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Hymen Imperforatus
Atresia Labium minus
Hypertrophy Labium minus
Duplication of Vulva
Hypoplation of Vulva
Perineum disorder
Hymen Imperforatus

• Hymen (Hymenoralis) with no holes

• Unknown before menarche (mens first time)
• Menstrual blood collecting in the vagina himen stand
out and appear bluish (hematocolpos)
• Action: hymenectomy (Incision himen)
Imperforata Genitalia eksterna

Insisi himen
If Hematocolpos is not resolved  utero cavum will be filled
with menstrual blood and will enlarge  Hematometra

• Vaginal septum
• Aplasia and Vaginal atresia
• Vaginal cysts
Vaginal septum

• The sagittal partition on the vagina

• Etiology: Disorders in the fusion or canonization of both
duct mulleri
• Rarely raises complaints sometimes arises Dispareuni
(pain during the bun)
• Newly discovered during gynecologic examination
• Normal menstruation
• When childbirth can be ripped spontaneously
Septum Vagina
Vagina aplasia/Vaginal agenesis

• No vagina or just a shallow basin

• Etiology: Duct Mulleri After fusion does not develop and
does not conduct canonization
• Usually accompanied by a an rudimentary uterus (not
• Action: vaginal manufacture (Neo vagina)
Agenesis vagina Neo vagina (pembuatan vagina)
Vaginal cysts

• There are 2 kinds of cysts

1.From the remnants of the epithelial duct mulleri
2.From the remnants of the duct Gardner located in
anterolateral Vagina

• Action: Removal of the cyst by taking the capsule

• Congenital abnormalities of the uterus and tuba due to
impaired growth of Mulleri duct, namely:
1. No formationThe duct of Mulleri
2. Disturbances in the canonization after fusion
Bikornu Uterus

Bikornu Unikolis
(1 cervix, 2 horns, 1 kav uteri, 1
tuba, 1 ovary
Bikornu Bikollis (Didelphys
2 separate sections, 2
vagina, 1 vagina with a
Uterine arcuatus

• On the fundus it appears that the basin passed into

Impact on pregnancy and menstruation

• 25% can be pregnant and regular maternity

• Menstruation: Dismenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Metrorragia
• Sex Hub: Dyspareunia
• Infertility

• No ovarian growth occurs infrequently

• When there is usually accompanied not the growth of the
tubes Also
Congenital abnormalities of the reproductive system due to
chromoson abnormalities

• Turner syndrome (45 XO)

• Super Female (47 XXX)
• Kleinefelter syndrome (47 XXX)
• Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
• Edward syndrome (trisomy 18)
• Por syndrome (trisomy 13)
Turner syndrome (45 XO)
• Female, short (< 150 cm)
• Primary Amenorhea
• Pterigium Colli (webbed neck)
• Nevus (small moles)
• Aortic coarctation
• Valgus Kubitus
• Secondary genital does not grow
• Genitalia Externna does not grow
• Normal intelligence
Webbed neck
Disorders caused by hormonal influence

• Masculinization in women with female chromosomes

(Adrenogenital hyperplasia syndrome)
• Testicular feminization syndrome (male genotypes, female
Adreogenital syndrome

Hipertrofi klitoris
Testicular feminization

Female traits
No radiology
interna Woman
There are
testicles (in the
abdomen, or on
the inguinal
canalis, in
Labium Mayus)
Good mamma

• Must be carefully and thoroughly (chromosome

examination, hormonal, interna and external radiology)
• Determination of the status of women/men must be

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