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Interpersonal Skills and

Positive Approach – As
Source of Motivation

Presented By:-
Shamika Naik
Maitri Hegde
Sai Prakesh
Case Facts
• Vishwakarma machines and tools well known for the
production of products related to irrigation.

• The company was under the leadership of Mr. VM

Varma, chief engineer, who acquired BE in Mechanical
Engineering and MBA from Harvard University.

• Mr. Varma was very enthusiastic and was known for

his innovative ideas. He believed in strict discipline.

• He used to discuss any issues related to the new

product with the workers and foremen.

• He strongly believed that informal communication

and relations could strengthen emotional bond between
management and managed

• To him informal relation, healthy climate and non-

monetary rewards could contribute to the overall
productivity of the organization.

• Mr. Varma believed that ‘one should not insult fellow

workers and one must take care of their esteem’.
• Mr. Varma requested to create a post for production

• Bhupendrasingh was appointed as the new product

manager for the organization.

• He was young and energetic with charming

personality, but had no knowledge of Management.

• Bhupendrasingh believed that strict control was the

key to make people do their work best.

• Mr. Varma proposed a new model and he briefed

the issue to everyone in the meeting.

• Bhupendrasingh did not like the involvement of

foreman and other workers in the meeting.

• After few days, Bhupendrasingh found the

workers actively discussing about the new
product. He scolded them openly.

• He issued a show-case notice to all involved

in the meeting and also demanded an
explanation within a day.
• He circulated a notice that employees must not
conduct any meetings during the office hours.

• The superintendent felt insulted, did not respond

to the notice and without any intimation decided
not to come to the factory. The two foremen also
went on leave.

• By this incident Mr. Varma shortened his tour and

come back to India.

• He met many employees personally after office

hour and also discussed there situation with the
Problem Identification
• The product manager of the company Mr.
Bhupendrasingh had no knowledge of Management.

• He believed that strict control was the key to make

people do their best.

• Bhupendrasingh did not like the involvement of

foremen and other workers in the meetings.

• He did not have trust in his employee which created

discontent among the employees.

• The superintendent did not reply to the notice and

without any intimation he stopped come to the

• Two foremen also went on leave without any

Which key leadership and
motivation qualities does the
chief engineer posers ?

The Leadership and Motivational qualities that Mr.

Varma possess are :-

• He is known for his innovative ideas

• Enthusiastic in welcoming new ideas
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Effective Leadership
• Empathy
• Good Communicator
• Respectable
• Believes in Strict Discipline
What is your opinion about Mr. V
M Verma's interpersonal skills?

• VM Verma’s interpersonal skills is best for


• To manage the workplace there should be a proper

balance between formal and informal

• Informal communication helps to know the workers


• Mr. Verma had a good balance of formal and

informal communication this help him successfully
manage and understand the workers better
‘Managerial knowledge seems
inevitable to deal with employees
efficiency’. Give your opinion?

• Managerial knowledge seems inevitable to deal

with employees efficiency.

• Mr. Verma believe that informal communication

and interpersonal relations could strengthen
emotional bond between management and
employees. There was no employee who was
uninterested and everyone had a positive attitude.

• When Bhupendrasingh took charge, his strict and

rigid approach and exclusion belief led to employees
losing their interest. There was no personal touch in
his approach, which created discontentment among
the employees.
He lacked managerial knowledge.
How would you look at the
meeting held in Mr. Mahadev
Malhotra's office during office
hours? Was it fair to hold the
meeting during office hours?
A meeting was held during office hours among
superintendent , foremen and workers about the new

Though the meeting was held during the office

hours, they were discussing about the new product
and not something irrelative. It is a positive think
that the workers are taking interest and showing
enthusiasm in the new product.

On the other hand the product manager did not

exhibit trust in his employees.

In Our opinion it is ok if the employees are

discussing work during office hours.
Do you think that decision of Mr.
Mahadev and two foreman were
right? What else could have been
We don't think that the decision Mr. Mahadev and
the other foremen made was a good decision.

Mr. Mahadev felt insulted when Bhupendrasingh

scolded him and the other for men in front of
everyone for have conducted a meeting. That does
not mean that he should miss work.
He should have responded to the notice issued by his
senior and should have intimated that he would not
be coming to the factory.

The two foremen should have applied for leave and

not just absent themselves without any intimation .

They could have explained the fact in writing along

with some evidence and should have waited for Mr.
Varma’s return and could have taken him into

• In an organization it is important to maintain good

relations with everyone.

• Informal communication and interpersonal skills

are the key to strengthen the emotional bond
between the management and the employees.

• When a leader has a positive approach and

motivating ability, the employees will have a
positive attitude and will be enthusiastic to their

• Having a control over employees will only lead to

the fall of the organization. Employees will loose
their interest in there work and will not do their
work effectively.

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