines of the content of the chapters, as well as selected photographs, maps,
and tables. Students may find these outlines useful as a study guide or a tool for review.
Instructors may find these files useful as a basis for building their own lecture slides or as
handouts. Both audiences will notice that many of the slides contain more text than one would
use in a typical oral presentation, but it was felt that it would be better to err on the side of a
more complete outline in order to accomplish the goals above. Both audiences should feel
free to edit, delete, rearrange, and rework these files to build the best personalized outline,
review, lecture, or handout for their needs.

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Contents of Student CD-ROM
Student CD-ROM—this fully interactive Chapter-by-Chapter Electronic Study Guide:
student CD-ROM is packaged free of charge •Video clip from a University of Michigan
with every new textbook and features the lecture on the text chapter
following unique •Interactive map exercise
tools: •Chapter objectives and outline
How To Ace This Course: •Key terms with an audio pronunciation guide
•Animated book walk-through •Self-quizzes (multiple choice, true/false, and
•Expert advice on how to succeed in the short-answer questions with feedback
course (provided on video by the University indicating why your answer is correct or
of Michigan) incorrect)
•Learning styles assessment program •Critical thinking essay questions
•Study skills primer •Internet exercises
•Internet primer •Vocabulary flashcards
•Guide to electronic research •Chapter-related web links

Cool Stuff:
•Interactive globe
•Study break links

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Contents of
Online Learning Center
Student’s Online Learning Center—this free web-based student supplement features many of
the same tools as the Student CD-ROM (so students can access these materials either online or
on CD, whichever is convenient), but also includes:

•An entirely new self-quiz for each chapter (with feedback, so students can take two pre-tests
prior to exams)
•Career opportunities
•Additional chapter-related readings
•Anthropology FAQs
•PowerPoint lecture notes
•Monthly updates

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C Families, Kinship, and Descent
This chapter introduces students to the
a anthropological study of kinship. It
discusses the different classifications that
p anthropologists use for kin groups, descent
and residence, and kinship terminology
t systems.
r 15
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Nuclear and Extended Families
 The nuclear family consists of a married couple and their
 The nuclear family is ego-centered, and impermanent, while
descent groups are permanent (lasting beyond the lifespans
of individual constituents) and reckoned according to a
single ancestor.
 One’s family of orientation is the family in which one is
born and grows up, while one’s family of procreation is
formed when one marries and has children.
 Claims made for the universality of the nuclear family,
based upon the universality of marriage, do not hold up—
the nuclear family is widespread, but not universal.
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Nuclear and Extended Families
 In societies where the nuclear family is important, this
structure acts as a primary arena for sexual, reproductive,
economic, and enculturative functions, but it is not the only
structure used by societies for these (e.g., the Etoro, Nayar,
Betsileo, etc.).
 In many societies, the extended families are the primary unit
of social organization.
 Among the Muslims of western Bosnia, nuclear families are
embedded within large extended families called zadrugas
headed by a male household head and his wife.
 The Nayars are a matrilineal society in which extended
families live in compounds called tarawads headed by a senior
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Nuclear and Extended Families

Map showing the Kerala state in India,

where the Nayars live.

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Industrialism & Family Organization
 The most prevalent residence pattern in the United States is
families of procreation living neolocally.
 In the US, as in other large, industrialized societies, patterns
of residence and family types may change from class to
class, in response to the conditions of these different
contexts (e.g., extended families as a response to poverty).

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Changes in North American Kinship
 In 1995, 25 percent of American households were inhabited
by nuclear families.
 Increasing representation of women in the work force is
associated with a rise in marriage age.
 The divorce rate rose steeply between 1970 and 1994.

 The media is reflecting and intensifying these changes.

 Comparatively, Americans (especially middle class) identify

a smaller range of kindred than members of nonindustrial
 A comparison between American and Brazilian kinship is

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The Family Among Foragers
 The two basic units of social organization among foragers
are the nuclear family and the band.
 Typically, the band exists only seasonally, breaking up into
nuclear families when subsistence means require it.

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Descent Groups
 A descent group is a permanent social unit whose members
claim common ancestry.
 With matrilineal descent individuals automatically join the
mother’s descent group when they are born.
 With patrilineal descent individuals automatically join the
father’s descent group when they are born.
 Matrilineal and patrilineal descent are types of unilineal
descent in which individuals only recognize one line of

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Descent Groups
 A lineage is a descent group who can demonstrate their
common descent from an apical ancestor.
 A clan is a descent group who claims common descent from
an apical ancestor but cannot demonstrate it (stipulated
 When a clan’s apical ancestor is nonhuman, it is called a

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Descent Groups

A matrilineage five
generations deep.

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Descent Groups


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Lineages, Clans, and Residence Rules
 In tribal societies, the descent group, not the nuclear family,
is the fundamental unit.
 In many societies, descent groups are corporate, sharing
resources and property.
 Unilocal Residence

 Patrilocality—married couple lives with husband's family;

associated with patrilineal descent and is more common than
 Matrilocality—married couple lives with wife's family;
associated with matrilineal descent and is less than

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Ambilineal Descent
 People can choose the descent group that they want to
belong to.
 Membership is fluid as people can change their descent
group membership.
 With unilineal descent, membership is ascribed, but for
ambilineal descent, membership is achieved.

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Kinship Calculation
 Kinship calculation is any systemic method for reckoning
kin relations.
 Genealogical Kin Types and Kin Terms.

 Kin terms are the labels given in a particular culture to

different kinds of relatives.
 Biological kin type refers to the degree of actual
genealogical relatedness.

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Kinship Calculation

Kinship symbols and genealogical kin

type notation.

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Bilateral Kinship
 Bilateral kinship is used by most Americans and Canadians.
 Kinship is traced through both male and female lines.

 Kin links through males and females are perceived as being

similar or equivalent.
 In North American bilateral kinship there is often
matrilineal skewing, a preference for relatives on the
mother's side.

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Kinship Terminology
 Kinship terminologies are native taxonomies (emic), not
developed by anthropologists.
 Lineal terminology: most Americans and Canadians use
lineal terminology, which distinguishes lineal, collateral,
and affinal relatives.
 Bifurcate merging terminology: this is the most common,
associated with unilineal descent and unilocal residence.
 Generational terminology: typical of ambilineal societies,
this calls ascending, same sex relatives by the same names.
 Bifurcate collateral terminology: common to North Africa
and the Middle East, this is the most particular system.
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Kinship Terminology
Four systems of kinship terminology.
Kinship Kin Group Residence Rule Economy

Lineal Nuclear family Neolocal Industrialism,

Bifurcate merging Unilineal descent Patrilocal or Horticulture,
group – patrilineal matrilocal pastoralism,
or matrilineal agriculture

Generational Ambilineal Ambilocal Agriculture,

descent group, horticulture,
band foraging
Bifurcate Varies Varies Varies

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Kinship Terminology

The distinctions
among Lineals,
Collaterals, and
Affinals as
perceived by

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Lineal Kinship Terminology

A lineal kinship terminology system.

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Bifurcate Merging Kinship

Bifurcate Merging kinship terminology.

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Generational Kinship Terminology

Generational kinship terminology system.

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Bifurcate Collateral Kinship

Bifurcate Collateral kinship terminology system.

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