Tuberculosis: Caused By: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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Caused by: Mycobacterium tuberculosis

What we will cover

Incubation and Symptoms Cure and

Site of Action Prevention

Please keep your doubts till the end of the presentation

Incubation and Site of

In 1851: 1 out of 4 people living in Europe or America died due to Tuberculosis

First let’s see how
does Tuberculosis
get transferred
One of the major ways in which Tuberculosis is
spread is when infected people with active form
of illness cough or sneeze and the bacteria are
carried in the air in tiny droplets of liquid.
Transmission occurs when people who are
uninfected inhale the droplets.

The form of TB caused by M.bovis also occurs in

cattle and is spread to humans in meat and
Black = Healthy
Orange = Infected
Incubation Period and Site of Action

The incubation period

may vary from a few
weeks up to a several

Tuberculosis are curved

Rod-shaped cells which Site of action of
divide every 15-20 hours Tuberculosis is in the lungs.
However it can have
secondary infections in
lymph nodes, bones and
How Tuberculosis Infects a healthy human

It was not until 1882, when Robert Koch identified that TB is caused by an organism Mycobacterium
Symptoms of Tuberculosis

» Racking cough
» Racking cough is the type of cough that makes your whole body move and
» Coughing blood
» Chest Pain
» TB causes Chest pain when you breathe in, caused by inflammation of the membranes
lining your lungs
» Shortness of breath
» This is because of pleural effusion. A pleural effusion is excess fluid that accumulates in
the pleural cavity (the fluid-filled space that surrounds the lungs).

» Fever
» Sweating
» Weight loss
» Weight loss among people with TB can be caused by several factors, including reduced
food intake due to loss of appetite, nausea and abdominal pain.
Prevention and Cure

Global efforts have saved over 53 million lives from TB since 2000, according to The World Health Organization.
Cure for Tuberculosis

1) Cure for Inactive Tuberculosis: Medicine called isoniazid(INH) prescribed daily for a
period of 9 months.

2) Cure for Active Tuberculosis:

These are the most common medicines to cure Active TB:

• Isoniazid (INH), also called Dom-Isoniazid®, Isotamine®, or PMS-Isoniazid®. It

comes as pills or syrup.
• Rifampin (RMP), also called Rifadin® or Rofact®. It comes as pills.
• Pyrazinamide (PZA), also called PMS-Pyrazinamide® or Tebrazid®. It comes as pills.
• Ethambutol (EMB), also called Etibi®. It comes as pills.
Prevention of Tuberculosis

• The most important steps in preventing TB

transmission are:
1. Early detection of patients who may have infectious
2. Prompt application of TB isolation precautions.
3. Prompt initiation of effective treatment.
But wait…
There’s More!

In 1970 there was the first outbreak of drug-resistant TB in the US.

Drug-resistant TB

» Drug resistance occurs as a result of mutation in the bacterial

» Drug resistant TB are the cells that have been left behind by the
antibiotics and are resistant to that antibiotic.
» It is much more difficult and expensive to fight against the
infection of a drug resistant TB.
» To prevent drug resistant diseases, the WHO insists patients to
complete their dose even if they are feeling better.
» Also it is very useful if more than one type of antibiotic is
prescribed when dealing with active tuberculosis so the chances
of mutation are reduced.
I can take your
doubts now.

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