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What is architecture?

The architecture is a science, a art, a tool for create space for persons
and to get better your experience in the live, either in the work, home,
school, or in a theater, in general every space which the people self
relate. is thanks to architecture that is can to admire bigs oeuvre in the to
great scale and not only that if no also live them.
What is urban planning?
The urban planning is that which it allows the ordering the city and
every space urban, is thanks the urban planning which avoids create
places congested in the not possible develod the life human, as is in
the city, neighborhoods, in other spaces urbans which the people self
relate, is due to that to urban planning is so important. to it is necessity
know economy, polity, architecture and the that people mainly.
Are they different? similar? how?
The architecture and urban planning are different but too have similarities
because of that both must organize spaces with the intention of that the persons
can relate and develop the day to day. the difference more important is which
the urban planning is specialized in spaces ta great scale and the organization of
that build ta that no break with of the order the space and comply with that
polities while architecture is focus in the space inside.
Summary of the tex ’’ 5 Basic human concerns in

In the text '' 5 basic human concerns in architecture'' it is about explain as that
necessity human can be satisfied by architecture. in the text stand out in first place
the basic human concerns that understand that more basic like the food, water,

Starting of the these necessity basic, the architecture can cover until one of this
most primitive as the refuge, since the human no have fur or claws search a place in
of that is sure of the other animals and no only of this if not also of the weather.

In this sense the refuge allow that the human can to have a prospect of the place
and look out the area to avoid an attack by another animal. also, the process of find
a refuge it implies that exploration so that another basic concern would be met. is
important point that is the Thrill the reason why the human being feels fear and
presumably fear leads him to seek refuge and to seek it he has to explore.

Finally, having a refuge intensifies the dramatization of an asylum because in

homes multiple emotions can be experienced, as is the sense of security. this is
how architecture takes great importance in the basic concerns of man.
Summary of the tex ’’ 3 Main Problems Faced in Urban Planning’’
In the text ’’3 Main Problems Faced in Urban Planning’’ written by It Paujal Mondal is mainly a matter of giving to cook caules are those
problems that can be found or that can be presented to a urban planner. such as Individual Control or Small Parcels of Land, Arbitrary Political
Boundaries and Irregularity of Environmental Site.
The first problem is about small plots of private property but if all the people who own these plots come together, they would have more of
the city. The problem arises when in those plots there are buildings that share a wall, if an owner wants to make a remodeling or change in
the structure he will have to deal with the neighbor and if they can not reach an agreement it could generate conflicts in the urban
development of the city, avoid these problems, it is suggested that there is a type of municipal regulation.
The second problem is Arbitrary Political Boundaries. Here is explained what could be the consequences of not having a control in the
growth of the urban areas since this could cause a plot owner during a boom to build more lots of construction than are needed and that
would cause that the urban earning is distorted, for that reason it is necessary to have policies that regulate and mark the limits of the city
even those empty spaces.
The third problem addressed is Irregularity of Environmental Site, it is stated that to create a good urban plan it is necessary to know the
physical characteristics of the region, its climate, topography, hills, rivers. This is very important because these characteristics will determine
the most effective form of urban planning and also this differentiates each city. If these physical characteristics are not taken into account,
mistakes could be made at the time of the creation of streets, railroads and buildings since each physical aspect influences.
The fourth problem discussed in the text is the Heritage of the last construction. this represents a problem because the heritage of the past
does not meet the urban demands of today either because the streets are too narrow for current public transport or because there are
buildings such as factories that have had to move because the previous one no longer worked , the urban planner must deal with the
preservation of urban heritage and the construction of a space that meets current demands.
From all this arises another problem, which is the Anticipation of Future Change. the town planner can not have a clear idea of ​the things
that will happen in the future since a city does not always stay the same, however, it can make an approximation or a proposal of what could
happen and root of that take forecasts for the possible problems or inconveniences.
In synthesis, an urban planner must consider multiple variables when organizing or designing an urban space because otherwise it would
affect every person who lives in the place and this generates a big urban problem that affects all the progress of the city .city .

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