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A shopping mall can be said to be a privately owned public space. It is designed and constructed to profit financially the investors concerned while at the same
time it serves as a recreational and shopping destination for the public. As such, the design principles applied should enhance its success. Combining the two
words, a shopping mall can therefore be defined as a building or set of buildings that provide walkways for the public to walk from one unit to another within the
same building/set of buildings as they go about their business of exchanging goods and services for money.

Greek Agora
The word Agora is Greek for 'open place of assembly’ and, early in the history of
Greece, designated the area in the city where free-born citizens could gather to
hear civic announcements, muster for military campaigns or discuss politics.
Later the Agora defined the open-air, often tented, marketplace of a city (as it still
does in Greek) where merchants had their shops and where craftsmen made and
sold their wares. The original Agora of Athens was located below the Acropolis
near the building.

The Agora was a central spot in ancient Greek city-states. The Agora was an open ‘‘place
of assembly’’ in ancient Greek city-states. Mumford (1961) states that the most important
function of the agora was place for daily communications and formal and informal

Forum (Roman)

The Roman Forum is a small open rectangle surrounded by the ruins of ancient
government buildings at the center of the city of Rome. Citizens of the ancient city
referred to this marketplace as the Forum, a marketplace, along with the buildings
used for shops and the stoas used for open stalls. A stoa is a public space protected
from the sun and rain, it was an ideal place for social life of Mediterranean cities;
sometimes also meet business functions, staying trading posts.

19th century shops

For wealthy women shopping was a popular pastime in the 19th century. In the
late 19th century shopping arcades were built in many British towns. Also in the
late 19th century department stores became common. In the early 20th century
chain stores also became common although many shops were still family owned.

Modern time shops First shopping mall in India...

A shopping mall is a term, in which one or more buildings form a complex Type – shopping mall and commercial offices. Architectural style –
of shops representing merchandisers with interconnecting walkways that Modernism. Location – anna salai, chennai, INDIA. Constructed
enable customers to walk from unit to unit. started – 1863. Total floor – 8. Floor area – 1,068,000 sq ft (99,000 sq
m). ARCHITECT – C.R. Narayana Rao & co. Developer – Mangal tirth.

column spacing, store depths clear heights,parking and traffic shop
sizes & layouts show cases and shelving data planning guidelines
circulation escalators and passenger conveyors and lift life safety
sanitary installations air conditioning, heating and mechanical
ventilation water reuirements barrier free parameter

. COLUMN SPACING Significant dimension is along the mall as this

involves the widths, i.e. , frontages, of stores. Often used spaces are 20,
25 and 30 ft., with the last the most flexible .

STORE DEPTHS Buildings are usually 120 to 140 ft deep, sometimes

more to accommodate larger stores . If there are basements or
mezzanines, the depth dimension usually can be reduced 20 to 25 percent

CLEAR HEIGHTS These vary from 10 to 14 ft. or more, with 12 Ft. a

good average . Above this clear height, there must be adequate space for
air conditioning ducts, recessed lights, structural e system, etc.

PARKING AND TRAFFIC A ratio of between 5 and 6 car spaces per

1,000 sq. ft. of leasable store area is mandatory. In the matter of parking
layout, car stalls can be set at angles (say, 70‘ to the lanes, which then

requires one-way traffic; or stalls can be at 90' to the lanes, permitting


two-way traffic

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