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E-Business Suite

E-Business Suite WebCast Appstech R12

Sharing Knowledge Training Luigi Pellecchia

Part 3: Process Integration and Events Consulting eBS

• Introduction
• Extras (SOA, WS, WSDL, BPEL, etc.)
• Process, Integrations and SOA prespective in eBS R12
• Oracle Integration Repository Architecture and Elements
• Workflow in R12: Worklist, API, Digital Sign, Notification Mailer
• SES (Anticipation)
• Global Survey R12 Q&A
• Q&A

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Oracle Confidential
Characteristics of an Enterprise Application

Adaptive Multi Channel Architecture

Process, Integration
Portal and User Interface
and Events

Business Intelligence
and Reporting

Personalization Lifecycle Management

Availability, Performance
Data Management
And Scalability

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Characteristics of an Enterprise Application

Process, Integration
and Events

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Process, Integration and Events

• Oracle Integration Repository

– Compilation of information about the numerous service endpoints exposed by the Oracle
E-Business Suite of applications.
– Provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces.
• Open Standards
– B2B Document Exchange - EDIfact, X.12, RosettaNet, HL7, OAG 7.0, etc…
– Protocols - AS2, SOAP, HTTP, etc…
• Instant-Value integrations
– Pre-built bridges that seamlessly link Oracle Applications together for end to end industry

• Option: leverage Oracle Technology

– Oracle SOA Suite to provide the foundation for adaptive business processes, by enabling
a service-oriented architecture
– Oracle Business Process Analysis (BPA) that includes process modeling and simulation,
is a key component of the BPM lifecycle. BPA together with process execution and
monitoring tools enable complete lifeycle management of business processes (OEM of
the leading ARIS design platform from IDS Scheer).

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali

•Web service






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Evoluzione di Oracle SOA
SOA Suite

Portlet Web
Services (WSRP)

WSDL, UDDI, Development Tools, Web Services

Expanded Web Services Platform Manager, BAM BPA

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Web Services J2EE 1.4 Standard ESB

Support Web Services
BPEL Process Service Integrator
Manager Registry

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Oracle Confidential
SOA Standards

Fusion Effect Richer Experience More Adaptable More Interoperable

Portal Legacy Apps

Reliability Custom Apps
Web Application
Logging & Services
PKI Process Flow
Dynamic Routing
Dashboards Logic
API Web services


BAM WSRP, JSR-168 BPEL WS-Security XML/XML Schema


Web Services Mgmt SOAP JCA JMS

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali

SOA – Service Oriented Architecture

•Nell'ambito dell‘informatica, è indicata come un'architettura software atta a
supportare l'uso di servizi (Web Services) per soddisfare le richieste degli
utenti così da consentire l'utilizzo delle singole applicazioni come
componenti del processo di business.

Aspetti dello sviluppo della

Service Oriented Architecture

•La validità di un'architettura orientata ai servizi (SOA) è conseguenza degli

elementi e degli standard su cui si fonda. In particolare vanno considerati i
seguenti aspetti:

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali

• Standard aperti: utilizza standard aperti come: XML, WSDL e WSS (Web
Services Security).

• Modularità: giusto equilibrio tra i servizi erogati da ogni singolo

componente: piccoli servizi riutilizzabili per le funzioni comuni e servizi più
grandi per processi specifici.

• Contratti di servizio: WSDL (Web Services Description Language) specifiche

standard per la creazione di contratti di Web Services.

• ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) : dorsale di pubblicazione dei servizi ed

abilitazione delle applicazioni per accedervi. Inoltre: adattatori per i sistemi
legacy, capacità di orchestrazione dei servizi, autorizzazione e
autenticazione lato sicurezza, trasformazione dei dati, supporto per regole
di business e capacità di monitorare i service-level agreement.

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SOA Standards

Fusion Effect Richer Experience More Adaptable More Interoperable

Portal Legacy Apps

Reliability Custom Apps
Web Application
Logging & Services
PKI Process Flow
Dynamic Routing
Dashboards Logic
API Web services


BAM WSRP, JSR-168 BPEL WS-Security XML/XML Schema


Web Services Mgmt SOAP JCA JMS

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali

WS -Web Service

•Secondo la definizione data dal W3C un Web Service (servizio web) è un sistema
software progettato per supportare l‘interoperabilità tra diversi sistemi;

•Caratteristica fondamentale di un Web Service è quella di offrire un’interfaccia

software (descritta in un formato automaticamente elaborabile quale, ad esempio,
il WSDL) utilizzando la quale altri sistemi possono interagire con il Web Service

•L’interazione avviene attivando le operazioni descritte nell'interfaccia tramite

appositi "messaggi" inclusi in una "busta“ SOAP: tali messaggi sono, solitamente,
trasportati tramite il protocollo HTTP e formattati secondo lo standard XML.

