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Maintain Effective Relationship with

Definition of Terms
• Child and Elder Care- a task
of domestic worker to take
care of children from infant
through adolescent. An
elderly member of the
household may also need a
domestic worker’s care. This
work may involve bathing,
companionship, and
assistance with doctor’s visit.
• Cleaning- daily chores like cleaning floor,
furniture, windows and the whole room,
ironing, and laundry.
• Cooking- prepared by a domestic
helper and served to the family.
• Customer- the recipient of goods,
services, products and etc.
• Description of the service- sketches
and brief description of the service are
to be made.
• Domestic helpers- person who do
services in employer’s home that is
desirable and enjoyable to the family.
• Laundry- done by housekeeper daily
by separating whites, colored and
delicate apparel. It involves household
laundry hampers.
• Objective/s- the goal you want to
• Protective paraphernalia- tools or
materials used in or necessary for a
particular activity.
• Hygiene- practices perceived to be
associated with the preservation of
health and healthy living.
• Material, tools, and equipment- an
itemized listing of material sand
supplies needed.
Name of the Service
• refers to the end product or
the result of the activity. This
should state briefly and
cohesively what is to be
created as the service.
Personal grooming
• (also called titivating
and preening) is the art
of cleaning, grooming,
and maintaining parts of
the body. It is a species-
typical behavior that is
controlled by neural
circuits in the brain.
Personal hygiene
• refers to practices that lead to
cleanliness and health
• refers to the process in
which the service is
completed. A step-by-step
instruction is preferred.
• The purpose of the household work
profession is rooted in a set of core values.
• These core values, embraced by
household workers throughout the
profession’s history, are the foundation of
household work’s unique purpose and
• Household workers elevate service
to others above self interest.
• They draw on their knowledge,
values, and skills to help people in
need of doing household services for
• Household workers treat each person in a
caring and respectful fashion, mindful of
• differences and cultural and ethnic
diversity. They seek to enhance customers’
capacity and
• opportunity to address their own needs.
• Household workers understand
that relationships between and
among people are an important
vehicle for efficiency. They
engage people as partners in the
helping process.
• Household workers are continually aware of the
profession’s mission, values, ethical principles,
and ethical standards and practice in a manner
consistent with them.
• They act honestly and responsibly and promote
ethical practices on the part of the organizations
with which they are affiliated.
• Household workers continually
strive to increase their professional
knowledge and skills and to apply
them in practice.
• They should aspire to contribute to
the knowledge base of the
• The following ethical standards are relevant to
the professional activities of all household
workers. These standards concern
• (1) household workers’ ethical responsibilities
to clients,
• (2) household workers’ ethical responsibilities
to colleagues, and
• (3) household workers’ ethical responsibilities
as professionals.
• Commitment to Clients. Household
workers’ primary responsibility is to
promote the well being of clients
through doing household tasks for
• Self Determination. Household
workers respect and promote
the right of clients through
assisting them in their efforts
to accomplish their jobs at the
most convenient time
• Competence. Household workers
should provide services and
represent themselves as
competent within the boundaries
of their education, training, license,
certification, supervised
experience, or other relevant
professional experience.
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