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Presented by:
Ms. Althea Sophia S. Palma
1. Subject-centered curriculum design

■ This tends to focus on the subject rather than the individual.

■ Also known as the Knowledge centered curriculum.
2. Learner-centered curriculum design
■ Allows learners to shape their education through their own choices.
■ This curriculum design considers the ever changing needs, interests and goals
■ This curriculum design requires teachers to balance the learner’s wants and
interests as well as their needs and required outcomes from them which is a pretty
challenging task.
■ .
Problem-centered curriculum design.

■ Focus on teaching students how to look at a problem and come up solution to the
■ Make use of real-life issues which develop skills for the outside world.
■ Encourages creativity and innovation for students while they are learning.
■ Learning styles are oftenly not taken into consideration.

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