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Oracle Confidential
SOA Standards

Fusion Effect Richer Experience More Adaptable More Interoperable

Portal Legacy Apps

Reliability Custom Apps
Web Application
Logging & Services
PKI Process Flow
Dynamic Routing
Dashboards Logic
API Web services


BAM WSRP, JSR-168 BPEL WS-Security XML/XML Schema


Web Services Mgmt SOAP JCA JMS

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali
Vantaggi dei Web Service
•permettono l'interoperabilità tra diverse applicazioni software su diverse
piattaforme hardware

•utilizzano standard e protocolli "open"; i protocolli ed il formato dei dati è, ove

possibile, in formato testuale, cosa che li rende di più facile comprensione ed
utilizzo da parte degli sviluppatori

•mediante l'uso di HTTP per il trasporto dei messaggi i Web Service non
necessitano, normalmente, che vengano effettuate modifiche alle regole di
sicurezza utilizzate come filtro sui Firewall

•possono essere facilmente utilizzati, in combinazione l'uno con l'altro

(indipendentemente da chi li fornisce e da dove vengono resi disponibili) per
formare servizi "integrati" e complessi.

•consentono il riutilizzo di infrastrutture ed applicazioni già sviluppate e sono

(relativamente) indipendenti da eventuali modifiche delle stesse

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali
Il Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
E’ un linguaggio formale in formato XML utilizzato per la creazione di "documenti" per la
descrizione di Web Service.
Mediante WSDL può essere, infatti, descritta l‘interfaccia pubblica di un Web Service ovvero
creata una descrizione, basata su XML, di come interagire con un determinato servizio: un
"documento" WSDL contiene infatti, relativamente al Web Service descritto, informazioni su:

•cosa può essere utilizzato (le "operazioni" messe a disposizione dal servizio);

•come utilizzarlo (il protocollo di comunicazione da utilizzare per accedere al

servizio, il formato dei messaggi accettati in input e restituiti in output dal servizio
ed i dati correlati) ovvero i "vincoli" (bindings in inglese) del servizio;
•dove utilizzare il servizio (cosiddetto endpoint del servizio che solitamente
corrisponde all'indirizzo - in formato URI - che rende disponibile il Web Service)
Le operazioni supportate dal Web Service ed i messaggi che è possibile scambiare con lo stesso sono
descritti in maniera astratta e quindi collegati ad uno specifico protocollo di rete e ad uno specifico
Il WSDL è solitamente utilizzato in combinazione con SOAP e XML Schema per rendere disponibili Web
Services su reti aziendali o su internet : un programma client può, infatti, "leggere" il documento WSDL
relativo ad un Web Service per determinare quali siano le funzioni messe a disposizione sul server e quindi
utilizzare il protocollo SOAP per utilizzare una o più delle funzioni elencate dal WSDL.

Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle Confidential
SOA Standards

Fusion Effect Richer Experience More Adaptable More Interoperable

Portal Legacy Apps

Reliability Custom Apps
Web Application
Logging & Services
PKI Process Flow
Dynamic Routing
Dashboards Logic
API Web services


BAM WSRP, JSR-168 BPEL WS-Security XML/XML Schema


Web Services Mgmt SOAP JCA JMS

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali

UDDI Universal Description Discovery and Integration

L'UDDI (acronimo di Universal Description Discovery and Integration) è un registry (ovvero una base
dati ordinata ed indicizzata), basato su XML ed indipendente dalla piattaforma hardware, che permette
alle aziende la pubblicazione dei propri dati e dei servizi offerti su internet

L'UDDI è uno degli standard alla base del funzionamento dei Web Service: è stato progettato per essere
interrogato da messaggi in SOAP e per fornire il collegamento ai documenti WSDL che descrivono i
vincoli protocollari ed i formati dei messaggi necessari per l'interazione con i Web Service elencati nella
propria directory

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Concetti Generali
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

E’ un protocollo leggero per lo scambio di messaggi tra componenti software.

La parola object manifesta che l'uso del protocollo dovrebbe effettuarsi secondo il paradigma
della progammazione orientata ad oggetti.

SOAP è una struttura operativa estensibile e decentralizzata che può operare sopra varie pile
protocollari per reti di computer. I richiami di procedure remote possono essere modellizzati
come interazione di parecchi messaggi SOAP. SOAP dunque è uno dei protocolli che abilitano i
sevizi web.

SOAP può muoversi sopra tutti i protocolli di internet, ma HTTP è il più comunemente utilizzato
e l'unico ad essere stato standardizzato dal W3C.

SOAP si basa sul metalinguaggio XML e la sua struttura segue la configurazione Head-Body,
analogamente ad HTML.

Il segmento opzionale Header contiene meta-informazioni come quelle che riguardano il routing
, la sicurezza e le transazioni. Il segmento Body trasporta il contenuto informativo e talora
viene detto carico pagante, payload.
Questo deve seguire uno schema definito dal linguaggio XML Schema.

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Oracle Confidential
SOA Standards

Fusion Effect Richer Experience More Adaptable More Interoperable

Portal Legacy Apps

Reliability Custom Apps
Web Application
Logging & Services
PKI Process Flow
Dynamic Routing
Dashboards Logic
API Web services


BAM WSRP, JSR-168 BPEL WS-Security XML/XML Schema


Web Services Mgmt SOAP JCA JMS

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali
BPEL - Business Process Execution Language

E’ un linguaggio basato sull‘XML costruito per descrivere formalmente i processi commerciali ed

industriali in modo da permettere una suddivisione dei compiti tra attori diversi.

