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Determining Appropriate

Evaluation Instruments
What is Evaluation?
Evaluation is the systematic
process of collecting, analyzing,
and interpreting information to
determine the extent to which
students are achieving
instructional objectives.
 Determine the entire scope and range
of the project for evaluation .
 Select a simple instrument.
 Review the criteria for administering
the project or program
 Develop a survey to ask the
participants about the type of
information they will need at the
project’s conclusion before moving
forward or taking the project to the next
 Review the needs assessment and
survey data to determine which
evaluation tool to use.
 Conduct Internet search for each
identified evaluation instrument when
conducting a survey.
 Prepare a report outlining each
evaluation instrument and explaining
the need for it.
Pre-Assessment Knowledge
 Is a test students can take before a new
unit to find out what the students need
more instruction on and what they may
already know.
Methods for Assessing
Prior Knowledge and Skills

Concept inventories
Concept Maps
Self-assessment probes
Formative Assessment
 Is a process used by teachers and
students during instruction that provide
feedback for possible adjustment to
ongoing teaching and learning to help
students improve their achievement of
intended instructional outcomes
Formative Evaluation Strategies
- “I Learned” statements interviews
- Oral Presentation -Quiz
-Problem solving activities -Questioning
Why should formative
assessment be used in
the classroom?
-Summative evaluation is used to
evaluate student learning at the
conclusion of a specific
instructional period-typically at the
end of a unit, course, semester,
program, or school year..
Summative Evaluation Strategies
-Unit test - Performance Task
-Product/Exhibit -Demonstration
- Portfolio review

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