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ROLL NUMBER:-18225A0141


Define management with nature and explain it
functions ?
Management is the science
and art of getting people
together to accomplish
desired goals and objectives
by coordinating and
integrating all available
resources efficiently and
Functions of management:-
2.Explain about international management and i
t's features ?
And:- The management of business operations f
or an organization that conducts business in mor
e than one country. International management r
equires knowledge and skills above and beyond n
ormal business expertise, such as familiarity with
the business regulations of the nations in which t
he organization operates, understanding of local
customs and laws, and the capability to conduct t
ransactions that may involve multiple currencies.
Features of management:-
1.Large scale operations.
2. Integration of economies.
3. Dominated by developed countries.
4. Keen competition.
5. Special role of science and technology.
6. International restrictions.
3.what is leadership and dis
cuss types of leadership ?
Ans:-Leadership is both a research area and a practic
al skill encompassing the ability of an individual or or
ganization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams
, or entire organizations.
Types of leadership:-
*Autocratic leadership
*Democratic leadership.
*Bureaucratic leadership
Types of leadership:-

*Charismatic leadership.
*Situational leadership.
*Transactional leadership.
*Transformational leadership.
*Commanding leadership.
Explain evaluation of management thought w
ith scientific management and administrati
on management theory ?
• Scientific management:-

*Scientific Task and Rate-setting, work improvement, etc.

*Planning the Task.
*Vocational Selection and Training
*Standardization (of working conditions, material equipme
nt etc.)
• *Mental Revolution.
Administrative management:-
*Technical activities - Production, manufacture, adaptati
*Commercial activities - buying, selling and exchange.
*Financial activities - search for and optimum use of cap
*Security activities - protection of property and persons.
*Accounting activities - stock-taking, balance sheet, cost
, and statistics.
*Managerial activities - planning, organization, comman
d, co- ordination and control.

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