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Bvc engineering col

M. Suresh
Roll number :-18225A0143
Civil engineering.
Assignment 3
• Product Name :- MY ZOOM.

“A Biomimetic Soft Lens Controlled by Electrooculographic

Signal,” in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
Mounted to a human eye using a set of five electrodes
placed around the eyeball, the contact lens zooms in and
out when the wearer double blinks. An electrical charge is
applied to the polymer film layers of the lens, expanding
or contracting it to change its thickness.

It is a blink-to-zoom 2.8x contact lens back in 2013, b

ut this new contact lens goes a step further by detec
ting and responding to eye movements as well.
So in addition to double blinks, the contact lens can b
e controlled by looking in different directions (e.g. up,
down, left, and right) as well, shifting as your eye mo
ves around.

Lens colour :-white.

Number of lens:-2

Zoom length:-2.8x

Use long sight peoples :-yes

Side effect :-no, carefully fix the eyes

Promotion :-
• Providing free trail for first 10 days.
• 25% discount to the people who are under free trail
• Price of the lens:-
• 1500 rs only.
Advertisement :-
• I will promote this product by giving advertis
ement in social networks and news papers a
nd YouTube channels.

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