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A movement that grew out of Dada was

surrealism it was fascinated by the studies of
Sigmund Freud on the inner workings of the
mind, the surrealists appreciated the
mysteries of dreams and the unconscious and
the appeal of the bizarre and the strange
Main Formulators of Surrealism
Giorgio de Chirico – created one of the first of
those invented worlds of surrealists and one
of the most enduring
Salvador Dali

is among the most versatile and

prolific artists of the twentieth
century and the most famous
Surrealist. Though chiefly
remembered for his painterly
Persistent of Memory
Soft Construction with Boiled Beans
Meret Oppenheims
Luncheon in Fur
Man Ray
Luis Bunuel
Robert Wiene
Influences of surrealism in Philippine

Galo Ocampo
Abstract Expressionism
Produced paintings that are abstract but
expressed the artists state of mind. This
creative state of mind opens channels for
unconscious forces to make it visible. It is also
called as action painting. It stressed energy
and kineticism, in which what was to go on
the canvas is not a picture but an event, a
Jackson Pollock
or POP Art
• POP ART- refers to a style
grounded in consumer culture,
the mass media, and popular
culture, thereby making it
much accessible to the
average person.
Well- known pop artists
1. ANDY WARHOL- is a prominent figure in pop
art .His background as a commercial artist and
illustrator explains why his works appear the
way we do. In his work, Green Coca-Cola
Bottles, the multiple images of the coca-cola
bottles reflect not just the dominance of
consumer products in daily life but also the
fact that life has become depersonalized and
repetitive as well.
Green Coca-Cola Bottles
2.ROY LICHTENSTEIN- turned his
attention to the comic book as
another mainstay in American
culture. He was remarkably
faithful to the original comic
strip images that he painted
Girl Drowning
Another art movement was developed in the
United States in the mid-1960s
It is a style that combines color and abstract
patterns to create an impression of movement
on the picture surface by means of powerful
optical effects and illusion .In traditional
paintings, the aim was to draw the viewer into
the work. In contrast. Op art pictures seem to
move , vibrate or both, and reach out to the
When and how did op art begin?
Hungarian-born Victor Vasarely was one of the
key figures in the creation of the op art. His
lifelong fascination with line and pattern, along
with his experiments on creating illusion of
movement in his paintings, became a
significant influence on younger artists of the
Another artist, M C. Escher- whose style has
sometimes been called Op Art in origin- created
works with interesting but complicated
compositions. His staircases and waterfalls seem
to go up at the same time as they go down. As a
result of these earlier developments, viewers
began to see OP Art showing everywhere; in
print, television, advertising, as album art, clothes
and apparels, and interior decoration
Key characteristics of Op Art

1. First and foremost, Op Art exist to fool the

eye. Op compositions create a sort of visual
tension in the viewer’s mind that gives works
the illusion of movement
2. Because of its geometrically
based nature, Op Art has,
almost without exception,
eliminated realistic subject
OPTICAL Illusions


3.The elements, color , line and
shape are carefully chosen to
achieve maximum effect. In Op
Art .
4. The more important techniques used in Op
Art are perspective and carefully juxtaposition
of color, like black and white . Likewise, in Op
Art, positive and negative spaces in a
composition have equal attractions have equal
attraction. Op art could not be created
without both.
Expanded form of art
an art form that combines visual
art with dramatic performance.

Performance art is a performance presented to

an audience within a fine art context,
interdisciplinary. Performance may be either
scripted or unscripted, random or carefully
orchestrated; spontaneous or otherwise
carefully planned with or without audience
an unconventional dramatic or
artistically orchestrated performance,
often a series of discontinuous events
involving audience participation. 3. any
event considered worthwhile, unusual,
or interesting.
• The Big Art Mob is a website founded
in 2006 and re-launched in 2012 that
provides a platform and toolset for
documenting and mapping public art.
It is dedicated to showcasing and
celebrating all forms of
public art including ephemeral works
such as street art,
performance art and graffiti.
• writing or drawings scribbled,
scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a
wall or other surface in a public
place. Words or drawings, especially
humorous, rude, or political, on
walls, doors, etc.

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