Il linguaggio BPEL permette di descrivere un processo business mediante un insieme di attività,

che possono essere semplici o strutturate. Le attività semplici esprimono una generica azione
(ad es. invoca servizio, ricevi risposta, assegna valore ad una variabile, termina processo,
etc...), mentre quelle strutturate sono normalmente utilizzate per raggruppare attività
semplici allo scopo di esprimere loop, operazioni condizionali, esecuzione sequenziale,
esecuzione concorrente, etc... L'intero processo è descritto mediante un'unica attività
strutturata (top-level activity), generalmente di tipo sequenziale.

Un'applicazione BPEL viene invocata come Web Service ed interagisce con il mondo esterno
esclusivamente invocando altri Web services. In questo senso, essa stessa rappresenta una
forma di coordinazione di servizi Web, permettendo altresì di comporre questi ultimi in
maniera ricorsiva. L'ambiente runtime all'interno del quale viene eseguito il generico processo
è detto motore BPEL

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Oracle Confidential
SOA Standards

Fusion Effect Richer Experience More Adaptable More Interoperable

Portal Legacy Apps

Reliability Custom Apps
Web Application
Logging & Services
PKI Process Flow
Dynamic Routing
Dashboards Logic
API Web services


BAM WSRP, JSR-168 BPEL WS-Security XML/XML Schema


Web Services Mgmt SOAP JCA JMS

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali
BPEL - Business Process Execution Language

BPEL è in particolare adatto a modellare work-flow completamente automatizzati, per la

composizione di web service l'integrazione di servizi (e applicazioni che li eseguono) etrogenee
per hardware che li esegue, architetture di rete e linguaggio del relativo codice

BPEL permette di esportare e importare questi diagrammi in un file .bpel da un database

proprietario all'altro senza perdere il contenuto della rappresentazione.

La "receive" di un messaggio crea un‘istanza del processo; istanze del processo differenti
variano per il contenuto del messaggi scambiati. Perciò, un campo del messaggio identifica
univocamente l'istanza di appartenenza in modo da inviare i corretti dati a ogni istanza di
processo. I messaggi sono delle "Input/Output variable" per le quali BPEL crea in automatico il
tipo appropriato (stringa, testo, numero), ossia ciò che serve alla persistenza dell'informazione
durante l'esecuzione del workflow; messaggi con identico contenuto informativo vengono
rappresentati con un'istruzione di "assign" che permette di associare ad una variabile il
contenuto di un'altra

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Process, Integration and Events
Concetti Generali

Motori BPEL

Sono stati sviluppati vari motori BPEL, tra i quali:

Active Endpoints ActiveWebflow Server, ActiveBPEL Engine, bexee BPEL Execution Engine,
Biztalk Server, IBM WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation,

Collaxa BPEL Orchestration Server è un motore basato su application server J2EE.

Dalla versione 2 è incluso un ambiente di sviluppo visuale basato su Eclipse.
In sequito all'acquisizione di questo prodotto da Oracle Corporation l'ambiente di sviluppo è ora
basato anche sulla JDeveloper IDE di Oracle.

Oracle BPEL Process Manager[1] è un motore BPEL nativo. Ha un supporto completo alla
specifica BPEL, è stato la prima implementazione commerciale di questo standard ed include
estensioni per il supporto dell'interazione umana (Human WorkFlow). È una applicazione J2EE
e puo' funzionare sui principali Application Server e sui principali sistemi operativi.

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Review Business Needs – Market Drivers

• Customer Pain Points

 What are the integration points within applications?
 How can I make informed decisions about my integration projects?
• Market Drivers
 Reduce costs of implementing integrations with and within the E-Business suite
 Centralized repository of information to assess the impact of integrations
 Reduce maintenance costs
 Superior Ownership Experience

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)

• Unified Repository from which all integration interface types are exposed
• Updates are automated and documented
• Single source of truth for all public interfaces
• Can be searched by keywords
• Navigation either by product family or by the integration types or standards
• Intuitive User Interface for searching, navigating and viewing all available Interfaces
• Embedded within the core E-Business Suite schema to leverage the standard security system

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)

• Better integration planning

– Readily available information about the business service interfaces that enable to make
informed decisions about integration projects
– Centralized information helps to assess the impact of integrations
• Reduced cost of implementing integrations with the E-Business Suite
– System integrators can discover all the business service interfaces in one place
– Uniformity of documentation lowers the learning curve
• Reduced Maintenance Costs
– Assurance of using supported public interfaces

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Interface Types

• Open Interface Tables
• Database Views
• Concurrent Programs
• Java API
• Web Service
• XML Messages
• EDI Transactions
• Java Service Interface
• Service Data Object

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Interface Types

– New Interfaces Types

• Java Service Interface
• Service Data Object

– New User Interface to deploy Java Interface as a Web Service

– New User Interface to grant access to a Web Service

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)

– RosettaNet è un consorzio per la realizzazione di standard nelle comunicazioni B2B

in vari mercati.Rosetta si basa sul linguaggio XML.

