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Learning Objectives

In this chapter you will learn about

 measures of central tendency
 levels of measurement

 measures of shape
Uses of Statistics

 provide information by organizing and
summarizing data
 describe the nature of a sample
Description of a data involves
 measures that best characterize a
frequency distribution
Measures of Central
Descriptive statistics
 measures that best characterize a
frequency distribution
the scores that are most “typical”
these measures describe scores that

group around a central value

Frequency Distribution
 The next slide shows the number of
prisoners executed
 Items are listed in order from the
highest to the lowest value
 The symbol x stands for the value of
the variable
 x = the number of inmates executed
f is the number of cases that assume a
certain value. f is the number of
states that have executed a number
of inmates.
Here, we see that one state has
executed 104 inmates. This is by far
the highest number.
fX is the sum of cases. A total of 303
offenders were executed in the U.S.
Table 3.1: Number of Inmates Executed Between 1977 and 1995

X f fX

104 1 104

36 1 36

29 1 29

22 1 22

20 1 20

17 1 17

11 1 11

8 1 8

7 1 7

6 1 6

5 3 15

4 3 12

3 1 3

2 3 6

1 5 5

0 25 0
Central Tendency
In a distribution, where do most of the
cases “cluster?”
Three measures of central tendency
 mode
 median
 mean
The Mode
The mode
 is the score that occurs most frequently
in a distribution
 In our table, zero (0) is the mode
 Twenty-five states (25 under the f
column) did not execute a single
convicted offender between 1977 and
The Mode
Note - the mode IS NOT 104!
 The mode is the more frequently
occurring category, in this case zero
 The mode is ALSO NOT 25!
 A frequency distribution may have more
than one mode
The Mode
If another value (number of states)
had a frequency of 25 in the table, it
would also have been the mode
 frequency distribution with two modes
is termed bimodal
 more than two modes, it is called
Properties of the Mode
The mode
 does not necessarily occur in or near
the center of a distribution
 can occur anywhere in a distribution
 does not indicate the variability
between scores in a distribution
 simply indicates the value(s) that occur
most frequently
The Median
In a frequency distribution
 scores are placed in order from lowest to
 the median is the middle of the
 It is the 50th percentile
 50% of the scores in the frequency
distribution fall below and above the median
Properties of the Median
Attributes of the median
 stability
 the median is unaffected by extreme
 it is calculated by counting the number
of cases
 it does not consider the value of the
Calculating the Median
The median can be calculated easily
and determined by inspection
 In the table, N (the number of cases) =
50 - the number of state
 determine where the middle case lies
 one half of 50 is 25
The Median
 The first number in the distribution,
zero, has a frequency of 25
 Therefore, the median is zero
 Half of the states executed no one
during the time period, 1977 to 1995
The Mean
The mean is
 the average score in a distribution
 calculated by adding all the scores
in a distribution and dividing the
total by the number of cases
Calculating the Mean
 a total of 303 inmates (fx = 303) were
executed between 1977 and 1995
 there were 50 states (N = 50)
 The mean is 6.06 (303/50)
 An average of six inmates were
executed by each jurisdiction during the
period 1977 – 1995
Characteristics of the Mean
The mean is
 unlike the mode and median
 the mean is sensitive to extreme scores
 Texas executed 104 inmates between
1977 and 1995
 The next closest jurisdiction executed
36 inmates
104 executions (Texas) were an
extreme score in this distribution. The
median for this distribution was zero.
Half of the jurisdictions executed one
or no inmates during this time period.
Yet, our mean was 6.06 – over six
points above the median. The Texas
executions drove up the average
number for the time period.
This attribute of the mean occurs
because it is computed by using the
value of each score in the
The mode and median fail to use the
value of each score in a distribution.
The mode is derived from the
frequency of the scores. The median
is based on the position of the
The mean is amenable to statistical
analysis and comparisons between
distributions while the mode and
median are not.
Also, the sum of the deviations from
the mean (how far each score stands
in relation to the mean) is zero.
Symmetric Distribution

zero skewness
mode = median = mean
Positively Skewed
Mean and
Median are
to the right of
the Mode
Negatively Skewed
Mean and
Median are
to the left of
the Mode
Levels of Measurement

Numbers are used to measure

like fear of crime
support for the police or capital
The numbers are used as a code
Statistically, the question is
 can we use mathematics to now
analyze this code that we have
 does it make sense to treat the
numbers as such and perform
arithmetic operations on them?
This code is called the level of
measurement. It involves converting
the concepts to numerical data.
There are four categories and each
have different attributes. However,
the levels of measurement are
cumulative, kind of like the steps on a
ladder. You have to step on the first
step to reach the second, and so on.
Each succeeding level
automatically possesses the
attributes of the level preceding it,
plus another distinct one.
Levels of Measurement
Nominal level:involves the process
of classifying data into categories.
When we classify respondents by
race or sex, we are using nominal
measurement (i.e., 1 – Male, 2 –
Nominal level measurement follows
three basic rules:
1. The list of categories must be
exhaustive and cover all the types
of observations made.
2. The categories must be mutually
exclusive. Each observation
can only be classified in one
3. No ordering (>) is present in the
list of categories. The order is
arbitrary and no one classification is
It does not make sense to discuss the
mean (average) or median (midpoint)
with nominal data.
It cannot be summed and divided, nor
can it be ranked in order from highest
to lowest.
Example: Table 3.2 from NCVS.
Table 3.2: Sex of Respondents in the National Crime Survey

Sex of Respondents Frequency Percentage

Male 524 52.1

Female 481 47.9

TOTALS 1005 100

Here we see that the majority of the
respondents are Male (52.1%).
Although everyone knows that women
are smarter, we cannot say that the
mutually exclusive categories of sex
are in rank order, or can we say that
one sex is “average.”
Ordinal level: Exists when we can also
detect degrees of difference between
the categories on the scale. The
values of the variable indicate order
or ranking. EXAMPLE:“Do you favor
or oppose the death penalty for
persons convicted of murder?”
Choices:(1) Favor (2) Oppose (3)
Neither (4) Don’t Know.

Ordinal level measurement requires

If A is > B and B is > C, A must be
greater than C or ordinal level
measurement is not present.
“Favor” is > “Oppose,” “Oppose” is >
“Neither,” “Neither is > “Don’t Know,”
and “Favor” is > “Don’t Know.”
“Do you favor the death penalty for
persons convicted of murder?”

Favor 727 72.6%

Oppose 177 17.6%

Neither 79 7.9%

Don’t 19 1.9%
Interval level: assumes that the
difference between each item on the
scale have equal units (or intervals)
of measurement between them. It
also assumes that this unit has a
common recognized meaning.
Ratio level: Data possessing a natural
zero point and organized into
measures for which differences are
Examples:A year is a common,
constant unit of measurement. Before
birth, a person is considered to have
zero years of age. with ratio level
For example, analysis of the age of
the respondents to the National
Crime Survey revealed that the
mean was 45.6 years.
The median or midpoint was 42.
The mode was also 42.
We can also compare groups of
respondents according to their age.
The fourteen survey respondents were
44 (lets call them “Group A”) and
twenty one respondents were 22
(Group B).
We draw the following conclusions
about Respondents from Groups A
and B:
They have different ages (Nominal
Members of Group A are 22 years
older than members of Group B
(Ordinal and Interval Measurement).
Members of Group A are twice as old
as members of Group B (Ratio

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