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What is community
Definition of community Engagement
 The process of working collaboratively with and
through groups of people affiliated by geographic
proximity, special interest, or similar situations to
address issues affecting the well-being of those

 Itis a powerful vehicle for bringing about

environmental and behavioural changes that may
improve the health of the community and its
Goals of community engagements

To build trust

To enlist new resources and allies
To create better communication, and
To improve overall health outcomes as
successful projects, evolve into lasting
Why is Community Engagement needed?

 To engage a community in the discussion increase

the level of awareness among its members

 Itallows individuals to advocate for their ideas and

offers a format to gather advice or guidance based
on the community’s availability expertise and
It is needed to guide the development of the
project agenda by:

 Expanding or redefining the focus of the initiative

 Identifying unexposed information and
 Creatinga network of revenue sources and funding

 With community engagement, the diversity and the number

of identified stake holders can be expected to increase.
Who can make it happen?

What is the process?
 There should be a a shared and defined purpose;
 Willingness to cooperate;
 Commitment to contribute positively;
 Participation coming from the right persons
 There should be an open and credible process
 Theinvolvement of a community leader with
credibility .
The dynamics of Group Decision- Making

 Create a favourable environment for dialogue

 Define the first issue
 Gather the availability data/facts
 Clarify the issues in relations with the values, ethics, vision
and mission
 Search /be opened for alternative solutions
 Select the best practice/solution
 Implement the plan
 Evaluate/ assess the impact
 Revise the plan and assess again.
The 6 thinking hats

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