– Uniform Code Council

– The Open Applications Group, Inc. (OAGi) is a not-for-profit open standards group
building process-based XML standards for both B2B and A2A integration. The Open
Applications Group was formed in late 1994 as the first post-EDI organization
focusing on improving the state of application integration.

– Interactive Financial Exchange (IFX) is an XML specification for financial

transactions such as bill presentment and payment, business to business and
consumer to business banking (eg: balances, transaction information), payments
and automated teller machine (ATM) communications.

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a set of standards for structuring information

to be electronically exchanged between and within businesses, organizations,
government entities and other groups. The standards describe structures that
emulate documents, for example purchase orders to automate purchasing

X12 EDIFACT Mapping

Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce, and Transport



Invoice 810 INVOIC

Freight Invoice 859 IFTMCS

Payment order/Remittance Advice (EFT) 820 REMADV

Lockbox 823 --

Financial Information Reporting 821 --

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)

– Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a set of standards for structuring information to be

electronically exchanged between and within businesses, organizations, government entities and
other groups. The standards describe structures that emulate documents, for example purchase
orders to automate purchasing

– RosettaNet è un consorzio per la realizzazione di standard nelle comunicazioni B2B in vari

mercati.Rosetta si basa sul linguaggio XML.

– Uniform Code Council

– The Open Applications Group, Inc. (OAGi) is a not-for-profit open standards group building
process-based XML standards for both B2B and A2A integration. The Open Applications Group was
formed in late 1994 as the first post-EDI organization focusing on improving the state of
application integration.

– Interactive Financial Exchange (IFX) is an XML specification for financial transactions such as
bill presentment and payment, business to business and consumer to business banking (eg:
balances, transaction information), payments and automated teller machine (ATM)

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Process – Navigate By Product Family

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Process – Navigate By Interface Type

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Process – Navigate By Standard

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Process – Search the Interface

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Deploy Java Interface as a Web Service

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Deploy Java Interface as a Web Service

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)
Web Service WSDL

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Process, Integration and Events
Oracle Integration Repository (iRep)

• Single, Complete Source of Truth for existing supported interfaces

• Standardized Annotation at source
• Catalogued by Product & Type & Standard
• Simple Interface and Navigation
• Ship as part of the E-Business Suite
– As your instance is patched, the repository will automatically be updated with
content appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

• Better integration planning
• Reduced cost of implementing integrations with the E-Business Suite
• Reduced Maintenance Costs

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Oracle Confidential
Leverage Oracle Technology
Oracle SOA Suite

BAM Analytics Events Monitoring

JDeveloper BPEL Process Manager

Native Human Business Web Services
BPEL Workflow Rules Manager
Environment Enterprise Service Bus
App Dev XSLT
Framework Adapters Routing Security

Application Server UDDI

J2EE, WS-*, Event Services Registry

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Leverage Oracle Technology
Oracle SOA Suite

BAM Monitoring

BPEL Process Manager

JDev ILog JRules
Eclipse Native Corticon
Workflow Rules
Oracle Directory
Web Services Manager Security Active Directory
Any LDAP Server
Enterprise Service Bus
Oracle AQ
UDDI Oracle Service Registry,
Tibco Adapters Routing
Registry Systinet (Mercury)
MQ Series
Any JMS Server Sce Registry,
Any UDDI Registry
Any Application Server Any WSIL Registry
(Oracle, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss)

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Oracle Confidential
Leverage Oracle Technology
Oracle Applications Adapter
Review Business Needs – Market Drivers

• How do I use Fusion Middleware with Oracle Applications today?

• How do I enable interoperability in a heterogeneous environment?

• How do I enable standards based Service Oriented Architecture

(SOA) for E-Business Suite ?

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Leverage Oracle Technology
Oracle Applications Adapter

• Oracle Adapter for Oracle Applications provides comprehensive, bidirectional,

multimodal, synchronous, and asynchronous connectivity to Oracle

• Exposes Oracle Applications Integration Interfaces as web services.

• Interfaces with IREP to expose only recommended public integration


• Exposes E-Business Suite Business Object Services as a Web Service

• Ability to Create and Deploy Web Service
• Run time Web Service engine
• Integrated into Repository for Service discovery.

• Enables a E-Business Suite Web Service to participate in a BPEL process

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Leverage Oracle Technology
Oracle Applications Adapter

• Version Awareness
• Interfaces with Integration
EDI Gateway
• Integrates via Open
Gateway Interfaces and Stored
Oracle Procedures for inserting
E-Business Workflow
Suite data into Oracle
Adapter Interface
Tables, Applications.
• Bi-directional XML
integration with XML and
Procedures EDI Gateway for exchanging

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Some of the Adapters Available for Oracle SOA Suite…
Applications Databases Technology
 Oracle  Oracle 8i and above  SOAP
Applications  IBM DB/2  HTTP, HTTP-S
 SAP R/3, mySAP  Informix  Email – POP3, SMTP, IMAP
 Peoplesoft  Clarion
 JD Edwards  Clipper
 Flat Files
 Siebel  Cloudscape
 Clarify  DBASE
 Lotus Notes  Dialog
 Oracle AQ
 Ariba  Essbase
 IBM MQSeries
 AXIOM mx/open  FOCUS Data Access
 TIBCO Rendezvous
 Baan  Great Plains
 Socket
 

