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Chapter I

Welcome to the Hospitality


Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
After Reading and Studying This
Chapter, You Should Be Able to:
 Describe the characteristics of the hospitality
 Explain corporate philosophy
 Discuss why service has become such an
important facet of the hospitality industry

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
The Pineapple Tradition
 Symbol of welcome, friendship, and hospitality
 Recognized internationally
 Foundation for concept of “SERVICE”

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Hospitality and Tourism

 Largest and fastest growing industries

 Common dynamics:
 Delivery of services and products
 Customer and guest impressions are

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Scope of Hospitality and Tourism
 Travel  Meetings, Conventions,
 Air and Expositions
 Cruise  Restaurants
 Rail
 Coach
 Managed services
 Auto  Recreation
 Ecotourism  Attractions
 Gaming
 Lodging
 Parks
 Hotels
 Recreation
 Motels

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 1-1
Scope of the Hospitality-Tourism Industry

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Characteristics of the Hospitality
 Product is intangible and perishable
 No such thing as business hours
 Hospitality operations run on a 24-hour
basis all year round
 Characterized by shift work

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Corporate Philosophy
 Philosophy:
 Shifttoward greater employee empowerment
 Strong links to TQM
 Service philosophy is a way of life

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Corporate Culture
 Culture:
 Overall style and feel of the company
 Mission statement:
 Central purposes, strategies, and values

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Corporate Culture (cont.)
 Goal:
 Broad statement geared toward
 Strategy/tactics:
 Actions needed to reach goals

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
“Seven Deadly Sins of Service”
1. Apathy
2. Brush-off
3. Coldness
4. Condescension
5. Robotics
6. Rule book
7. Runaround

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
For Success in Service We
Need to:
 Focus on the guest
 Understand the role of the guest-contact
 Weave a service culture into education
and training systems
 Thrive on change

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Moments of Truth
 Examples in a restaurant:
 Guest calls for reservation
 Guest tries to find restaurant
 Guest parking
 Guest welcome
 Guest is told table is not ready
 Guest goes to lounge for a cocktail

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
Disney Service Model
 Smile
 Make Eye contact
 Respect and welcome all guests
 Value the magic
 Initiate guest contact
 Creative service solutions
 End with a “thank you”

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.
 Globalization
 Safety and security
 Diversity
 Service
 Technology
 Legal issues
 Changing demographics
 Price-value
 Sanitation
 Security

Walker: Introduction to Hospitality © 2007 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River,

Management, 2nd edition NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.

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