Conditions To Prevent Accident

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Conditions to

Objectives of this Topic

• To outline the difference between reactive

and pro-active means of accident prevention.

• To provide a general overview of the different

types of accident prevention measures
common in industry today.

• To define the hierarchy of risk control.

Accident Prevention

• Requires the creation and maintenance of a safe

working environment, and the promotion of safe
• Originally a reactive process - waiting for accidents or
ill health to happen and then devising and
implementing a prevention control.
Accident Prevention


Investigate accident – process and outcome

steered by the pre-conceptions of the
investigators about accident causation.

Attribute primary cause to Attribute primary cause to

shortcomings in the behaviour of the shortcomings in the physical working
injured person (unsafe acts) environment (unsafe conditions)

Devise a RULE forbidding the Devise a TECHNICAL solution (e.g.

behaviour identified to prevent a re- guards, PPE) to make the conditions
occurrence of the unsafe act. safe to protect people from the
Unsafe Acts & Conditions in Quarries
Unsafe Acts Unsafe Conditions
• Operating equipment at • Inadequate guards
improper speeds • Defective tools or equipment
• Operating equipment with • Congestion of working area
authority • Poor housekeeping
• Using equipment improperly • Excessive noise
• Using defective equipment • Poor illumination
• Failure to wear PPE • Poor ventilation
• Taking and improper working
• Servicing equipment in motion
• Defeating safety devices
Operating Procedures
• Most common form of control measure
• In some cases the only practical way of managing a particular
• Should allow for methodical execution of tasks.
• Should address the hazards that have been identified in the risk
• Requirement of law - Section 10 of the Quarry Regulations,
1999, it is ‘the duty of the quarry operator to ensure that rules
and procedures are in place for reasons of health and safety’.
A Safe System of Work
• Eliminates identified hazards and controls others.
• Plans to achieve the controlled completion of the
work with minimum risk.
• Fundamental to accident prevention.
• Should fully document the hazards, precautions and
safe working methods.
1. Safe design.
2. Safe installation.
Framework for Safe
3. Safe premises and plant.
4. Safe tools and equipment.
System of Work
5. Correct use of plant, tools and equipment.
6. Effective planned maintenance of plant and equipment.
7. Proper working environment ensuring adequate lighting, heating and ventilation.
8. Trained and competent employees.
9. Adequate and competent supervision.
10. Enforcement of safety policy and rules.
11. Additional protection for vulnerable employees.
12. Formalised issue and proper utilisation of all necessary clothing.
13. Continued emphasis on adherence to the agreed safe method of work.
14. Regular annual reviews of all systems of work to ensure:-
 Compliance with current legislation.
 Systems are still workable in practice.
 Plant modifications are accounted for.
 Substituted materials are allowed for.
 New work methods are incorporated into the system.
 Advances in technology are exploited.
 Proper precautions in light of any accidents are taken.
 Continued involvement in and awareness of the importance of written safe systems of

15. Regular feedback to all concerned.


Concerned with the reliability of machines or

Permits to Work (PTW)

• Formal ‘safe system of work’

• Not generally used for low risk operations.
• Permit to Work Systems are required by Regulation
18 of the Quarry Regulations, 1999.
Permit to Work
The essential elements of a PTW scheme are:
• Full explanation of the hazards involved to the workforce.
• The work to be carried out is properly detailed and understood
by both sides.
• The area in which the work to be carried out is properly detailed
and understood by both sides.
• The area is which the work is to be carried out is clearly
identified and made safe, or the hazards are highlighted.
• The workmen must sign the permit to say that they fully
understand the work that is to be carried out, and the hazards
and potential risks to be faced.
• When the work is finished, the workmen must sign off the permit
to say that they have completed the specified work and left the
operation in a suitable state.
Training helps people acquire the skills, knowledge and
attitudes to make them competent in the health and
safety aspects of their work.

There are generally two types of safety training:-

• Specific safety training (or on the job training) for tasks of a

specific nature.
• Planned training, such as general safety training, induction
training, management training, skill training or refresher
courses, that are planned by the organisation.
Personnel Protective Equipment

Personnel protective equipment (PPE) may be

broadly divided as follows:
– Hearing protection.
– Respiratory protection.
– Eye and face protection.
– Protective clothing.