Clarify 
Microsoft SQL Server
MUMPS (Digital Standard MUMPS)
  CICS
Commerce One  Navision Financials (ODBC 3.x)  IMS/DB
 Hogan Financials  Nucleus
  IMS/TM
i2 Technologies  Paradox  VSAM
 Lawson  Pointbase
Livelink  PROGRESS  Natural
 Manugistics  Red Brick
  Tuxedo
Microsoft CRM  RMS  CA-Datacom
 Vantive  SAS Transport Format
  Screen Scraping
Walker Interactive  Sybase  CA-IDMS
 Remedy  Teradata
  C-ISAM,D-ISAM,K-SAM,  Unisys DMS 1100/2200 QSAM
 UniVerse

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Operational dashboard
Order Booking SOA Demo
Focus on ESB, Rules, Workflow, BPEL

Siebel Call Center



Order DB

Web Services Interface: XML, SOAP, WSDL, WSIF

Insert Order
in OI EJB 3.0
Customer service

SelectMfr RapidMfr (Rich Workflow)

invoke invoke
5-15 min
receive receive




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Oracle Confidential
Leverage Oracle Technology
Oracle Business Process Analysis Suite
Business Process
Analysis (BPA)

• Fusion Middleware Optimize Simulate

– Add Business Process Analysis capability Lifecycle
– Address customers and partners demand Monitor Implement
– Appeal to Line of Business audience
• Fusion Applications
– Create Reference Process Models
Enterprise Management

and Performance Management


Field Service
Marketing Sales Order Fulfillment


Procurement Product Design Production

– Facilitate Collaborative Design

Operations Support

Financial Control
Program Financial Control
Management and Reporting
Management and

Recruiting Deployment Development Reward

– Simplify selling, training and implementation

Business Process

Detailed Business


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Leverage Oracle Technology
Oracle Business Process Analysis Suite
Process Design using Methods Analyses Using Simulation

Various Reports Web Publishing

Design, Run and Optimize Your Business Processes

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Process, Integration and Events
Instant-Value Integrations

• Objective
– Instant-Value integrations are pre-built bridges that seamlessly link
Oracle Applications together for end to end industry processes
• Benefits
– Shorten Time to Value
• Accelerate deployment time
• No disruption to existing business operations
– Reduce Implementation Costs
• Lower total cost of ownership
• Built on open standards
– Achieve End-to-End Integrated Industry Processes
• Accurate information flow across the enterprise
• Instant task flow through end-to-end business processes

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Process, Integration and Events
Instant-Value Integrations
List of Pre-Built and Orchestrated Process Flows

• Oracle E-Business Suite Financials to Oracle Retails

• Oracle Customer Data Hub to PeopleSoft CRM
• Dedicated to Siebel CRM & Oracle Applications integration (Project
Genesys) - planned for FY2007
– Siebel Order Capture to Oracle Order Management
– Siebel OnDemand CRM to Oracle E-Business Suite
– Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand to Oracle E-Business Suite and
PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM
– Siebel CRM to i-Flex FLEXCUBE
– Siebel Clinical and Oracle Clinical Integration
• Dedicated to Portal Software & Oracle Applications integration
(Project Barcelona) - planned for FY2007
• More to come…

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Process, Integration and Events
Instant-Value Integrations
Project Genesys

1. Siebel Order Capture to Oracle Order Management

2. Oracle CRM On Demand to Oracle E-Business Suite
3. Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand to Oracle E-
Business Suite and PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM
4. Siebel CRM to i-flex FLEXCUBE Integration

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Process, Integration and Events
Instant-Value Integrations
Project Barcelona

World’s best-selling Industry’s leading productized Industry’s leading

CRM solution solution for Billing & Revenue ERP solution

Instant Value Through Pre-Integrated Solutions

 Enable no-touch order fulfillment & provisioning
Siebel Oracle
Oracle ERP  Streamline end-to-end revenue management
CRM Fusion
 Improved customer service – Call Center, Sales,
Portal & Self Service
Billing & Revenue Mgt  Single view of the customer across CRM, Billing,
and Financials
 Increase product & customer profitability with
Billing Analytics

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Process, Integration and Events
Instant-Value Integrations
Project Genesys Architecture
Initial Bulk Load

Load Extract
Siebel CRM Oracle Warehouse Oracle EBS

* Not required for OnDemand and i-Flex integration flows

Updates and Transactions

Fusion Middleware/BPEL Oracle EBS

Request/Reply Process
Transform CRM
Siebel CRM
Synchronization Process i-Flex
Transform Transform

Cross Reference Common Error
Oracle DB
Indexing Handling

Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle Confidential *SAP connectors available now
Process, Integration and Events
Instant-Value Integrations
Project Barcelona Architecture
 Processes to support key business activities and process flows
 Canonical Object Model
 Transformations to Oracle EBS, Siebel CRM, Siebel Self Care, Siebel UCM, and Portal

Fusion Middleware/BPEL
Oracle EBS

Siebel CRM
Transform Transform
Siebel Self Different Design Patterns will be leveraged
Care including request/ reply, synchronous process,
(eDocs) asynchronous process, as well as others

Cross Reference Common Error

Indexing Oracle DB Handling

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Review Business Needs – Market Drivers

– Worklist Flexfields
• Prior to Release 12 the columns displayed in the Worklist were restricted to
those provided by Workflow (e.g. From, Type, Subject, Sent, Due etc.)

