Martial Law Powerpoint

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 Four instances:

1. During Spanish colonization (August 30,1896)

2. Americans attack Japanese forces
“Proclamation No. 29” (September 21, 1944)
3. Marcos Administration “Proclamation No. 1081
(September 21, 1972)
4. Maguindanao Massacre “Proclamation No.
1959” (December 5, 2009)
 President Marcos became a dictator
for 14 years-from 1972 to 1986.
 A Dictator is a ruler who has total
power. (Dictatorship is the opposite
of a democracy).
 Democracy in the Philippines died on
September 21,1972 when martial law was
 President Marcos secretly signed the martial
law order on September 21,but he announced
it only two days later.
 President Marcos said he ordered martial law
in order to "save the republic and reform the
 During martial law, President Marcos ruled as a dictator
with the support of the military.
 Under martial law, the Philippine government was changed
by President Marcos.
 The changes during martial law era:
1.A new constitution; The 1973 Constitution
2.Death of Democracy;
3.Reorganization of government (also known as
Government Reorganization)
4.Control by Marcos Family and Cronies
5.Strong Military Power.
 On January 17,1981,President Marcos
ended martial law.
 On January 16,1981
 On June 30,1981 the new Philippine
Republic was inaugurated at extravagant
ceremonies in Rizal Park.(Luneta)
 Dark clouds hovered over the horizon.

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