PPE does nothing to stop the hazard at source,

but simply provides protection to reduce the
severity of the potential accident.
Personnel Protective Equipment
It is only an effective control if worn and so any
organisation which provides for the issue of
PPE should:

– Carry adequate stock.

– Enable accessibility at appropriate times.
– Respond to changing demands.
– Have a system for exchanging equipment.
– Be managed to ensure its effective running.

WHERE Eye Head Foot/Toe

NEEDED Where machines or Where there is danger In areas where there is a
operations present a from impact and potential for foot or toe
danger from flung objects,, penetration from falling or injuries.
hazardous liquids, or flying objects or from
injurious radiation. limited electric shock.
TYPES OF Goggles, full face shields, Safety hats full brim, Impact and compression
PROTECTION safety glasses, side- brimless, limited voltage resistance, metatarsal
shields, welders’ lenses protection, no voltage protection, puncture
(should meet standards). protection, (should meet resistance, electrical
standards). hazard resistance,

FITTING Comfortable fit (not Comfortable, proper fit. Proper fit.

REQUIREMENT interfere with movement).

SUGGESTED Date issued, reissued, Date issued, type issued, Date issued, amount
RECORDS type issued, instructions instructions given (need to reimbursed, instructions
given wear, maintenance, given (need to wear,
disciplinary action). maintenance, disciplinary

EXAMINATIONS Visual acuity, depth

NEEDED perception.

WHERE Hand Hearing Respiratory

NEEDED Danger of cuts, or from Noise exposure that equals In areas that present a
handling corrosives, solvents, or exceeds 85 dBA in an 8- limited breathable
or other chemicals. hour time-weighted period. environment

TYPES OF Cotton/leather gloves; Full muffs, disposable Air-purifying respirators,

PROTECTION gauntlets; heat-resistant plugs, Swedish wool, non- chemical cartridge
gloves; barrier creams; chain disposable plugs. (Should respirators, air-supplied
mail gloves; haly-gloves; meet standards). respirators, combination
rubber gloves. (Should meet respirators, self contained
standards). breathing devices. (Should
meet standards).

FITTING Proper fit. Proper fit, correct type for Significant fitting
REQUIREMENTS noise exposure. requirements.

SUGGESTED Date issued, reissued, type Audiometric exam, date Date issued, reissued, type
RECORDS issued, instructions given, issued, instructions given issued, instructions given
(need to wear, maintenance, (need to wear, effects of (respiratory hazards
conservation, disciplinary noise, cleaning, present; functions; fit
action.) conservation, fitting, testing; proper utilisation,
disciplinary action.) cleaning and maintenance;
conservation, disciplinary
EXAMINATIONS Audiometric Pulmonary function.
NEEDED (baseline and annual).
Hierarchy of Control Measures

Eliminate risk by substituting the dangerous

for the less dangerous, e.g.

• Use less hazardous substances.

• Substitute a type of machine which is better guarded
to make the same product.
• Avoid the use of certain processes.
Combat risks at source by engineering
controls and giving collective protective
measures priority, e.g:

• Separate the operator from the risk of exposure to a known

hazardous substance by enclosing the process.
• Protect the dangerous parts of a machine by guarding.
• Design process machinery and work activities to minimise the
release, or to suppress or contain airborne hazards.
• Design machinery which is remotely operated and to which
materials are fed automatically, thus separating the operator
from danger areas.
Minimise risk by:

• Designing suitable systems of working

• Using personal protective clothing and equipment,
this should only be used as a last resort.

The hierarchy reflects an increased reliability

in risk elimination and control by the use of
physical engineering controls and safeguards
compared to reliance on employees.
Accident Prevention – What can you do?
-Always use the correct equipment for the task.
-Think of others, be observant.
-Make sure you fully understand any instructions, if in
doubt ASK.
-Never ignore safety instructions.
Batch 2019 ☺☺☺☺

THE END!!!!!!!

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