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Worklist Prior To R12

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Review Business Needs – Market Drivers

– Worklist Flexfields
• Customer Pain Points
– Have to drill down to the notification to view specific message attributes
– Too many clicks
– Need the ability to sort based on interested message attributes
• Market Drivers
– Productivity
– Ease of use

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Worklist Flexfields

– Allows customers to enable Notification Message Attributes to be displayed in

the Worklist
– Users can sort on those attributes
– Ability to secure the personalized view with a securing function

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Personal Worklist with Worklist Flexfields

Personalized View

Worklist Flexfields

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Review Business Needs – Market Drivers

– Workflow Engine APIs

• Customer Pain Points

 You have to call the engine API’s sequentially in a loop to start multiple
instances of the same Workflow process

• Market Drivers
 Performance, Performance, Performance, Performance

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Workflow Bulk API’s

– Enables you to start multiple work items of the same process in bulk
– New API’s
– wf_engine_bulk.CreateProcess
– wf_engine_bulk.StartProcess
– wf_engine_bulk.FastForward
– wf_engine_bulk.SetItemAttrDateArray
– wf_engine_bulk.SetItemAttrNumberArray
– wf_engine_bulk.SetItemAttrTextArray

– Requires Product Team code changes to enable this feature

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Digital Signatures Sign Message Body

– What is Signed?
- In 11i.10
 Subject
 Response Attributes
 Result

– No User Interface to view evidence store

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Digital Signatures Sign Message Body

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Oracle Confidential
Digital Signatures Sign Message Body

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Review Business Needs – Market Drivers

– Digital Signatures
• Customer Pain Points
 Unable to sign the complete message
 Ability to view the signed messages for non-repudiation
• Market Drivers
 Security
 Federal or legal compliance

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Digital Signatures Sign Message Body

– Digital Signatures
• What is Signed?
 In R12
• Subject
• Message Body
• Response Attributes
• Result

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Digital Signatures Sign Message Body

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Digital Signatures – UI over Evidence Store

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Notification Purge Program

– Purge program enhanced to exclude purging of digitally signed


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Notification Mailer

– In 11i.10
• One single sequence of pages (train) for Notification Mailer setup. Setup
required user to visit every page.
• DBAs had to review log files to uncover the error if the mailer went down
• Non SSL connection to the IMAP Server

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Review Business Needs – Market Drivers

– Notification Mailer

• Customer Pain Points

 No quick way to be up and running with a mailer
 Difficult to setup test and development mailers where a default
configuration would suffice

• Market Drivers
 Security
 Ease of use
 Improved Productivity

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Notification Mailer
– In R12
• Simplified configuration
 Mailer Configuration split up into Basic & Advanced Pages
 All parameters necessary to configure mailer in one page.

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Notification Mailer

– Advanced Setup
• All other parameters for fine tuning configuration available via
Advanced configuration

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Notification Mailer

– Override Address
• Requires user to provide verification code to enable an override email
address. Prevents spamming of unsuspecting user.

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Notification Mailer

– Override Address

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Notification Mailer

– Override Address Verification

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Notification Mailer

– Enhanced error handling for mass failures

• In cases where many users have been set up with invalid email addresses, the workflow directory
service is updated so that it no longer sends e-mails to those users.

– System alerts integration

• When the Workflow Mailer Service encounters errors, it sends a system alert to provide easy visibility
to system administrators and applications DBAs the status of the Workflow Mailer Service so that they
do not have to review log files to know the status of the service.

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Oracle Confidential
Secure Enterprise Search

leveraging SES in R12
for a
rich user experience


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What Oracle currently provides

• Fielded, precise, restricted and unintelligent

• Requires significant knowledge of the underlying data
• What is GSIAP? Preferred name? Global UID?

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What the user wants

Very Fast

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Why Search?
To make business more profitable

• Individual Productivity • Corporate Value

• Spend less time searching, • Lower Training Costs
more time doing
• Wider Access
• Just think and type
• Better Productivity
• Single search with unified results
• Simplified Portfolio
– Enterprise applications
– Personal desktop files
– Collaboration
– Intranet

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Why Search?
To make business more profitable

Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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Why Search?
To make business more profitable

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Search Language is Natural
Use ordinary business language

• Language skills require no training

Show me my open requisitions

• Language correction is automatic

Reqquistns - spelling
Request – synonym
Purchase – alternative term
• Keyword access is even faster
My requisitions
Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Oracle Confidential
SES in EBS – coming soon!
Ubiquitous Search-based Navigation

Global Search, Results based on

with category user, role and
drop-downs responsibility “For every 1,000 workers,
Enterprises waste $2.5
million per year due to
an inability to locate and
retrieve information.”
IDC, The High Cost of Not Finding

• What is it? • Why?

