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Causes Effects
Some of these substances do not directly
The main sources of air pollution are
damage the quality of the air, but will react
industries, agriculture and traffic, as
with other substances already present in the
well as the generation of energy
air, forming harmful pollutants.

Excessive use of pesticide products in

agriculture: these substances affect and Climate change due to the greenhouse gases
alter the soil, also facilitating the
that accumulate in the atmosphere.
accumulation of gases in the air.

The mining extractions: for the extraction of Decrease in the ozone layer, which acts as a
many of these minerals. protective layer against ultraviolet radiation.
Writing objective…..
It is very well known that due to the indifference that many people lavish on the protection of
natural resources, they continue to do that bullying to the environment which is infinitely risky
for the interests of the survival of our descendants, because they are I would be denying the
privilege of having the resources to which they would have the same right as we do. And it is all
part of, what I have also said several times: the unconsciousness of the conscience of the human
being, product of its complicated, conflictive and selfish nature. On this occasion it is not
necessary to remember that saying repeatedly that negative anthropic actions have
repercussions on the environment; that the effects on the global climate are becoming more and
more rigorous or that it is increasingly visible that natural resources are becoming scarce
because they believe that they are extremely unlimited, so they do not require a plan for their
rational use and sustainable. Nor is it a question of noticing again how dangerous it is to get used
to daily bullying in the environment without having sequels in the short, medium or long term. I
do not even try to perpetuate the claims that there are many evidences of climate change
(scientifically and physically proven evidence) product of the actions of man whose extremely
negative impact are being noticed nowadays with increasing fury. To all this, I ask myself: is it
possible that the human being is not capable of transforming his self-destructive nature, even a
bit, in order to achieve the survival of his own descendants? If possible, in the hands of all is
the task of conserving the environment with actions that go in favor of it and with good

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