• Omnipresent, simple, fast, easy search – Increases productivity: less time searching, more time doing.
– Common enterprise application objects (PO, Invoice, – Lowers training costs.
customer, etc.) – Decreases duplicative work, increases collaboration.
– Menu items – Promotes access: increases use of self-service applications.
– Documentation
– Notifications

Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle Confidential
Why Secure Enterprise Search?

• Large initiative from both Database and Apps
• Platform play competes with Google, MSFT, IBM
– Enterprise-ready (unicode, context, scale, etc.)
– Embedded Search Functionality
• Inheritor of Oracle Text, Verity, Intermedia, etc.
– Managed through common management tools
• Most secure search available
– Secure index and metadata
– Multiple layers of authentication
• Leverages deep understanding of structured vs. unstructured

Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle Confidential
What the developer sees today
• SELECT * FROM (select null select_checkbox, ppl.project_id, project_name, ppl.segment1 project_number, || ' ( ' || ppl.segment1 || ') '
project_name_number, ppl.project_type, ppl.project_status_code, ppl.project_status_name, ppl.start_date start_date, ppl.completion_date
completion_date, ppl.carrying_out_organization_id project_carrying_out_org_id, ppl.carrying_out_organization_name project_carrying_out_org_name,
ppl.person_name project_manager_name, ppl.person_id project_manager_id, ppl.customer_name project_customer_name, ppl.customer_id
project_customer_id, ppl.record_version_number, ppl.template_flag, ppl.resource_id manager_resource_id, ppl.probability_member_id,
ppl.probability_percentage project_probability_percentage, ppl.description project_description, ppl.public_sector, ppl.country_name, ppl.region,,
ppl.service_type_code, ppl.progress_status_code, ppl.progress_status_name, ppl.progress_report_end_date, decode(ppl.progress_icon, NULL, '', '<a
ortTypeId.value='''||ppl.report_type_id||''';document.forms[0].submit();"><IMG SRC="/OA_MEDIA/'||ppl.progress_icon||'" Border="0"></a>&nbsp;<a
ortTypeId.value='''||ppl.report_type_id||''';document.forms[0].submit();">'||ppl.progress_status_name||'</a>') progress_status,
decode(ppl.progress_icon_active, NULL, '', '<a
ortTypeId.value='''||ppl.report_type_id||''';document.forms[0].submit();"><IMG SRC="/OA_MEDIA/'||ppl.progress_icon_active||'" Border="0"></a>&nbsp;<a
ortTypeId.value='''||ppl.report_type_id||''';document.forms[0].submit();">'||ppl.progress_status_name||'</a>') progress_status_active, ppl.progress_icon,
ppl.progress_icon_active, ppl.psi_column4, ppl.psi_column5, ppl.psi_column6, ppl.psi_column7, ppl.psi_column8, ppl.psi_column9, ppl.psi_column10,
ppl.psi_column11, ppl.psi_column12, ppl.psi_column13, ppl.psi_column14, ppl.psi_column15, ppl.psi_column16, ppl.psi_column17, ppl.psi_column18,
ppl.psi_column19, ppl.psi_column20, ppl.psi_column21, ppl.psi_column22, ppl.psi_column23, ppl.psi_column24, ppl.psi_column25, ppl.psi_column26,
ppl.psi_column27, ppl.psi_column28, ppl.psi_column29, ppl.psi_column30, ppl.psi_column31, ppl.psi_column32, ppl.psi_column33,
ppl.psi_projfunc_currency_code currency_code, ppl.view_psi_columns view_psi_columns, ppl.opportunity_value, ppl.opp_value_currency_code,
ppl.projfunc_opp_value, ppl.projfunc_currency_code, ppl.project_opp_value, ppl.project_currency_code, ppl.report_type_name, ppl.report_type_id,
ppl.security_level, ppl.security_level_name, ppl.project_long_name, ppl.project_priority, ppl.project_start_date, ppl.project_finish_date,
ppl.actual_start_date, ppl.actual_finish_date, ppl.baseline_start_date, ppl.baseline_finish_date, ppl.scheduled_start_date, ppl.scheduled_finish_date,
ppl.target_start_date, ppl.target_finish_date from pa_project_lists_v ppl) QRSLT ORDER BY UPPER(project_name)

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Oracle Confidential
What the developer wants to see
Create Service View Object Editor : Edit NtfSVO

- Entity Objects
+ Attributes
Enable Secure Enterprise Search
- Search
- Alternate Keys
- Domain Value Sets Visibility Level Global
- Dynamic Attribute Groups
- Extra Service Properties Search Plug-In oracle.
- Query
Create Service - Tuning View Object Editor:UI Ntf SVO Name WF_ NTF_ DETAIL
+ Service Data Object
- Filter Data Object
- Entity Objects - Java View Attribute Attribute Properties Search
- Attributes - Properties Incremental Crawl Triggers
---- Notification Id
---- Row Id
---- Status Business Events
---- Recipient Role Indexed
---- Begin Date Events
---- Due Date oracle. employee . onDelete
---- End Date
Stored Displayed New
---- From User oracle. apps.po. purchaseOrder . onUpdate
---- To User Remove
Secured Using Search Plug -In
---- Subject
- Alternate Keys Date Columns
- Domain Value Sets
Date Column
- Dynamic Attribute Groups Visibility Level Global
- Extra Service Properties CREATION _ DATE New
- Tuning Data Binding STATUS Remove
+ Service Data Object
- Filter Data Object
- Java UI Function Parameter Name STATUS
- Properties
Help Apply OK Cancel

Help Apply OK Cancel

Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle Confidential
Search Objectives

• Easy
Easy to use.
Easy to develop.
Easy to maintain.
Easy to upgrade.
• No SQL -- 100% declarative.
• 30 minutes dev time when security is simple
• Reusable components. Build once, use everywhere.
• Functional
• Optimized for Search
• Full-text, case insensitivity, thesaurus, etc.
• Structured and unstructured
• All personalization features

Copyright ©2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Oracle Confidential
SES in EBS-- coming soon
Deep, Secure, Fast, Flexible and GLOBAL Search

• Status
• Requirements /Design complete
• Initial coding started ( Beta planned for October 2006 )
• Product Team prototypes underway
• Generic tool to ship in an ATG drop on top of R12
• Applications Commitment:
• Menu Navigation
• Workflow
• iRep
• Documentation
• Applications Interest:
• CRM – Customer, Partners, Cases, Service Requests
• FMS – Items, invoices, purchase orders, journals, budgets, contracts
• SCM – BOL, BOM, transportation, contracts
• HR – Employees, Benefits, Resumes

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SES in R12

• Loosely coupled with Applications

• Architecture supports pluggable search engines
• Rich Web UI
• Indexes built during, or after, primary app development
• Structured and unstructured data
• Applications security
• Accurate results
• Meta data driven
• Extensible renderers
• Easy to customization and/or personalization

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Oracle Confidential
SES Integration in R12
Enabling Semantic Applications

Fusion Middleware
Rich Web UI

Applications Foundation
Semantic Applications
Find my purchase orders for last month

Rendering Engine Meta Data Store

Searchable Business Object Categories

Who created purchase order 23453

Search Engines(e.g. SES)


Service Beans
Update PO

Create Job EBS

Approve Requisition


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Oracle Confidential
SES in R12 - Architecture

Admin Apps
Search Index
Metadata SES Stores
Design Apps Crawler
Time UI

Run Time
End User AppSearch Framework

Semantic Action Data

Engine Controller Security

Source Security
Developer BLAF
(Table, Policy
View, VO)

Applications Content

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Implementation Considerations

– Customers must also purchase and deploy SES

– ATG AppSearch extension released by ATG after Release 12

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Customization and Extensibility Options

– Metadata based: Search should work out of the box; no customization generally
– Customization is possible through SES definitions for stop words, “suggested
links,” alternative spellings, etc.
– Customizations through the tool are possible, but given security constraints not
– Key flex field support included in the drop
– No changes to any existing APIs

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Oracle Confidential
Q&A Quick Survey Question
Quick Survey Question

• Q. What will be the plan to migrate customized workflow's post Fusion when BPEL
becomes the underlying technology for E-Business Suite?
• A. Develop a set of guidelines and methodology that the customer can use. There will
be no automatic migration. We are building features into BPEL to support
customizations in a way which provides better life-cycle management.

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q. The latest JDeveloper release can transform any PL/SQL API with a few
clicks into a Web Service. Why don't we deliver with R12 or even with
R11i10 hundreds of Web Services based on all our PL/SLQ APIs?
• We can have hundreds of these services, but would they be really
useful to the customer?
Our PL/SQL Api’s are too fine grained, tightly
coupled (rely on internal ids in many cases) some of
the PL/SQL types are not compatible with Java
types. Best way is to wrap them in a Service Bean.

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q. Have we already converted some Workflows to BPEL format in

• A. No.

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q.Officially, Is WF recommended for internal integrations in r12

(human approbation, ...) and BPEL for external integrations (B2B)?
• A. Yes, Workflow is the only recommended choice for internal integrations in

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q.Is it possible in r12 to generate Web Services directly from a

button in Integration Repository?
• Yes. This support however is only available for Service Beans and
XML Gateway.

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q. What is the level of integration between Integration Repository and

JDeveloper : Can we browse the Integration Repository as an UDDI from
• Integration is via a download utility. No you cannot browse the
repository as an UDDI.

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q. Do we have any new feature in WF builder?

• A. No.

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q. Where is the digital signature stored for WF?

• A. In a table called WF_DIG_SIGS. We have a UI on top of this in R12 to
search the evidence store.

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Oracle Confidential
Quick Survey Question

• Q. How many web services will be provided in R12?

• A. The base technology to do this exists in R12. What you want to expose as
a web service is under review.

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Quick Survey Question

• Q. Are there any plans to replace workflow with BPEL?

• A. Not for R12. However in fusion there will be no workflow.

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Oracle Confidential
That’s all folks !
Thank You
Have a nice weekend
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Oracle Confidential

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